Kingdom 780 - Offense and Defense in the Central Army

No, I’m saying Renpa’s weight was never portrayed any differently than Gaimou’s or Gyou’Un’s because this is explicitly what the only character who ever faced all three of them in combat has told us lmfao.
So from that, you somehow arrived at “yes Shin stated Gaimou and Gyou’Un had identical weight to Renpa but Renpa would give them the weightless treatment anyway”
Those are the three oponnents Shin crossed blades with that had weight up to that point. Shin is comparing the very same feeling to the only ever previous times he has experienced this.

Have you even realised that the Manga stressed that blows with weight have a distinct feeling to weightless blows ?
Shin was comparing Gaimou's blow to the last time he felt the same and then Gyou'Un to Gaimou.

You literally take these moments to say "yep this means that these fighters are all equal" lmao.

Well seeing as how Ouki never crossed blades with Gaimou, he would have no way of knowing that Gaimou’s weight was equal to Renpa’s like Shin did. Ouki had a low opinion on Gaimou for Gaimou’s philosophy on war, not because he had crossed blades with him and found his weight lacking lol.

If Ouki had actually fought Gaimou and treated him like this I might agree with you, but Ouki never did, and the one guy who fought both Renpa and Gaimou and lived to tell about it said they had equal weight. Lol
Lmao. Look at you trying to save face for Gaimou. As I've told you Gaimou is not on the same calibre of General as Renpa and Ouki.

Ouki didn't take this man serious. Everything that happened in that short exchange let to the same and obvious take away that Gaimou was not on their level.

Even when Gaimou found something worth fighting for Ouki knew he could've killed him at any time, the same Ouki that knew RBK is an enemy of unprecedented level from the very first moment he saw him.

No matter how you try to spin it. That exchange of Ouki and Renpa vs Gaimou tells you all you need to know. It wasn't a coincidence that both had the same reaction.

If you think the likes of Kaishibou, Gaimou and Ouki, Renpa are on the same tier then I must ask which Manga are you reading ?
Lmao. Ridiculous.

Even worse we now went on to Ji Aga = Moubu
Honestly wondering where Hara plans to take Denrimi from here on, I could actually see him dealing some serious damage to the Seika generals or it's just going to backfire spectacularly.
Honestly wondering where Hara plans to take Denrimi from here on, I could actually see him dealing some serious damage to the Seika generals or it's just going to backfire spectacularly.
I think they will force Kan Saro to shine but in the end they probably end being hypetools only.

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
You literally take these moments to say "yep this means that these fighters are all equal" lmao.
Wasn’t it you who just said Weight invalidated all other combat stats? Lmfao

Houken was stronger than Ouki,

Faster than Ouki,

More skilled than Ouki,

Was consistently landing wounding-blows on Ouki,

And yet Ouki still almost killed him anyway because Ouki’s Weight more than made up for all the areas that Houken surpassed him in.

But now you’re trying to argue that just because the manga stressed that Renpa, Gaimou, and Gyou’Un all gave equal weight doesn’t mean they’re equals as fighters? Lol

Everything that happened in that short exchange let to the same and obvious take away that Gaimou was not on their level.
As a General, maybe. You do know that being a better General than someone says nothing about combat strength right? Put Rinshoujou in a 1v1 against Gyou’Un and see how much Rinshoujou’s 3GH title helps him there lol. Put Koshou in a 1v1 against Jiaga and let’s see what the Qin 6 title is worth lol.

Once again, Ouki disrespected Gaimou for his philosophy on war. You can misread this scene up down left and right but at the end of the day the manga portrayed the Fire Dragons as having fought equally with the Qin 6 and the Zhao 3. The one character who ever clashed with Gaimou and Renpa said they had equal weight. “Exactly the same”. Fuck, Hara even gave Renpa and Gaimou both 97 strength stats lmfao.

So again you keep using one scene, which when read correctly says nothing about combat prowess, and using it to dismiss the repeated evidence Hara gives us about Renpa and Gaimou being equals in combat lmfao.

Literally no clue why you think Renpa is some unparalleled warrior who beats everyone but Ouki, absolutely no idea where this horrendous overestimation comes from. There’s been half a dozen characters directly compared to Renpa as a warrior at this point, and Renpa’s equal in Rinshoujou couldn’t even lift a damn Glaive lol.

Even when Gaimou found something worth fighting for Ouki knew he could've killed him at any time, the same Ouki that knew RBK is an enemy of unprecedented level from the very first moment he saw him.
So I guess every other instance of character’s disrespecting each other is valid then?

Bayou Moubu said he would crush Ouki easily. I guess Bayou Moubu negs Ouki.

