Which is normal, far right ideologies like transphobia should not be accepted.
Let me give you the example of France. If we listen to mainstream liberals and far right medias, immigration is a real problem for french people and what actually make them angry. The reality is different, polls were made and the reality is that immigration is not even a priority for us. What we want is better healthcare, better purchasing power, better education, better revenues, better infrastructures.
You see, by allowing the far right to speak, medias in general are letting the far right dominate the debate. When in reality, people don't want the far right. People are not mad at immigration as much as you think they are. it works for France, but its the same in the USA.
As for your comment on the difference of culture. You should read on the way culture blends and mix. Its okay to want to conserve our culture, its not okay to do it by rejecting people or other people's culture. Culture is something that dies if not nourrished enough. You are currently advocating for a world of death cultures. I'm advocating for a world were culture will thrive by nourrishing each others.
So no, immigration is not and has never been a problem