Fanclub Jurassic Park — Tobi Roppo FC

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  • X-Drake

  • Sasaki

  • Page One

  • Black Maria

  • Uruti

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Just thought about something. We know that in the beast pirates a Tobi Roppo can become a calamity by earning the right to challenge one and then beat him so it would make sense that this works even for headliners with the Tobi roppo. Yet we have also the beast theme:

Kaido is a myth dragon zoan.
King is a pterodactyl, Queen a brachiosaur and Jack a mammoth (it exits a bit from the dino theme but I guess it still works for the ancient zoan general theme).
Innthe Tobi Roppos we have Ulti has a pachy, Drake has the allosaurus df, P1 the spunosaurus and most likely the other 3 have ancient zoans as well.

But these are all df hard as hell to find around. How is it that these people have all these rare ancient zoan df? Even worse conaidering that the recruits rarely will have a zoan and it is alnost impossible for them to have an ancient zoan (and Drake is the exception that confirms the rule) so, ingoring people who already have df (like Hawkins, Luffy, Kidd) how they manage to get these ancient zoan df?

It could be that the fight to rank up are actually death fights and in any case if the winner has no df then he must take the df of the loser (with the fruit method Jesus wanted to use on Luffy) and eat it. If he/she already has one then the fruit can be stored (or maybe it has not to be a death fight in that case but a death fight just works perfectly for the beast pirates). The problem is people who already has another kind of df (like Luffy, Hawkins etc.) maybe these guys are simply forbidden to challenge higher ranking beast pirates to increase their rank and their limit is the headliner one. This is also reinforced by Kaido obsession for zoan dfs, he even wanted to make a full crew of zoans by using the smiles (and this ended with the grotesque low rank beast pirates we have seen so far).
Makes me wonder. If one of them turned fully into a dinosaur with no feminine features, and Sanji didnt know, would he still hit them, or will he sense theyre female?
Either way, Sanji not willing to kick/hurt women is sexist in it's own right... its ok to defend yourself and attack if you're life is threatened.
Besides the Genetic makeup difference between males and females and that males are basically built stronger in RL, I don't necessarily see a problem. It's all social bullshit anyways.


Pepebusi Spammer
Makes me wonder. If one of them turned fully into a dinosaur with no feminine features, and Sanji didnt know, would he still hit them, or will he sense theyre female?
Sanji had his own ideology for "Never hurt a women" from Zeff.

So, i dont think Sanji will trying to hit a women even though they're transform to their zoan form. But he has right to defend himself from their attack.


Pepebusi Spammer
Black maria looks like hiyori...could be theory where they are a allies secretly is true??
Personally, i hope Maria will became our ally in the end of the war.

But for some reason, if Maria is working together with Hiyori is possible. But, many people will think if this is lame.

Because so far, Maria is the only one who doesnt go to trying capture Yamato and choose to stayed by Kaido side. So, that was suspicious. For now, i think she is a spy but i dont know who it is.


Pepebusi Spammer
Black maria looks like hiyori...could be theory where they are a allies secretly is true??
And also why Black Maria's brothel is empty right when sanji and kinemon is coming there. Why would you command a geisha who might cant fight at all to trying to capture Luffy.

As long as i dont like it, this could lead to Hiyori's plan with Black Maria. We need to see the quality of Hiyori being the daughter of the chad, Kozuki Oden.

See might lead the geisha to fight the fodder (pleasure, waiters, etc).
Sanji had his own ideology for "Never hurt a women" from Zeff.

So, i dont think Sanji will trying to hit a women even though they're transform to their zoan form. But he has right to defend himself from their attack.
No, I meant like you know how Page One was bascially in his dino form when he was first introduced so Sanji didnt see him transform, what if Ulti or Black Maria was already in their dino form and Sanji didnt know there actual form


Pepebusi Spammer
No, I meant like you know how Page One was bascially in his dino form when he was first introduced so Sanji didnt see him transform, what if Ulti or Black Maria was already in their dino form and Sanji didnt know there actual form
Thats lame if oda will pull that out.

And then after the attack, Sanji will realize "Oh she is a woman, i shouldn't attack her anymore"