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The correct TL for that conversation is Iva saying "If it were me I would go to Mariejois but Kuma is different...". I'm thinking Dragon might deduce he's on Egghead.
But even then I doubt dragons as fast as Kuma so I think this may lead to Dragon and Luffy meeting next arc as this will lead to dragon leaving Kamabakka Queendom
It not a matter of fighting him it's how Oda set up his powers .
He moves from point A to B you see a beam of light and you notice it , hell vs luffy it even had a sound effect when he was running .
If a damn sea beast in chapter 1090 can notice a beam and see a shine and you telling me normal people can't .
Again, I have never said you can't: I said you are not blinded by it.

You are blinded only when Kizaru points straight at you, and so you have to notice.

In all other cases, it is just another source of light, like seeing a laser from the sidelines



He still is quite an interesting character, but thus far in Egghead Oda has butchered his portrayal.
If Kizaru is bound to turn heel, I'm all for it. If Kizaru is all done after just one punch--sure, I'm game, too, though I am disappointed by such an "admiral power".
What I'm bothered by is Oda's lack of a clear character portrayal. He shows us Kizaru at A, then Kizaru at Z. Is it too much to ask for an intermediate stage? At least one clear panel of Kizaru at B, D, T?
A running theme on Egghead is the challenge of fully erasing an individual's nature. Even a clone will retain traces of the original's desires/instincts.

We see that with mindless Kuma finding Bonney. But that's also true for non-clones :mrgo:

He might be a cog in the machine but he hasn't forgotten the good times spent with them


But even then I doubt dragons as fast as Kuma so I think this may lead to Dragon and Luffy meeting next arc as this will lead to dragon leaving Kamabakka Queendom
The wind of fate will bring Dragon to Egghead when he's most needed, to save his former comrade's daughter and legacy.
He'll sweep in, save Bonney, bid farewell to Kuma, stare at luffy ("Is that... my Dad?!"), and fuck off before Saturn's defeat.


Akainu :"what about me? I thought we were friends"
Man nobody cares about Bitchazuki :gonope:
But even then I doubt dragons as fast as Kuma so I think this may lead to Dragon and Luffy meeting next arc as this will lead to dragon leaving Kamabakka Queendom
I too thought they'd meet on Elbaph. Maybe one of "that guy" Oda referenced is Dragon?


A running theme on Egghead is the challenge of fully erasing an individual's nature. Even a clone will retain traces of the original's desires/instincts.

We see that with mindless Kuma finding Bonney. But that's also true for non-clones :mrgo:

He might be a cog in the machine but he hasn't forgotten the good times spent with them
Yes, and I'm all for that theme being explored via multiple characters (Kuma, Seraphims, Stussi, CP0) and different time periods. But while we've seen past-Kizaru being chums with VP 6 Co., we've yet to see present-Kizaru not wanting to hurt his friends. We've inferred it. But I'm still hoping on an almost-on-the-nose panel with his inner thoughts being along the line of, "Why do I have to do this? These are my friends."
Man nobody cares about Bitchazuki :gonope:

I too thought they'd meet on Elbaph. Maybe one of "that guy" Oda referenced is Dragon?
Yeah Elbaf seems like a great place for the Revs and Straw Hats to team up imo. Once it was confirmed that Oharas will (which inspired the revolutionary army) lives on in Elbaf, I’ve been very hopeful of it
Hmm do I think an admiral with the power to move at light speed and has one of the highest APs in the verse can make luffy sweat after he nearly died going through a grid of lasers more than a nerfed Kaido?

Yea. Why are you acting like that’s so wild when Kaidos strongest ability was his regen and endurance which got nerfed over the course of the entire night
I was waiting for you to come up with the laser mesh thing because that's the only relevant damage Kizaru did to Luffy. I'm not disparaging Kizaru, chapters ago I was just expressing my anger that the fight, a significant fight, was trivialized, since we didn't see Yonkou fight an admiral apart from the sick and half-dead Whitebeard. But you're able to lie to yourselves that, wow, Luffy suffered a lot from that laser shit after Kaidou blasted him a dozen times with his flaming breath.

The main thing you should see here is that against Kaidou, Luffy has already been beaten to death three times, and the last time he almost died, maybe he actually died for a moment, who knows. All those skirmishes, fights, caught attacks + using the newly acquired G5 and still he was able to restart his heartbeat, because why not. I think that was also stupid, but if it is stupid, then let's be consistent, and then I fully expect him to be able to do it here as well. Of course, conflicts and complications are needed, and now the focus is on something else. Regardless, it's fucking annoying.


Yeah Elbaf seems like a great place for the Revs and Straw Hats to team up imo. Once it was confirmed that Oharas will (which inspired the revolutionary army) lives on in Elbaf, I’ve been very hopeful of it
Saul and Robin. Luffy and Dragon. Hopefully Linlin's return to take revenge on Loki Elbaf gonna slap :steef:
Again, I have never said you can't: I said you are not blinded by it.

You are blinded only when Kizaru points straight at you.

In all other cases, it is just another source of light, like seeing a laser from the sidelines

The whole debate is Kizaru some how move at the speed of light and no one notice not even VA marines that there or Saturn and give luffy food.
A huge amount of food so it can't even be one trip for him .
If you can see a laser from side lines then how can Kizaru give luffy food and with some high level marines there and no one not notice.
I don't even have issues if he did but no one notice with how oda set up his power , nah .
DurableMoron coping because even his illiterate ass has connected the dots :kobeha:

Luffy is fighting Kizaru again. Oda didnt introduce Bonney being able to turn people into Nika for no reason, he did not introduce the concept of her power working better when her imagination aligns to reality for no reason

And he did not make Kuma say he wanna be like Nika for no reason either.

How spoonfed do you need to be with Bonney saying "I want to believe in Nika" on the same panel as the one Kuma falls down from the sky?
Kizaru is most likely the one who gave Luffy food, it is not in his interest to fight Luffy. He just might fake it until the end of the arc, doing bare minimum
I was waiting for you to come up with the laser mesh thing because that's the only relevant damage Kizaru did to Luffy. I'm not disparaging Kizaru, chapters ago I was just expressing my anger that the fight, a significant fight, was trivialized, since we didn't see Yonkou fight an admiral apart from the sick and half-dead Whitebeard. But you're able to lie to yourselves that, wow, Luffy suffered a lot from that laser shit after Kaidou blasted him a dozen times with his flaming breath.

The main thing you should see here is that against Kaidou, Luffy has already been beaten to death three times, and the last time he almost died, maybe he actually died for a moment, who knows. All those skirmishes, fights, caught attacks + using the newly acquired G5 and still he was able to restart his heartbeat, because why not. I think that was also stupid, but if it is stupid, then let's be consistent, and then I fully expect him to be able to do it here as well. Of course, conflicts and complications are needed, and now the focus is on something else. Regardless, it's fucking annoying.
Anyone saying this fight even resembles the Kaido one is doing it in bad faith to hype up the admirals, I wouldn't even bother replying to them.
Ridiculous stuff.


Yes, and I'm all for that theme being explored via multiple characters (Kuma, Seraphims, Stussi, CP0) and different time periods. But while we've seen past-Kizaru being chums with VP 6 Co., we've yet to see present-Kizaru not wanting to hurt his friends. We've inferred it. But I'm still hoping on an almost-on-the-nose panel with his inner thoughts being along the line of, "Why do I have to do this? These are my friends."
It definitely needs more fleshing out for consistency. But I kinda fill those holes on Oda's behalf nowadays cause I know he will be picking and choosing to skip side character exposition till EOS.