Fanclub Paleo Posting.

So let’s ask the obligatory question.

Did the Tyrannosaurus Rex have feathers, and if so, to what extent?
It is possible that it could have them but likely not to any great extent as an adult. Young to juvenile T-Rex could have had a full coat but adults likely either dropped them altogether or had exceedingly sparse feathers. Palaeoecology (climate, temperature etc.) and size (i.e. gigantothermy) are the main things that would determine the amount of feathers a T-Rex could have had.

Think of how super megafaunal mammals that live in hot climates today like rhinos and elephants are mostly hairless but their extinct northern relatives during the Ice Age had thick coats.

CHimerasuchus has a great video on Yutyrannus, an early Tyrannosauroid that is currently the largest known feathered dinosaur. The video goes into the debate about T-Rex and feathers. Skip to 5:14 if you want to see that part immediately.
16 minute video.
I've been reading a book called "Rise and fall of the dinosaurs" by paleontologist Steve Brusatte. I'll probably finish it tomorrow. It's quite good.

Have you guys heard of it/read it?
@Owl Ki @FutureWarrior123
Aye, I have heard of that one along with his other noteworthy title The Rise and Reign of the Mammals. I have never read either yet though. Should be good books since Steve Brusatte is quite the renowned paleontologist.

The most recent paleo book I have read is End of the Megafauna by Ross D.E. MacPhee. The book covers the end Pleistocene extinctions that occurred across the world during the last 50,000 years that chiefly affected megafaunal and super megafaunal creatures (see the beasties in my signature if you fancy a look) with a strong focus on the Americas.

Ross MacPhee goes into detail regarding all of the debated strengths and weaknesses of the two most popular theories behind those extinctions, the two theories of human hunting and climate change. A later chapter is dedicated to the less popular theories such as rampant disease and the fireball theory.

An excellent book that lays out all of the arguments from each side of the debate, advocates for none and leaves the reader to decide which of the arguments have merit. The book is also filled with fantastic illustrations of extinct fauna by paleo artist Peter Schouten.
@Owl Ki @God Buggy

Do you guys know any good paleontology books that I should read as someone who's a beginner in the subject? I'm actually slightly interested in maybe getting back into reading but I may as well start with something that I would likely enjoy lol.
Going to be honest, I don't actually have that many paleontology books. I generally buy 2nd hand books off of the likes of World of Books, WeBuyBooks and momox through Amazon UK. Getting 2nd hand history books is usually easy but 2nd hand paleontology books are harder to get, probably because paleontology is nowhere near as popular a subject as history is.

The only paleo book I have read recently is End of the Megafauna by Ross D.E. MacPhee. The info in it is easy enough to digest but it is narrow in its scope and topic.

Although I haven't actually read them, those two Steve Brusatte books me and @God Buggy mentioned a couple posts above are probably a good start for a beginner. I get the impression that Steve intended for those books to be for a wider audience and if the number of reviews and stars his books got are any indication then a wide audience is what he got.

Other books I know of (but haven't actually read) that are likely of a similar vein are:
1) Beasts before us by Elsa Panciroli. This book is about early synapsid and mammal evolution.

2) Otherlands: A world in the making by Thomas Halliday. This book is very wide in scope since it covers what the Earth's environments have looked like over the past 500 million years. If the critical reviews are anything to go by though, it seems Halliday works from the present going backwards through time, which is just a weird way to do it.
Although I haven't actually read them, those two Steve Brusatte books me and @God Buggy mentioned a couple posts above are probably a good start for a beginner. I get the impression that Steve intended for those books to be for a wider audience and if the number of reviews and stars his books got are any indication then a wide audience is what he got.
@FutureWarrior123 "Rise and fall of the dinosaurs" of Brusatte is definitely a great read for anyone interested, paleontologist enthusiasts or not. He goes through the various eras in a set of chapters, with those chapters also containing plenty of his personal experiences working and researching (and we meet a lot of other experts throughout the read). He focuses more in depth on certain species (all throughout), key evolutionary points, anatomy, geology, revolutionary methods of research etc. He nicely connects all of the above in a book that is well researched.

Myself I hadn't read anything dinosaur related in a long ass time, it was the creation of this thread that led me in any sort of discussion about dinosaurs.

And this book leaves interesting questions on dinosaurs, for which experts still have to find an answer.
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@FutureWarrior123 @God Buggy

Come to think of it, there was one other paleo book that I read last year.

Dinosaurs: New Visions of a Lost World by Michael J. Benton. Basically, the main deal of this book deals with the fact that we now roughly know what some dinosaurs looked like in terms of their colouration.

