because of df hax.
It just shows that Saturn has shit durability and is a df fiend getting carriedd by his op fruit
Honestly given the Gorosei have humanoid forums, are literally just old men for the most part (only one is much younger ofc) and they have major scars, their durability doesn't seem that high but I'm sure they've got endurance especially longevity in terms of actually living for so long ofc, but also this insane regeneration that Saturn and most likely the other Gorosei have too.
I wonder if he awakened his fruit naturally or forced it due to his science expertise amd with Vegapunk's help and this is how Lucci and Kaku awakened suddenly? And if his awakening is causing this extreme regeneration?
But Oda isn't revealing the name of Saturn's fruit and its implied the Gorosei are literal demons too plus Stussy seems to be a "real succubus/vampire" somehow too.
I wish Oda would actually explain this shit but this is Oda ofc sigh lol.
Just like Kizaru.

Kizaru suddenly forgetting he has haki, advanced haki at that too. Oda stop, this is sadism!
Kizaru could turn himself into hardened, concentrated light to improve his durability like his light sword I guess, like physical light constructs/barriers and or use CoA to help himself but I always expected him to be the most glass cannon admiral followed by kuzan then. Although I'd put Kuzan over Fujitora I think though post TS.