Please provide the above mentioned proven scientific data and who performed the peer review and who sponsored the study.
Otherwise you would be just a cultist spouting gospel
FIrst you need to understand that patriarchy is a theory, just like evolution.
And just like Evolution, you need to make clear by definition first, what the theoritical model is:
This is why, this article is important to begin with:
Then you can follow up with this article (sadly hidden under a paywall) published in "sociology" THE renawn journal on Sociology.
In this article : "Sociologist Sylvia Walby has composed six overlapping structures that define patriarchy and that take different forms in different cultures and different times:[5]
The household: women are more likely to have their labor expropriated by their husbands such as through housework and raising children
Paid work: women are likely to be paid less and face exclusion from paid work
The state: women are unlikely to have formal power and representation
Violence: women are more prone to being abused
Sexuality: women's sexuality is more likely to be treated negatively
Culture: representation of women in media, and popular culture is "within a patriarchal gaze"."
Source -
From, that, we can then examine if there is indeed such a system through the analysis of multiple thematics, logically, if patriarchy doesn't exist, we shouldn't find inequalities between men and women and no system of domination of men over women.
But when we analyse the data, we can see that there are indeed traces of such a system:
First, let's begin on the base. You see, Science is also relative to the point of view of the researcher. In other word, there is less probabilities for men to be aware of women's struggle than women, therefore there is less probabilities for them to make research about it.
This leads us to this article of Science magazine that indicate with the help of two studies (links in the article) that there is a gender bias in science and that women researchers are cited less than men.
This is the first clues that should alarm us of a big problem.
Following this point, the notion that Women might ask different questions in science and therefore find different approach is as much as important. It's illustrated in this paper:
ON the same vain we can analyse the gender bias in the employment field with this study about gender stereotypes in experimental simulations of employment decision making (under a paywall sorry)
Now, we were talking earlier about the fact that women are likely to be paid less
Here are the Data from the UNited States Census Bureau:
As we were talking about woman being less likely to access structures of power: A little overview of gender effect in Russian public relations: "A perfect storm of obstacles for women" and how women perceive themself and are perceived in RUssian public relations
Following that article, here is another one published in "Psychology of women quarterly" about the fact that Women's perception and expectations of having less power in leadership (because of their experience role decreases their desire and intention to seek leadership roles
As we were talking about violence being more likely against women.. Let's enters in more details with an article from 2007 and the Double jeopardy for Women, the US military and the war in Iraq. The fact that they faced the danger of rape from their male colleagues as well as the ordinary dangers of being killed or wounded by the enemy
(I sadly didn't find a way to access the full article, must be hidden under a paywall)
On those violences, an """"interesting"""" effect of patriarchy, a problem of the construction of the masculinity and gender norm and its effect on men:
Not a study or a paper, but a little video explaining well why we should take a close look at the murder of women depite the fact that men are murdered more. (the answer is obviously once again linked to social issues)
On those violence, here is a report from the OECD and why preventing and addressing genderbased violence matters:
Now let's look at the negative vision of the sexuality of women with this paper on the negative implications of the purity movement on young women and the disapities with the other gender:
Concerning the objectification of women... no need for a study, you can simply look and see for yourself were the problem is.
Here are other various paper about the subject:
Gender differences in bullying reflect societal gender inequality:
Effect of patriarchy on mental health:
---In conclusion it took me hours but I managed to get enough data to make a relative affirmation concerning the existence of patriarchy as defined by Sylvia Walby. Althought you might wanna note that the definition has evolved in the researches over the years.
I'm not a scientist so I took what I could find, but I'm sure that if you ask a sociologist about that subject you will be given a lot more data on the subject.
Patriarchy is real. This is a system that oppresses women by men and men are benefiting from it.
It's up to us to stop that circle of horror.