Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1101 Spoilers Discussion

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How do those parents have agency ? i sure they just get out country in war easy.
Politicians do have and they decide fuck people over to take away there agency.
Which why they take away women agency to have a abortion in certain states.
But i guess easy for poor people just go some where else
Like i said human have become rather good at taking away other agency with capitalism , politics etc etc with evil they do .
Even politicians don't have agency. If they do certain things wrong, their power or even life is in jeopardy so they maintain the status quo.
Why would the world's richest person like Elon Musk bow down to authority if he could do anything he wanted to? Because there are things even he can't change. He could lose his money within hours if he tried to do something to change the status quo.
...okay I am gonna call bullshit that Bonney merely has the age fruit. I think this is something different and some actual imaginary stuff.

Probably merely looked like Age powers cause she wanted to be older.
Now she imagines to be Nika to defeat Alpha.
Would legit make far more sense to just be an imagine fruit than age at this point. She's literally just reality warping now.
I think we look at the age DF to simple .
There shit ton of things that can effect how age and look .
Oda even gave use eg of this when drew differnt types of luffy at certain ages.
Okay this is the best thing to come out of this flashback
you think parents can’t decide between abusing their kids or not?
Some can't. The parents themselves have been indoctrinated or traumatised to the extent where they can't control their actions.
For example, addiction. If you are an alcohol addict, you can't just quit alcohol. You literally go insane because of withdrawal. And when they are drunk, they abuse their children.
Or other people born with disorders. A person with Borderline Personality Disorder or Bipolar Disorder can't control their emotions very well. It's not simply a matter of "you choose to". There are many things that you can't just choose to do. You may find a way to solve the problem but the damage is done.
That damage is fate.
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