It is something to do with the shape of melanin cells. Eumelanin (think dark colours like browns and blacks) and pheomelanin (think brighter colours like reds and yellows) cells have distinctive shapes. These shapes are best preserved on feathers hence feathered dinosaurs have the most representation in this book.

The chapters in the book each deal with a single creature, with a total of 15 creatures, some of which aren't dinosaurs (two pterosaurs, a mammal and an ichthyosaur). Some chapters are markedly more interesting than others. Benton excels on the chapters dealing with feathered dinosaurs but struggles to be as interesting with some of the other creatures making up a few of the chapters. Out of the 15 chapters, 9 are definitely interesting, 3 are fairly interesting, 2 are alright and 1 is pretty meh.

Each chapter deals with a creature's discovery, fossil record, likely lifestyle, palaeoecology, evolution and the technological advancements that have helped scientists understand these creatures.
I came across the original content creator and animator Dead Sound over the past couple of days while I was browsing YouTube and looking for something to distract me from my cold.

Not everything he does is dinosaur related but two series of his sure are and that is what matters most. :fransuper:

His other series, which has just picked up steam lately, is Sauria.

Now what is the difference between Dinosauria and Sauria you might ask.:quest:

See the difference is that Dinosauria is dinosaurs doing normal dinosaur stuff which is already pretty cool. :jordanmf:

Sauria however is dinosaurs being ridden by dino-people fighting other dino-people riding dinosaurs in a Medieval style looking fantasy setting. :lumazed:

You heard that right folks. We got dinosaur Game of Thrones! Let's GOOOOOOO!!!!!!! :steef:
9 minute video.
12 minute video.
The second episode of Sauria has been released folks. :finally:

This episode is a quite a bit more poignant than the first episode. :josad:
16 minute video.
14 minute video.
20 minute video.
@Bisoromi Bear @Monster Zoro's Tesla Supplier @Blackbeard @Blother Fertitta @Elder Lee Hung @SakazOuki @FutureWarrior123 @Shanks @RayanOO @Yo Tan Wa @GrandmasterChef Zonji @NikaInParis @God Buggy @TheKnightOfTheSea @Mr. Reloaded @Warchief Sanji D Goat @ConquistadoR @Kurozumi Wiwi @Bepo D. Bear @SmokedOut @Monkey D Theories @TheAncientCenturion
The second episode of Sauria has been released folks. :finally:

This episode is a quite a bit more poignant than the first episode. :josad:
16 minute video.
14 minute video.
20 minute video.
@Bisoromi Bear @Monster Zoro's Tesla Supplier @Blackbeard @Blother Fertitta @Elder Lee Hung @SakazOuki @FutureWarrior123 @Shanks @RayanOO @Yo Tan Wa @GrandmasterChef Zonji @NikaInParis @God Buggy @TheKnightOfTheSea @Mr. Reloaded @Warchief Sanji D Goat @ConquistadoR @Kurozumi Wiwi @Bepo D. Bear @SmokedOut @Monkey D Theories @TheAncientCenturion
Thanks to @Warchief Sanji D Goat for the filler post. May this site one day be free of that scourge.

Anyway, I think I scuffed up my tags for this post (I tried a copy paste thing) so I am tagging again by typing out the usernames. Sigh.:peperain:

Tags take two:
@Bisoromi Bear @Monster Zoro's Tesla Supplier @Blackbeard @Warchief Sanji D Goat @Blother Fertitta @Lee Ba Shou @SakazOuki @FutureWarrior123 @God Buggy @Shanks @RayanOO @Yo Tan Wa @GrandmasterChef Zonji @NikaInParis @TheKnightOfTheSea @Mr. Reloaded @ConquistadoR @Kurozumi Wiwi @Bepo D. Bear @SmokedOut @Monkey D Theories @TheAncientCenturion @Jailer
Thanks to @Warchief Sanji D Goat for the filler post. May this site one day be free of that scourge.

Anyway, I think I scuffed up my tags for this post (I tried a copy paste thing) so I am tagging again by typing out the usernames. Sigh.:peperain:

Tags take two:
@Bisoromi Bear @Monster Zoro's Tesla Supplier @Blackbeard @Warchief Sanji D Goat @Blother Fertitta @Lee Ba Shou @SakazOuki @FutureWarrior123 @God Buggy @Shanks @RayanOO @Yo Tan Wa @GrandmasterChef Zonji @NikaInParis @TheKnightOfTheSea @Mr. Reloaded @ConquistadoR @Kurozumi Wiwi @Bepo D. Bear @SmokedOut @Monkey D Theories @TheAncientCenturion @Jailer
I will see if I can add your link to my scientific thread in the general section (sensitive topics)
Thanks to @Warchief Sanji D Goat for the filler post. May this site one day be free of that scourge.

