Theory Sanji and Luffy vs Saturn Theory

As we already know, Saturn is the Warrior God of Science and Sanji was titled the Warrior of Science (despite rejecting this role), this along with his ties to Germa and the modifications he went through puts him at possibilities of fighting Saturn. -- But if Science was the only factor, why not Franky instead? Because it's not the only factor.

Like, did you know that Saturn was known as the Black Sun or Sun of the Night in Ancient Babylon? This connection, as well as the fact Saturnalia is held during the Winter Solstice, all has to do with Astrology and the ancients deifying space. Known as the "Midnight of the Year," the Winter Solstice is of course the longest night of the year. But during the Winter Solstice, the festival of Saturn or Saturnalia is held, and closely followed by "Dies Natalis Invicti" or "Birth of the Unconquered Sun."

It's why these two holidays are held at that time, that's the interesting tie in though; and that is because of the Zodiacs -- or more importantly, Capricorn. (The Ram). In the yearly cycle, during the Winter Solstice the sun 'dies,' as it reaches the tropic of Capricorn. The ancients in Babylon and Rome (and probably other places) depicted this as the Sun of the previous year dying at the end of its cycle, and the new sun being born.

This cycle of Saturn and the Sun can also be seen in none other than our days of the week in modern day. SUNday being the first of the week and SATURday being the last.

If you are familiar with Astrology, Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 20) was assigned Saturn as its ruling Planet. And Capricorn just so happens to be a Goat (Ram) and thus paralleling Satan as well as Sanji. But of course, if we go with Satan or Devil references. Sanji has so many others from fire his attacks as well as his words.

This Devil connection for Sanji isn't all though if we go with other belief systems such as Catholicism who believes Satan to be Lucifer, based on again the Babylonians. However, Lucifer is actually not in fact Satan, and was actually Venus the scripture was speaking about. And who best fits Venus? So-so-so many things about Sanji fit Venus.

--Venus is known as both the Evening Star and Morning Star, just like Germa Sanji and regular Sanji. Sanji also has several other symbolism of duality such as the double spiral symbol in mythology that denotes 'balance.' Being the Morning Star Venus is also known as Phosphorus or the "Light Bringer" (herald).

--Sanji has the hottest fire, Venus is the hottest planet. But Venus also rotates retrograde to the rest of the planets, as clockwise like Sanji's eyebrows, the rest of the planets rotate counter-clockwise. EXCEPT Uranus, which is also retrograde.

--Sanji is associated with love and fire. Both things of Venus aka Aphrodite. Even his gag in the live action is a note to Venus as Oregano is the plant associated to Aphrodite aka Venus.

--Venus despite being a planet is known as the brightest luminary after the sun and moon in the night sky. But they call it a star, like the sun which is also a star. Somewhat of a counterfeit sun since it's a planet.

--In a color spread, Sanji wears pants that have the star and crescent symbol of Ishtar, but has also been a symbol of Venus.

--In another color spread Sanji has a feathered serpent aka Quetzalcoatl, who is the Aztec association of Venus and the Sun.

--Venus heralds the Dawn, in Skypiea, Sanji leads Luffy, and is Luffy's wings, heralding him.

--Venus's conjunction with the sun every 8 years creates a pentagram along the path. Within the pentagram is a pentagon and each segment of the pentagram equals the Fibonacci sequence aka the golden spiral. (Sanji spirals, 5th crew member.)

There's also the fact that the Babylonians not only referred to Saturn as the Black Sun, but also the fact they assigned it the color Black. The same color of Black Leg Sanji's epithet. Black Sun has also been said by other theorists to be associated with Sanji through Germa's inspiration Shocker from Kamen Rider who's inspiration was none other than the Nazi's.

That brings us to: Saturn, who is known as The Black Sun that rules the house of Capricorn the Ram, as well as Satan; has both parallels to Germa, and Sanji who is a Ram and Venus/Lucifer who was thought to be Satan (evil) for ages, and sports devil motifs.
Saturn (Science, Black Sun, and Satan/Devil/Goat, 5th Gorosei)

Luffy (Nika, The Sun, and "Jesus (birth of the son)," May 5th?)

