CoC: Color of Clowns

Science(Knowledge) + God(Light) = Truth
Was reading the official translation, and unfortunately, I don't think Kizaru gave Luffy the food.

It's probably S-Snake taken over by Hancock instinct.
You think the Seraphim got released? Ironically, if they did their programming from York should still to be to eliminate the Straw Hats, Cipher Pol, and Vegapunk.

S-Snake and S-Bear are almost guaranteed to reject their programming and protect Luffy/Bonney, respectively.

I still have Laffitte and Catarina kidnapping/recruiting York, freeing the Seraphim, and probably killing Edison. Even if York doesn't work with them, Catarina can just knock her out, then transform into her to change the Seraphim's orders.

I think Caribou gave the food, he's been shown sharing food he stored with Luffy before, and is a known hoarder of food. The food Caribou stored in him that he fed to Luffy during the raid was stuff he had just picked up himself for himself.

We know from Chapter 1062 that Vegapunk's food dispensing machines can be activated by anyone, as seen by Luffy activating by getting punched into it (LOL)

This machine is on the Fabio Phase of Egghead, the surface-level area, so Caribou probably found it while exploring, stocked up on food, realized Marines were invading the island, and is now shitting himself silly at the sight of Saturn. So, like with Kaido, Caribou is feeding Luffy in hopes he beats Saturn so Caribou can escape another sticky situation.

Kizaru feeding Luffy never made sense, Kizaru is surrounded by Marines, if he disappeared without using his powers they'd notice, and, fun fact, Kizaru's Light powers MAKE HIM GLOW, meaning the idea he stealthed his way to a ship/food machine and back is kind of ridiculous.

If Kizaru had speed to move at high speed (heh), why would he wait for Luffy to get up, when he could just save Bonney himself? Just doesn't make sense.

Embrace Caribou for Nakama today (except he's joining the Blackbeard Pirates, lol)

There's a tiny chance Apoo is with Laffitte and Catarina, too, since I'm 100% convinced Apoo was always working for Blackbeard. Two biggest traitors in the series, lol.
Yes I think Oda is more of an agnostic but he understood the message of the prophets more than some religious people
This is the most important thing for me
The rest is his personal thing
Actually Christianity in its pure form is the nightmare of all despots and tyrants. That's why
it would be

because he would be saying religion is fake, created by those in power to control the masses

like it is

but because the One Piece world is a special and magic world, the human belief was able to create that fake agenda via DF

something that can't happen in the real world
Depression is a powerful drug
Post automatically merged:

so funny story about Yu Yu Hakusho

in my country, when Yu Yu Hakusho first came out, the dub scene was still very early on and there was almost no control of it

back then, they would literally do anything they want, would change dialogue like crazy to try and match the duration of the lip sync and scenes

so in my country, the dub for Yu Yu Hakusho was funny asf, full of brazilian slang and shit like that, and it became kinda popular because of it here

now that the Live Action came out, when they made the brazilian dub, they used the same "idea" behind it, making funny lines and using slang
That's actually a good idea
now, if Oda wanted to cause everyone depression

then he will reveal that the Nika God of the Sun and that entire belief / religion was a fake story created by Celestial Dragons to give everyone hope and keep them "taking the suffering" believing in a better day, that was never meant to come

but because people believed in it, a Devil Fruit of Nika was born, like Vegapunk revealed to us that DF are born out of peoples dreams for human evolution

and their fake agenda became truth in the One Piece world

that would actually be dope, it would also kill the "Luffy is a chosen one" thing

but i doubt Oda would shit on religion like this lmao
The only people that knows about nika are slaves, the rest of the world never heard of this

Pot Goblin

Conejo Blanco
The old Pot would have some how connected this to you know who...

I see moderatorship has changed you :peperain:
Like @MonochromeYoru said, I'm surprised you haven't used this to predict Conejo's return yet :suresure:
I did in the chapter thread once I realized Caribou was a canidate
It's the perfect chance for Spit-Up lol

Basically I bought some deli fried chicken at the store and didn't realize I left it back at check-out until it was too late rip
What a coincidence that every alien has been seen in Burgerland
We are ruled by high gangsters and bad people, we vote for them in hope our life became better>wrong.
Best example Scholz Germany, dude is also a gangster, stealed lot of money..
And nothing happens to them...
The problem is our people here in germany are pussies as long as watching bundesliga and drinking beer is affordable germans will eat shit and smile