Break Week Luffy’s reaction if Zoro killed Sanji

Luffy: Oh no! Who will cook now?!
Chopper: Remember, Vegapunk had a food machine...
Luffy: Oh, okay then!
Luffy declared he can't be pirate king without Sanji. Not without his cooking, without HIM.

This is illustrated by the fact that Luffy asked Sanji to join BEFORE he ever tasted his food. Wanting him for him, and his role only second. A very symbolic difference when it came back in WCI with Luffy's statement (and why I hate the Live Action for changing it,)

Thus Sanji could never be replaced because even to Luffy, Sanji's cooking comes second to Sanji himself.


Cope Doctor
Are you stupid?

I'm saying he said he couldn't be pirate king without Sanji, not without Sanji's cooking but without him, without Sanji.
Sanji can cook + hes equal in strenght and fighting power to Zoro. So he is way more usefull. Zoro doesnt even clean the ship just sleeps and drinks . And gets lost.


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
Luffy declared he can't be pirate king without Sanji. Not without his cooking, without HIM.

This is illustrated by the fact that Luffy asked Sanji to join BEFORE he ever tasted his food. Wanting him for him, and his role only second. A very symbolic difference when it came back in WCI with Luffy's statement (and why I hate the Live Action for changing it,)

Thus Sanji could never be replaced because even to Luffy, Sanji's cooking comes second to Sanji himself.

And, he meant sanji's cooking.

In SHs, everyone is important to each other because they all have set roles.

Like a jig-saw puzzle - take one out and puzzle is incomplete.

So, as a friend, definitely he meant sanji as a person but it can't be denied luffy appreciates sanji as a cook the most