[FNZ] Super Role Madness World Of Warcraft: Legion

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✌𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓢𝓲𝓶𝓹𝓵𝓲𝓬𝓲𝓽𝔂 𝓸𝓯 𝓛𝓲𝓯𝓮✌
This must be out michale Clarke Duncan felt in green mile dying for a crime he didn't commit
Day 5 ends
Day 5 ends

@Yoho / Serpentrix has been lynched


You are Serpentrix!
[Passive - Venomous Body] Serpentrix will poison the first player targetting him each cycle

[Passive - Vortex Resilience] Serpentrix is immune to roleblocks.

[Passive - Jade Scales] The first negative action targetting Serpentrix will fail with the exception of kills.

[Passive - Unsetling Gaze] The first player visiting Serpentrix will be unsetled and their votes will count for 0 against him the following phase.

[Active - Submerge] Serpentrix may choose at target and submerge with them, commuting both for a phase. Cannot work on his teammates.(1 shot)

[Active - Poison Spit] Serpentrix may target a player and poison them, they will die two cycles later if not healed. If he targets a player thats already poisoned he will have the added effect of exploding when he dies and will infect the first person visiting them that night with poison.(3 shot)

[Active - Toxic Wound] Serpentrix may target a player and wound them, they will ooze poison for a cycle. Any player visiting them will have one of their x shots destroyed.(3 shot)

[Active - Hydra Spawn] Serpentrix may summon 9 other serpents to help him, he may target a player and bite him. Rendering him vanilla for 2 cycles.(1 shot)

[Active - Rampage] Locked.

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to the Void and Naga Mafia
Day 5 ends
Night 5 begins
You have 20 hours to send me your actions

1- @RayanOO
2- @The Orca
3- @Flower Died Night 3 Thalyssra Revived Day 4 Thalyssra
4- @CakeWalker
5- @Yoho
6- @Indigo
7- @Mr. Ultracool Replaced by @Jesse Pinkman
8- @hime Killed Night 4 Odyn
9- @Polar Bear
10- @Seatonnes Replaced by @DoflaMihawk
11- @Random Asshole
12- @RippedCal Banished Day 5 Sargeras
13- @Pot Goblin Lynched Day 3 Elissande
14- @Mr. Reloaded Died Day 2 Illidan Stormrage Brought back Day 2 Illidan Stormrage
15- @Red Night
16- @Sallucion Died Night 2 Prophet Velen Revived Day 3 Prophet Velen
17- @Luka
18- @Emil Killed Day 1 Khadgar Revived Day 1 Khadgar
19- @Ratchet
20- @BakiDou Died Night 3 Mograine
21- @Michelle Killed Night 1 Kalecgos Revived Day 1 Kalecgos
22- @Peroroncino Replaced by @Tyler Herro Died Day 4 Zuraal Delayed Survival until day 5 Died Day 5
23- @T-Pein™
24- @Gadonkadonk Replaced by @Dr. Watson / L'Ura Died Night 4
25- @Orwellian
26- @Cubey Died Night 2 Hemet Nesingwary
27- @LethalBanks Lynched Day 1 Turalyon Revived Day 3 Turalyon
28- @Alwaysmind
29- @MangoSenpai Killed Night 1 Occuleth Revived Day 5
30- @Kiku Lady Hatecoil Lynched Day 4
31- @Zolo Repladed by @Ultra Killed Day 1 Rehgar Earthfury Revived Day 1 Rehgar Earthfury Died Day 4 Revived Day 5
32- @Neeko Warlord Parjesh Killed Day 1 Revived Day 2 Game Removed Day 2 Came back Day 4
33- @Lindltaylor
34- @Xadlin Lord Killed Day 2 Aggramar Brought Back Day 2 Aggramar Dead Day 4
35- @Naomi Died Night 4 Alleria Windrunner
36- @Grammaton
37- @Lord Melkor
Day 6 begins
Day 6 begins:

The Void and Naga Mafia has attempted to kill ??? but failed
The Burning Legion Mafia has super killed @Mr. Reloaded / Illidan Stormrage

You are Illidan Stormrage!

"You are not prepared!"​

[Passive - Immortal Soul] Redated.
---Demonic Focus--- Iliidan's will is bent on one thing and one thing only: to destroy the Burning Legion, and nothing will deter him from his objective. As such he is immune to conversion and roleblocks.

[Passive - Demonic Mettle] Illidan's training as a demon hunter gives him unique insights. He can detect demonic influence and will receive a notification if any demonic roles are present in the game.

[Passive - Hated] Despite trying his best efforts to save the world, Illidan is hated by his closest friends. As such he will require 1 less vote to be lynched.

