General & Others How much time left before it’s “too late” for another crewmate?

I’ve been seeing many conversations regarding the idea of Luffy getting a 10th person dismissed with “too late” because we’re in the final saga. The manga hasn’t ended yet though, so I felt to directly lay that question here so that anyone can chime in with how much time they think is left for that. Or for anyone here who thinks it’s too late already, then what would you feel would have to happen enough to reasonably change your mind? I feel it’s a question that’s reasonable enough to ask considering cases like Vivi’s, so what do you guys feel about the matter?

Garp the Fist

Wano, tbh. It’s where Luffy became an Emperor, the rest of the crew all had multiple adventures leading up to it (even the late comer, Jinbei, had been with Luffy for four arcs prior to Wano.)

Luffy‘s Dream, as a chapter, was a pretty definitive moment for me. Anyone coming after that has missed too much.

I reread the series from Zou to the current chapter in the past few months and while I like Bonney, I don’t really think she will end up joining. She’s not a bad suggestion, but if I have to come down on a side it’s no.

The only one who’ll fit in again is Vivi as 5.5, due to the buildup Oda’s done for her and Imu.


✌𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓢𝓲𝓶𝓹𝓵𝓲𝓬𝓲𝓽𝔂 𝓸𝓯 𝓛𝓲𝓯𝓮✌
Tnh I don't think we'll get a new one that we haven't met yet

At this point we're just waiting for Yamato or vivi to join up officially

But I doubt we'll see a newly introduced character being asked to join
After Egghead. But we will get one during Egghead for sure. Let's pick up this thread after the next chapters. Because hten it will become obvious.
The 10th crewmate has until the 4th Road Poneglyph is found. IMO, a crewmate should have contributed with finding, copying, or fighting for a Road Poneglyph.