Sanji (Science, Imitation Black Sun (32 = San Ji = San Ni = Sunny), (Morning&Evening Star), and False Devil/Ram, 5th Crew Member)

Given that the Black Sun represents Saturn, and Germa in references. I expect Germa!Sanji to be invoked within this matchup. Especially since Sanji has been being shown as a darker form of Nika lately, along with Judge (who Oda put great effort into hiding his brows). I expect Saturn to invoke the Black Sun/Evening Star side of Sanji, and Luffy the true Sun (and possibly Nami) to ground him and possibly purify him temporarily (until we get the death pact and Little Garden call back in Elbaf with S vs Z).

Other things not mythology:
--Bonney is in danger, and Sanji wants to save her.
--Last chapter's words about Kuma sounds a lot like what Sanji is as at risk at with his modifications (along with the other Sanji and Kuma parallels of a kind-hearted self-sacrificial human at risk/or forced to become an emotionless cyborg for those they love.)

Will the battle start with the birth of the Unconquered Sun (purification and growth of both Sanji and Luffy) on Dies Natalis Invicti on December 25th the day after the next chapter? Probably not going that far, but it would be cool and Oda has clearly done his research.
I have predicted Luffy+Sanji vs Saturn long ago.
It is a parralel to Luffy+Sanji vs Satori in Skypiea.
If this happens then it's very sad for Sanji.

Ohm = Topman Valkyrie = 0 % survival chance
Shura = Ethan baron = 1 %
Satori = Saturn = 10 %
Yama = Shepard Ju Peter = 25 % (presumed)
Gedatsu = St Markus Mars = 50 %

As far as I remember Sanji was getting rag dolled by that Ball Guy and then he never got any other fight while Zoro, Wyper, Gan Fall and Robin got to shine. In this scenario the only thing Sanji will get is Neg Diff vs Imu/Enel.


Kitetsu Wanker
If this happens then it's very sad for Sanji.

Ohm = Topman Valkyrie = 0 % survival chance
Shura = Ethan baron = 1 %
Satori = Saturn = 10 %
Yama = Shepard Ju Peter = 25 % (presumed)
Gedatsu = St Markus Mars = 50 %

As far as I remember Sanji was getting rag dolled by that Ball Guy and then he never got any other fight while Zoro, Wyper, Gan Fall and Robin got to shine. In this scenario the only thing Sanji will get is Neg Diff vs Imu/Enel.
Well, kinda but Oda also dragged him through WCI, an arc centered around him, without giving him a fight...
To Oda, Sanji's combat isnt that much of a priority. Surely, when it is a crew vs crew, Sanji pulls his own weight.
However, in big wars, especially such as WG war, with so many allied forces needing to show off, he might really sideline Sanji.

He could still play a role, for example, in saving the damsel in distress of that arc which is probably Vivi.
He will end up negged by Imu, yes but he will save the princess. Maybe even sabotage Imu's Ancient Weapon like he sabotaged Maxim...
There are plenty of plot lines in that war but he could still get a fight considering many enemies.
Well, kinda but Oda also dragged him through WCI, an arc centered around him, without giving him a fight...
To Oda, Sanji's combat isnt that much of a priority. Surely, when it is a crew vs crew, Sanji pulls his own weight.
However, in big wars, especially such as WG war, with so many allied forces needing to show off, he might really sideline Sanji.

He could still play a role, for example, in saving the damsel in distress of that arc which is probably Vivi.
He will end up negged by Imu, yes but he will save the princess. Maybe even sabotage Imu's Ancient Weapon like he sabotaged Maxim...
There are plenty of plot lines in that war but he could still get a fight considering many enemies.
You have many good points. I think most are OK with Sanji not getting the top dogs as long as he can look cool as he did in Little Garden, Alabasta Casino or in Enies Lobby. More of Mr Prince/Hunter and less of Soba Mask and Nosebleeds.

It's also alright if he gets low diffed by Lucci, Enel, Crocodile, Doflamingo or Imu but it looks terrible when it's Satori or even bad vs Vergo who should be closer in level. And he should be able to just run if its Kaliffa or Black Maria instead of that shit we saw.