It's behavior of somebody who doesn't have to work for a living, a entitled little manbaby who takes away, and yet feels the need to preach to people in other countries.
10 people from different countries and different society and different cultures say that somebody is an arrogant, maidenless, narcissist.
The answer from the retard, you are all wrong.
you keeping count?
Well you certainly have implied it so, either give the actual facts or just keep quiet about your personal business. Ffs
I've implied that I don't work, not that I didn't need to work to live. I wouldn't really call my situation "living". But of course I'm not complaining, there are people who don't even have a roof.

At least I have that.

10 people from different countries and different society and different cultures say that somebody is an arrogant, maidenless, narcissist.
The answer from the retard, you are all wrong.
So you are saying that 10 people from different countries and different society and different cultures are all using a masculinist argument (maidenless) to explain that I'm the problem and you wonder why I think you are all wrong ?


The answer is in your statement.

I've implied that I don't work, not that I didn't need to work to live. I wouldn't really call my situation "living". But of course I'm not complaining, there are people who don't even have a roof.

At least I have that.

So you are saying that 10 people from different countries and different society and different cultures are all using a masculinist argument (maidenless) to explain that I'm the problem and you wonder why I think you are all wrong ?


The answer is in your statement.

Ahh So you misrepresent the facts, Oh how in tune with how you carry yourself in other aspects too.


Oh.. really ?
You think that colonization or oppression are not acts of agression ?
There is no colonization from Israel.

Its not. Its a foundamentalist group of resistance. The only group armed group of resistance in Palestine right now. It did something horrible, a war crime, but its objective still remains the fight against the state of Israel that is colonizing Palestine.
First of all it is not the only group. Second of all just like the others they are all terrorist groups. You just admit they commiting war crimes but refuse to call them terrorist. How much brainwashed the wokeness did on you?

At first yes. But after that.. the process of colonization that followed for decade and is still active today ? ... its not England, Its Israelian forces.

And what about the oppression of the palestinian all over the country ? What about the blocus on Gaza ? Hm ?? Is this England too ?
Israel assumed what England left to them. After that they were victims of agression of the neighboor muslim contries and they won the wars and more territories. Again they were not the agressor.

The past is the past is an easy answer. Its the answer of the cowards who refuse to face responsibilities for their actions.

Native in America were wiped out. There is almost nothing left to fight for. But this is not the case of the Palestinian people. There are still people here, people fighting for their life. People who were stripped away from their homes and rights.

So no, the past is not the past in this situation. Israel must give back the bare minimum: The frontieres of 1948, the end of colonization and the blocus on Gaza, the end of the attacks and DEEP and MEANINGFULL apologies to the Palestinians.

Most people are not demanding that all Israelian should go away, we just want Palestinian to have their homes and country back. Simple.
Ok so give your home away to any native I'm sure by your logic you don't deserver to be whrere you are.

Annexion and genocide then ? Crime against humanity and illegal policies.. Nice.
All false claims. Muslims population doubled the size under Israel state. The same doesn't happen with Jews outside Israel.
There is no colonization from Israel.

First of all it is not the only group. Second of all just like the others they are all terrorist groups. You just admit they commiting war crimes but refuse to call them terrorist. How much brainwashed the wokeness did on you?

Israel assumed what England left to them. After that they were victims of agression of the neighboor muslim contries and they won the wars and more territories. Again they were not the agressor.

Ok so give your home away to any native I'm sure by your logic you don't deserver to be whrere you are.

All false claims. Muslims population doubled the size under Israel state. The same doesn't happen with Jews outside Israel.
They are colonising the west bank in violation of any UN treaty,
You think any little thing is toxic, Sorry If I don't give a shit here. You cry about it but you opened yourself up to be criticized. Deal with it.
Sure.. Because using someone else's difficulties in life against them is not toxic at all ?

And you wonder why I think that all of those who that are using this type of thing as defaut rethoric are wrong ?


There is no colonization from Israel.
Oh I see, so you are also denying the colonization process now... Better and better. You literally lost in Israel's far right propaganda.
At this point I can't do anything about you if you are going to ignore and deny literal historical facts.

First of all it is not the only group.
This the only armed one in Gaza, but maybe you know something I don't. Enlighten me dear sir.

Second of all just like the others they are all terrorist groups.
Still nop, for the reason I mentionned before. Repeating things twice won't make them true mate.

You just admit they commiting war crimes but refuse to call them terrorist
Indeed. Commiting war crime is not an act of terrorism. Its a war crime. Those act are different. Israel also committed several war crimes between octobor 7th and now and you don't see me calling them a terrorist state (even if this one is debatable).

Israel assumed what England left to them. After that they were victims of agression of the neighboor muslim contries and they won the wars and more territories. Again they were not the agressor.
Rectification : Other countries didn't accept the colonization, resisted and Israel colonized those lands in return.

And did not stop ever since. Palestinian homes and lands are still being colonized.

Again they were not the agressor.
Yes they were. They colonized lands that weren't their.

Ok so give your home away to any native I'm sure by your logic you don't deserver to be whrere you are.
Fallacious comparison. There is no colonization process ongoing in my country. There is one in Palestine. THerefore Palestinian must have their home returned to them immediately. (In the limit of the possible, meaning the frontiers of 1948)

All false claims. Muslims population doubled the size under Israel state. The same doesn't happen with Jews outside Israel.
Same fallacious argument you used before, same debunking : The demographic of a population being high doesn't mean that a genocid couldn't happen. Those two parameters are not linked. You are again defending the crime against humanity of the state of Israel.
Sure.. Because using someone else's difficulties in life against them is not toxic at all ?

And you wonder why I think that all of those who that are using this type of thing as defaut rethoric are wrong ?


Oh I see, so you are also denying the colonization process now... Better and better. You literally lost in Israel's far right propaganda.
At this point I can't do anything about you if you are going to ignore and deny literal historical facts.

This the only armed one in Gaza, but maybe you know something I don't. Enlighten me dear sir.

Still nop, for the reason I mentionned before. Repeating things twice won't make them true mate.

Indeed. Commiting war crime is not an act of terrorism. Its a war crime. Those act are different. Israel also committed several war crimes between octobor 7th and now and you don't see me calling them a terrorist state (even if this one is debatable).

Rectification : Other countries didn't accept the colonization, resisted and Israel colonized those lands in return.

And did not stop ever since. Palestinian homes and lands are still being colonized.

Yes they were. They colonized lands that weren't their.

Fallacious comparison. There is no colonization process ongoing in my country. There is one in Palestine. THerefore Palestinian must have their home returned to them immediately. (In the limit of the possible, meaning the frontiers of 1948)

Same fallacious argument you used before, same debunking : The demographic of a population being high doesn't mean that a genocid couldn't happen. Those two parameters are not linked. You are again defending the crime against humanity of the state of Israel.
and yet you attack people with different View Points, call them evil, toxic etc. You aren't innocent. You get what you give.
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