[Passive - Illidari Leader] To help with his mission against the Legion, Illidan created a like-minded group of Demon Hunters named the Illidari. These loyal followers are ready for any attempt by the Legion to attack them. Therefore he will avoid the first action in the game sent at him by the Legion.

[Passive - Inner Struggle] Illidan's inner turmoil fuels his determination. He gains a temporary immunity to any negative effects or manipulations on him after surviving an attempt to be killed, post reform.

[Passive - Keen Senses] Illidan's enhanced senses make it difficult for others to sneak up on him. He has a 25% chance to detect any night actions targeting him and the role that sent them.

[Active - Burning Glaive] Illidan can throw his burning glaives, targeting a player. If the target is a demonic role, Illidan will target them and rolecrush them for a phase. Usable at night.

[Active - Metamorphosis] Illidan can activate his Metamorphosis, upgrading his abilities for a phase. During this time, he has increased voting power, and his vote counts as two.

[Active - Blind Fury] Illidan may target a player and unleash his fury, if the target is part of the burning legion they will be roleblocked.

[Active - Demonic Knowledge] Illidan taps into his demonic knowledge, allowing him to learn the identity of one player of his choosing each night. However, this information comes with risks, as whenever you activate this ability the Burning Legion will learn the same information as you do. Making it easier and easier to find you as the game goes on.

[Active - Extreme Maneuvers] Illidan may activate this ability to make it so 1 more vote is needed to lynch him. (1 shot) Does not work in Lylo.

[Active - Vengeful Strike] If Illidan was targeted by a villainous role the previous night, he can execute a vengeful strike, targeting that player back with the same action they were attacked by, bypassing any immunities.
--- Temporal Awareness--- Illidan's temporal awareness allows him to receive a one-time notification if he is targeted for elimination during the night.

[Active - Hunter's Trail] Illidan may target a player and mark them, they will become unable to receive any vote manipulation for a phase.( 2 shot)

[Active - Eye Beam] Target a player, day 5 or later and if they are a member of the Legion Ultra kill them. If they are Gul'Dan Omega Kill them.(1 shot) Non refillable.

Wincon: Eliminate the Burning Legion

The Ebon Blade has killed @CakeWalker / Sylvanas Windrunner

“Nothing lasts.”​

[Passive- Undead Banshee] Sylvanas's transformation into what she is now led to many people mistrusting her true motives. Thus she scans guilty to lie detects, she is however immune to Alignment and role cops.

[Passive - Banshee Wail] Benefiting from the absolute loyalty of her forsaken, Sylvanas can always count on them to act as her shield. As such she will dodge the first harmful action targeting her, additionally, she will learn the role of whoever targeted her.

[Passive - Incorporeal Body] Sylvanas is an undead, as such her body doesn't observe the rules of normal men. She is immune to poison and bleeds. But cannot be targeted by healing spells.

[Passive -Dark Ascendance] Sylvanas is immune to control and conversion.

[Passive- Keen Eye] Sylvanas knows what separates treasure from trash, she will always find rare items and above during her adventures.

[Active - Raise Dead] Sylvanas may use this ability on a fallen anti-town member to control their role for a phase.

[Active - Whisper of Shadows] Sylvanas may send a player an anonymous message, the player who receives this message will not be able to target her that phase.( 2 shot)

[Active - Blighted Arrow] Sylvanas may target a player with an arrow covered in blight, struck by the disease the play will have their actions delayed for a cycle.( 3 shot)
--- Shadow Arrow---
Target a player for a kill by typing Kill X ( X being the name of the player) and then tag one of the hosts, you will fire off a kill at them. If they end up being town you will die. (1 shot)
[Active - Banshee Scream]
Sylvanas may target a player and overpower their senses with an unholy scream, rolecrushing them for a phase.
[Active - Evasion] Sylvanas may activate this ability to evade all actions targeting her, however, she will be unable to use her other abilities for a phase.(1 shot)

[Active - Precision Shot] Sylvanas may target a player every even night for a kill, if they are poisoned this kill becomes a super kill.( 2 shot)
--- Dark Arrow---
Target a player and make them hated, they will require 1 less vote to reach majority.

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to town
Chain Heal was used on ???
Target Acquired was used on ???
Polymorph was used on ???
Teleport was used on ???
Spell Reflection was used on ???
Dark Command was used on ???
Call of the Deep was used on ??? and ???
Dread Tides was used on ???
Serpentine Shadows was used on ???
Abyssal Empowerment was activated
Tidal Surge was used on ???
Shadowy Embrace was used on ???
Void Manipulation was used on ??? and ???
Distorted Reality was used on ???
Boots of Swiftness was activated
Breath Of Kyranastrasz was used on ???
Void Surge was used on ???
Etheral Form was activated
Divine Shield was used on ???
Dragon Killer Lance was used on ???
Decline the Offer was used on ???
Blind Fury was used on ???
Demonic Knowledge was used on ???
Burning Glaive was used on ???
Xalatath Blade of the Black Empire was used on ???
Unholy Renewal was used on ???
Blade of Vengeance was used on ???
Orc Blood of Silence was activated
Stone of Recruitement was used on ???

