[FNZ] Super Role Madness World Of Warcraft: Legion

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I can send a message to a random player. I claimed to be their Guardian Angel and that they should tell me their alignment so I know what faction I play for. I told them to just put T for Town, S for scum and I for Indie in a random post. Apparently Gram got it and posted T in the thread. Hence I have reasons to believe he‘s Town.
And, you are actively pushing the agenda that I am acting in bad faith, when in truth I was doing no such thing.

I felt like the reactions to Ratchet's opinion was too one sided, and I didn't agree with the amount of backlash he received.

That being said, I do believe that those who were so vehemently against his motions are very strongly town; I merely came with a counter-view that states I understand Ratchet and I don't believe that the reactions he's receiving are right.

I have not said you have acted in bad faith, nor has it been my intention to do so - but you have decided that I have been acting in bad faith all this time
My dude, you wanted to shut down the conversation 2 replies in, i only asked for simple things; its not that hard.
Who is strongly town from the bolded part?


Argonauts, roll out!
On another note, @MangoSenpai ok, you understand that we are indies and etc
What is your pov currently, outside of indies, who is mafia here? Do you have a sus list?
"outside of indies" lmao

It's good to see that I wasn't wrong in thinking you are giving me bad faith here.

I've been more focusing on finding town than scum, I'm currently voting Pot Goblin and I'm happy with that vote.
Other than that I don't have a list per now, I'm pretty much just living in the moment.
I can send a message to a random player. I claimed to be their Guardian Angel and that they should tell me their alignment so I know what faction I play for. I told them to just put T for Town, S for scum and I for Indie in a random post. Apparently Gram got it and posted T in the thread. Hence I have reasons to believe he‘s Town.
Interesting role.
I saw the post. You also posted I, am I wrong?
"outside of indies" lmao

It's good to see that I wasn't wrong in thinking you are giving me bad faith here.

I've been more focusing on finding town than scum, I'm currently voting Pot Goblin and I'm happy with that vote.
Other than that I don't have a list per now, I'm pretty much just living in the moment.
Pot goblin is a good vote, but the guy does not feel your pressure; it didnt even registered, I think that you should try better here.


Argonauts, roll out!
My dude, you wanted to shut down the conversation 2 replies in, i only asked for simple things; its not that hard.
Who is strongly town from the bolded part?
Because it was clear the conversation was going in the wrong direction and was meaningless as you had made up your mind what my agenda was.

And to answer, Gram and Flower sticks out.
I mean either that or me posting a random T was improbably good fortune!

That said, I’m curious about your framing cause anyone receiving that gonna say T surely?
I mean, I‘ve seen experienced players outing their whole team to a Townie faking Indie before, so everything is possible kek.
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