@Moegara real? 100% Real no fake.
Moegara Dec 26, 2023 #601 Dec 26, 2023 #601 Peroroncino said: @Moegara real? Click to expand... 100% Real no fake.
Pringles Dec 26, 2023 #603 Dec 26, 2023 #603 Sir Yasheen said: @Pringles Told you Kuma was going to fight Saturn when he makes it to egghead :cheers: Click to expand... As I keep telling you, we both know who will defeat Saturn and that's not Kuma
Sir Yasheen said: @Pringles Told you Kuma was going to fight Saturn when he makes it to egghead :cheers: Click to expand... As I keep telling you, we both know who will defeat Saturn and that's not Kuma
GuardianofFuji Dec 26, 2023 #605 Dec 26, 2023 #605 Pringles said: As I keep telling you, we both know who will defeat Saturn and that's not Kuma Click to expand... Dragon will..
Pringles said: As I keep telling you, we both know who will defeat Saturn and that's not Kuma Click to expand... Dragon will..
DarkestKnightofSpoilers Dec 26, 2023 #606 Dec 26, 2023 #606 Pringles said: As I keep telling you, we both know who will defeat Saturn and that's not Kuma Click to expand... Self destruct moment like Perospero and Pedro incoming
Pringles said: As I keep telling you, we both know who will defeat Saturn and that's not Kuma Click to expand... Self destruct moment like Perospero and Pedro incoming
Tejas Dec 26, 2023 #607 Dec 26, 2023 #607 Boiroy said: Hahah someone weaker than Kaido who was bitch cut by Zoro And Luffy had to go G5 to beat Lucci Wait, he was already recovered from that within mins Lanji getting neg n ragdoll by main villain every arc must have traumatised your cum full of brain 😭 Click to expand... And Kaido treated the cut as a mosquito bite. Nothing more
Boiroy said: Hahah someone weaker than Kaido who was bitch cut by Zoro And Luffy had to go G5 to beat Lucci Wait, he was already recovered from that within mins Lanji getting neg n ragdoll by main villain every arc must have traumatised your cum full of brain 😭 Click to expand... And Kaido treated the cut as a mosquito bite. Nothing more
Sir Yasheen Dec 26, 2023 #608 Dec 26, 2023 #608 Pringles said: As I keep telling you, we both know who will defeat Saturn and that's not Kuma Click to expand... We will wait and see but as I kept telling you Saturns either dying to kuma or kuma going to heavily weaken him like law to Doffy.
Pringles said: As I keep telling you, we both know who will defeat Saturn and that's not Kuma Click to expand... We will wait and see but as I kept telling you Saturns either dying to kuma or kuma going to heavily weaken him like law to Doffy.
B Boiroy Dec 26, 2023 #609 Dec 26, 2023 #609 Tejas said: And Kaido treated the cut as a mosquito bite. Nothing more Click to expand... If this is 🦟 bite, I wonder which part of world you're residing Lmao Cut from mid abs to delts -_- mosquito bites Hahahahahahah
Tejas said: And Kaido treated the cut as a mosquito bite. Nothing more Click to expand... If this is 🦟 bite, I wonder which part of world you're residing Lmao Cut from mid abs to delts -_- mosquito bites Hahahahahahah
Lor D. Coast Dec 26, 2023 #610 Dec 26, 2023 #610 Tejas said: And Kaido treated the cut as a mosquito bite. Nothing more Click to expand... Mosquito bites can and have killed, that explains why Kaido was on his knees, shivering and huffing after seeing 1% of Zoro's power!
Tejas said: And Kaido treated the cut as a mosquito bite. Nothing more Click to expand... Mosquito bites can and have killed, that explains why Kaido was on his knees, shivering and huffing after seeing 1% of Zoro's power!
Juanpiz Dec 26, 2023 #611 Dec 26, 2023 #611 Lor D. Coast said: Mosquito bites can and have killed, that explains why Kaido was on his knees, shivering and huffing after seeing 1% of Zoro's power! Click to expand... He had to attack him with another Emperor
Lor D. Coast said: Mosquito bites can and have killed, that explains why Kaido was on his knees, shivering and huffing after seeing 1% of Zoro's power! Click to expand... He had to attack him with another Emperor
I Indigo Dec 26, 2023 #612 Dec 26, 2023 #612 Swallalala said: How come half dead Kuma is able to fight Saturn despite getting hit by "highest AP" magma? Another L for Akainu @Tejas @MonsterKaido @Extravlad @MarineHQ @The White Crane @Akainu @AkainuTheGrimReaper @SakazOuki @Ice devil slayer Click to expand... Lakainu
Swallalala said: How come half dead Kuma is able to fight Saturn despite getting hit by "highest AP" magma? Another L for Akainu @Tejas @MonsterKaido @Extravlad @MarineHQ @The White Crane @Akainu @AkainuTheGrimReaper @SakazOuki @Ice devil slayer Click to expand... Lakainu
Thaidakar Dec 26, 2023 #613 Dec 26, 2023 #613 Swallalala said: Zoro still fighting Lucci btw Click to expand... Oda gave Lucci the power of plot to keep zoro from slaying Saturn
Swallalala said: Zoro still fighting Lucci btw Click to expand... Oda gave Lucci the power of plot to keep zoro from slaying Saturn
Juanpiz Dec 26, 2023 #615 Dec 26, 2023 #615 Indigo said: Lakainu Click to expand... Vegapunk technology keeping kuma alive Last edited: Dec 26, 2023
Lor D. Coast Dec 26, 2023 #616 Dec 26, 2023 #616 Lanji and Franky team up vs Doberman is all we candy fans want. We want the top 🐶 spot.
I Indigo Dec 26, 2023 #617 Dec 26, 2023 #617 Jackteo said: Click to expand... don't worry, CoC soon for sure
SDfear Dec 26, 2023 #618 Dec 26, 2023 #618 Why did Scotch said this chapter is worth of seatbelt? Did he lie to us?
Juanpiz Dec 26, 2023 #619 Dec 26, 2023 #619 SDfear said: 1103 so far Click to expand... No way Male carrot
I Indigo Dec 26, 2023 #620 Dec 26, 2023 #620 SDfear said: Why did Scotch said this chapter is worth of seatbelt? Did he lie to us? Click to expand... I guess Kuma coming back
SDfear said: Why did Scotch said this chapter is worth of seatbelt? Did he lie to us? Click to expand... I guess Kuma coming back