@Neeko / Warlord Parjesh has gone back to the grave

''Ah, we meet again, weakling. Now it's just you and me... and my guards!''​

You are Warlord Parjesh!​

[Passive- Naga Ambitions] If Parjesh is the last remaining member of the Mafia he will upgrade their faction kill into a super kill as well as gaining the ability to convert a player into his faction.

[Passive- Abyssal Commander] Parjesh's command over Abyssal magic makes him immune to redirects .

[Passive-Deceptive Presence] Parjesh's mastery of deception makes him immune investigative abilities that would reveal his role.

[Passive-Tactical Insight] Parjesh has a keen understanding of the town's tactics. If a Mafia member is eliminated during the day, he gains temporary Lynch immunity for the following phase.

[Passive-Abyssal Synergy] Parjesh's connection to the Abyss enhances the effectiveness of the Mafia's night kills. The faction kill is undetectable by watch or track abilities.

[Active - Tidal Surge] Parjesh can unleash a powerful Tidal Surge, target a player and role block them.

[Active - Naga Elite Guard] Parjesh can choose a fellow Mafia member to be protected by the Naga Elite Guard. The protected Mafia member becomes immune to kills for a phase. Cannot protect the same player in succession.(3 shot)

[Active - Call of the Deep] Parjesh can summon the forces of the deep, creating confusion among the town. This ability scrambles the investigative results of two randomly selected players, given them confusing results. (2 shot).Cannot be used in successive cycles.

[Active - Dread Tides] Parjesh can conjure Dread Tides, causing a player's vote to count for 0 during the next day phase. Cannot be used in LyLo.(3 shot)

[Active - Serpentine Shadows] Parjesh can blend into the shadows, making him immune to night kills for one night.(1 shot)

[Active - Abyssal Empowerment] Parjesh can empower a fellow Mafia member, upgrading all of their abilities for a phase.(1 shot).

[Active - Terror of the Deep] Locked.

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to the Void and Naga Mafia

1- @RayanOO
2- @The Orca
3- @Flower Died Night 3 Thalyssra Revived Day 4 Thalyssra
4- @CakeWalker
5- @Yoho
6- @Indigo
7- @Mr. Ultracool Replaced by @Jesse Pinkman
8- @hime Killed Night 4 Odyn
9- @Polar Bear
10- @Seatonnes Replaced by @DoflaMihawk
11- @Random Asshole
12- @RippedCal Banished Day 5 Sargeras
13- @Pot Goblin Lynched Day 3 Elissande
14- @Mr. Reloaded Died Day 2 Illidan Stormrage Brought back Day 2 Illidan Stormrage
15- @Red Night
16- @Sallucion Died Night 2 Prophet Velen Revived Day 3 Prophet Velen
17- @Luka
18- @Emil Killed Day 1 Khadgar Revived Day 1 Khadgar
19- @Ratchet
20- @BakiDou Died Night 3 Mograine
21- @Michelle Killed Night 1 Kalecgos Revived Day 1 Kalecgos
22- @Peroroncino Replaced by @Tyler Herro Died Day 4 Zuraal Delayed Survival until day 5 Died Day 5
23- @T-Pein™
24- @Gadonkadonk Replaced by @Dr. Watson / L'Ura Died Night 4
25- @Orwellian
26- @Cubey Died Night 2 Hemet Nesingwary
27- @LethalBanks Lynched Day 1 Turalyon Revived Day 3 Turalyon
28- @Alwaysmind
29- @MangoSenpai Killed Night 1 Occuleth Revived Day 5
30- @Kiku Lady Hatecoil Lynched Day 4
31- @Zolo Repladed by @Ultra Killed Day 1 Rehgar Earthfury Revived Day 1 Rehgar Earthfury Died Day 4 Revived Day 5
32- @Neeko Warlord Parjesh Killed Day 1 Revived Day 2 Game Removed Day 2 Came back Day 4
33- @Lindltaylor
34- @Xadlin Lord Killed Day 2 Aggramar Brought Back Day 2 Aggramar Dead Day 4
35- @Naomi Died Night 4 Alleria Windrunner
36- @Grammaton
37- @Lord Melkor

Day 6 begins
With 15 players alive it takes 8 for majority.

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