This cockroach said "At least once"
I literally feel like I am talking to an Anti-Social College Freshman who has been deprived of pussy his entire life and suddenly his world got changed.
I have recordings of everything and anything you can imagine but like a fucking weirdo without privacy, I am not gonna post that on the internet
But ur willing to actively make accusations about people ? Sounds like ur debate game lls,
say plenty prove nothing!!!
I am still not sure why you got so riled up lol
Either you failed to understand what I am trying to say or I am not doing the best job expressing myself.
wonder you are bad at interpreting Manga as well, and think Law who is a fodder can beat Zoro
Find more than 3 forums that support as much. Hell I won’t even laugh at u, if u include YouTube lmao
And we got no beef bro lol, I am literally here to fuck around
that’s all internet beef is lmao. Nobody actually knows anybody enough to actually beef.
Nah its mostly non-Zoro fans
Luffy fans Sanji fans Admirals fans etc
I mean of course they do and I have a lot of photos and videos like that, I mean why are you trying to post them to get validation from me? Did you record yourself to keep a record in case someone calls you a virgin, so you can show it to them?
Ard just making sure. Ztards u can tell virtually anything an they’ll believe it!!!
So why were you just saying. U dnt know why
anybody would have them fool? Now ur acknowledging woman themselves want to make them(confusing). Tho I wasn’t exactly just willing to offer anything, u open ur mouth on my virginity first!!! I have no fear of my sex live lmao, I can post it proudly!!. So out of curiosity it lead to wanting to know more about u.
Lmaoo this little bastard
Now I am actually curious to see what kinda women you have been with.
Go ahead post some of your accomplishments lol
lmao realize that didn’t make much sense huh lls. Gettin with a Beautiful woman an accomplishment for 90% of the male population.
Tho I’m still willing to post, but you said u have nothing for me. Pass or present, so wat the point? Ur settled down now apparently
I don't know what I said to trigger you so much little chimpanzee. I am telling you I used to call women hoes bitches all the time, I am not fucking saying to get on the moral high ground, no one is more anti-libtards and feminists than me..I am just telling you when you mature up you realize referring to women as Hoes and bitches seems like nothing more than wanna-be cringe behavior.
I wasn’t triggered. I simply wanted to further the talks on my virginity. I was willingly to pitted it against yours for sport. Nothing to serious
But now that you have exploded like this got so triggered and after talking big, show me what you got, prove to me that you are not a virgin lol
Otherwise, you are just nothing but talk and a little pussy
not exactly talking big.
Wat u need my girl laying in the bed next to me lmao. We can get our girl to do the same pose so we know it current