Anyway, I think I scuffed up my tags for this post (I tried a copy paste thing) so I am tagging again by typing out the usernames. Sigh.:peperain:

Tags take two:
@Bisoromi Bear @Monster Zoro's Tesla Supplier @Blackbeard @Warchief Sanji D Goat @Blother Fertitta @Lee Ba Shou @SakazOuki @FutureWarrior123 @God Buggy @Shanks @RayanOO @Yo Tan Wa @GrandmasterChef Zonji @NikaInParis @TheKnightOfTheSea @Mr. Reloaded @ConquistadoR @Kurozumi Wiwi @Bepo D. Bear @SmokedOut @Monkey D Theories @TheAncientCenturion @Jailer
The tags works for me.
Well, looks like the BBC is dragging out my childhood nostalgia back into the sunlight a 1/4 of a century after it was first aired. The Brits are actually going to do another series of Walking with Dinosaurs.

Some of the creatures to be covered will include Spinosaurus, Triceratops, T-Rex and Lusotitan.

It feels weird to see this series be revived after so long to be honest. Part of me pessimistically thinks that the BBC is floundering at the moment and cause of that they are now dragging out a long dormant IP out of desperation after seeing the success of Prehistoric Planet. Apparently they are working with PBS on this because the Brits can't do anything by themselves these days I guess.

Other cool stuff I saw around the online block was a fella making some real nice 2D animations...
3 minute video.
2 minute video.

While elsewhere a mad lad is making a dinosaur combat game where Mesozoic titans beat the stuffing out of each other with medieval weaponry. It's dumb, I love it.
2 minute video.

@Bisoromi Bear @Blackbeard @Lee Ba Shou @God Buggy @Blother Fertitta @SakazOuki @NikaInParis @FutureWarrior123 @Shanks @RayanOO @Yo Tan Wa @GrandmasterChef Zonji @TheKnightOfTheSea @Mr. Reloaded @Kurozumi Wiwi @Bepo D. Bear @SmokedOut @Jailer @Monkey D Theories @Warchief Sanji D Goat @Monster Zoro's Tesla Supplier @ConquistadoR
Sauria series. New
Wake up sassenachs. Episode 3 of Sauria has dropped. :willsmith:
12 minute video.
14 minute video.
12 minute video.
21 minute video.
This is going to be all from Sauria for now as the creator wants to take a break from the heavy workload this series demands. He is however working on a second series of Dinosauria, so that's cool. :fransuper:

@Bisoromi Bear @Blackbeard @Elder Lee Hung @God Buggy @Blother Fertitta @SakazOuki @NikaInParis @RayanOO @Yo Tan Wa @FutureWarrior123 @Shanks @TheKnightOfTheSea @GrandmasterChef Zonji @Mr. Reloaded @Kurozumi Wiwi @Bepo D. Bear @Monkey D Theories @SmokedOut @Jailer @Warchief Sanji D Goat @ConquistadoR @Monster Zoro's Tesla Supplier

and thanks to @Bullet for the filler. May this forum be free from its curse one day. :pepelit:
Wake up sassenachs. Episode 3 of Sauria has dropped. :willsmith:
12 minute video.
14 minute video.
12 minute video.
21 minute video.
This is going to be all from Sauria for now as the creator wants to take a break from the heavy workload this series demands. He is however working on a second series of Dinosauria, so that's cool. :fransuper:

@Bisoromi Bear @Blackbeard @Elder Lee Hung @God Buggy @Blother Fertitta @SakazOuki @NikaInParis @RayanOO @Yo Tan Wa @FutureWarrior123 @Shanks @TheKnightOfTheSea @GrandmasterChef Zonji @Mr. Reloaded @Kurozumi Wiwi @Bepo D. Bear @Monkey D Theories @SmokedOut @Jailer @Warchief Sanji D Goat @ConquistadoR @Monster Zoro's Tesla Supplier

and thanks to @Bullet for the filler. May this forum be free from its curse one day. :pepelit:
Don't know if I asked this already, and being a wg user I'm to lazy to check the thread, so I shamelessly ask: are these your videos?
I know you're passionate about dinos almost as much as X Drake's stepbro @TheAncientCenturion so it wouldn't surprise me if it were the case