Sign-up World Of Warcraft: Legion

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Cope Doctor
I just told you it's not cowardice, it's selfishness.
They have usually extra protection who makes them claim early and mafia don't attack them because they want their help in the late phases of games and town vig doesn't waste a bullet on them. The indies hunt makes them not trust town and you shouldn't blame them as long as no truce against wincon lives long in mafia.
If you focus more on your wincon and try to find also town and mafia and not just indies, you will see the game as a whole and you will improve your play.
Dude I was like you before I was backstabed by indies. I carried two games till the end before and solo won one as town. I no longer desire to win. I want to send a message
Dude I was like you before I was backstabed by indies. I carried two games till the end before and solo won one as town. I no longer desire to win. I want to send a message
The message is received by everyone.
Go over it, this is my kind advice.
I never saw you playing seriously. It would be something else!
Day 0 will go on for 3 days? Lol.

Anyway, have fun, good luck and all the usual stuff guys.

Seems like you already got your group.

If you're gonna ambush me, it saves me the trouble of finding you. We'll have a cup of tea and exchange treasures.
Ik, but we should also join forces with other groups as stated in the OP.

Can‘t wait to roll Indie again just to get converted into Mafia kek.
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