Pot Goblin

Conejo Blanco

The demise of Horn Point, Leg Point, and Arm Point Chopper hurt me (Horn Point still techniquely exists but it's so rare it might as well not). Cloven Rose was a really fun attack.

Post Time Skip Horn Point is a crime against both humanity and furries as far as I'm concerned. DOES ANYONE LIKE THIS?!?!? I hope so, fuck. God I wish I hadn't looked this up, I had mentall repressed the image.

Would like to get at least one more Usopp/Chopper fight, too, they had fun chemistry.
I don't mind it personally though I wish he used more than kung-fu and monster point all the time
One Piece Chapter 1110: My Hero
Hibari has been marked by one of the Celestials to become her wife.
Akainu is getting up from the chair when one of the Gorosei walks in.
"Just stay there Sakazuki, obey the will of us gods!"
A group of young holy knights is shown chasing Koby's ship and attacking it.
They are called the Holy Squires and they are fighting Helmeppo, Grus, Tashigi, and Kujaku.
The leader of them is watching and looking around for Hibari.
She is taking pot shots at the knights and he blitzes over.
"There you are my wife!"
Hibari shouts "HELP ME!"
In a epic double page spread Koby charges in and blasts the leader back to his ship, "Sorry I just woke up are you alright Hibari?"
Hibari is happy crying, "MY HERO! I LOVE YOU!"
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