Shoumou was confident he would kill Ouki. Glad to know that because Shoumou disrespected Ouki this means Shoumou would beat Ouki lol.

Rinbukun said he would have beaten Ouki in a fight. Glad to know that’s accurate as well.

Let’s continue to dismiss the mountains of evidence to the contrary, Ouki is clearly weaker than Shoumou and Rinbukun because iN mY oPiNiOn all the evidence doesn’t count!

That exchange of Ouki and Renpa vs Gaimou tells you all you need to know.
And why the fuck you keep crediting Ouki’s scene with Gaimou to Renpa lmfao??? “Renpa was Ouki’s equal” okay and Rinshoujou was Renpa’s equal and Rinshoujou would get utterly and horribly negged in a 1v1 with Suugen.

If you think the likes of Kaishibou, Gaimou and Ouki, Renpa are on the same tier then I must ask which Manga are you reading ?
Funny, because it’s you who is saying all of the evidence doesn’t count because you have an opinion that you can’t really substantiate with anything from the actual manga lol.

“Shin says Gaimou and Renpa had exactly the same weight”->proceeds to diarrhea shit all over your keyboard about how this doesn’t count because in your opinion Shin didn’t really mean exactly the same…

Genpou, the most credible motherfucker in the damn manga on this topic said Renpa and Kaishibou were equals-> “oh but Genpou know about weight!” Despite Kanmei’s Chu strategist explicitly stating that Weight is common knowledge among high level commanders and Genpou is likely an even better strategist than this guy…

Half a dozen commanders are stated by highly credible sources to be in the same strength tier as Renpa-> “Excuse me, do you have a few minutes for me to explain why the Weightless Houken is somehow relevant to this conversation?”

Fuck out of here bro lmfao…


𝕷𝖔𝖗𝖉 𝖔𝖋 𝕸𝖔𝖔𝖓'𝖘 𝕾𝖕𝖆𝖜𝖓
Regardless of what you actually think about Jiaga's power level, the fact that the "easiest" one is considered to be the guy who was directly compared to Moubu is some serious hype for Seika

Post automatically merged:

Ousen army going to get fucked


𝕷𝖔𝖗𝖉 𝖔𝖋 𝕸𝖔𝖔𝖓'𝖘 𝕾𝖕𝖆𝖜𝖓
I wish Hara didn’t make characters say shit that aren’t true.
meh characters constantly being correct about things that they shouldn't know about is even worse. I don't mind characters making inaccurate statements or exaggerating if they aren't credible or knowledgable about the subject. It's more realistic, though it sucks when you're powerscaling
meh characters constantly being correct about things that they shouldn't know about is even worse. I don't mind characters making inaccurate statements or exaggerating if they aren't credible or knowledgable about the subject. It's more realistic, though it sucks when you're powerscaling
Characters shouldn't know everything
Everyone should just go based on their own knowledge
Thess guys think their dude is stronger and the others think their general is stronger it makes more sense
I wish Hara didn’t make characters say shit that aren’t true.
Well it actually could be true. That's what I'm saying for a long time now. Guys like Moubu don't have a ridiculous size and their physical power is something many generals across the lands can dish out but weight is what really changes everything.
Well it actually could be true. That's what I'm saying for a long time now. Guys like Moubu don't have a ridiculous size and their physical power is something many generals across the lands can dish out but weight is what really changes everything.
Yeah this was my original stance. He literally thought his girl could still get the job done lmao.
Shi Ba Shou is strong as fuck.

Where I scale him now:
For now
STR Rankings said:
  1. Hou Ken STR 100
  2. Mou Bu STR 99+GG
  3. Current Shin STR 97+A
  4. Current Kyou Kai STR 97+A
  5. Shi Ba Shou STR 98+GG
  6. Gai Mou STR 98+GG
  7. Prime Ren Pa 98+GG
  8. Prime Ou Ki STR 98+GG
  9. Bayou Ou Ki STR 97+GG
  10. Prime Duke Hyou STR 98+GG
  11. Tou STR 96+GG Man'U STR 97+GG
  12. Current Ou Hon STR 95+GG
  13. Sen To'Un STR 96+GG
  14. Prime Gyou'Un STR 96+GG
  15. Shukai Kyou Kai STR 96+A
  16. Shukai Shin STR 95+A
  17. Shukai Ou Hon STR 94+GG
  18. Duke Hyou STR 95+GG
  19. Ji Aga STR 95
  20. Shukai Gyou'un STR 95+GG
  21. Ba Nan Ji STR 94
  22. Kan Saro STR 92+GG
  23. Jyou Ka Ryuu STR 93
  24. Gaku Shou STR 91
  25. Fuu On STR 90

GG = GG weight boost