Is it hypocritical that Admiral fans uses BB retreating then ignores Shanks stopping Akainu?

Is it hypocritical that Admiral fans uses BB retreating then ignores Shanks stopping Akainu?

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You can read this thread to see many reasons why Teach had to retreat in that situation vs. Akainu:

Of course some clowns posted in that thread immediately without reading (I remember the clowns posted the first post in 5 seconds right after I posted the thread, ZKKclown didn't even read the thread), and there are also Admiral fans who mainly uses this situation vs Pre-Emperor Teach's retreat to wank Akainu's power, you can see thats their favorite argument they use all the time.

Then at the same time, same people who uses that as an argument, suddenly forgets what happened in Marineford:

Literally they were in the home Marines, reminder that when Teach retreated, that burning useless island was not Teach's home, and Teach wasn't an Emperor yet, and there were many other conditions he needed to think about.

While Akainu in Marineford, had every reason to keep fighting vs Shanks:

- All the Marines, other Admirals at his side
- PX Army

- Warlords

All of his allies, and he couldn't let Luffy escape.

Yet Akainu does nothing vs 1 Emperor:

The excuse was: ''Its because of Sengoku, Akainu couldn't fight''

After Akainu being Fleet Admiral nothing changes:

1- Akainu can't fight vs Blackbeard:

2- Akainu can't fight against Blackbeard AGAIN:

Akainu is the one that stops Marines from fighting Blackbeard.

Yet you can see, even after Aokiji being an underling to Teach, there are still some who believes Akainu is stronger based on : ''he made BB run'', literally we have more panels on Akainu ''running'' from other people and from Blackbeard:

- Retreats vs Nerfed Marco for a while
- Hides underground (or was KOed) vs Nerfed WB after 2 shots
- Shanks comes to Marineford, Akainu stops fighting in his own home
- Many times as Fleet Admiral, he states they can't do anything about Wano and Kaido, then can't fight against Teach.

Obviously when it comes to Akainu, its all about strategy, but when Teach retreats 1 time he is coward. :kuzanshut:
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Foul Legacy

- Fought a fuckin war
- Was injured from multiple attacks from WB
- Kept on pushing until the end.

No top tier is capable of fighting other top tier and proceed to fight another.
there were other reasons too , RHP might have declared another war right there and Marines weren't ready for it.

- Took 1-2 hits from WB
- Proceeded to run away , rest
- Ran away at the sight of Akainu.

BB Knew he wasn't ready for even admiral level Back then.