Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1104 Spoilers Discussion

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And so. 4 people fought with Saturn. Sanji Kuma Frankie Bonnie. Let's count the exploits. 1 Bonnie was able to surpass paralysis and caused damage to Saturn. 2 Kuma at 1% hp beat Saturn with one blow so hard that he tore off his limbs and saved Mugiwar from paralysis. 3 Frankie pierced through Saturn's body with a kizaru laser. 4 Lanji was able to direct Saturn's nameless strike to the side.
The question is, which of them did 0 damage to Saturn?:seriously:
Lots of agenda nonsense going on as usual here.

Being completely objective:
- Saturn stocks fell hard, dude's durability and combat stats are just sad. Unless it's revealed later that he's just purposely turning off his haki and jobbing cause he wants/can. As things stand currently, he's a massive DF merchant. And I used to think this dude was roughly relative to Yonkos
- Kizaru stocks improved a bit. It's confirmed now that he is mentally not there at all by vegapunk (mental state is at least somewhat important component of overall power). He still got up within like 5 mins and fighting again, faced Luffy earlier etc.
- Franky was the biggest winner of the chapter (even more than Kuma IMO). Even considering that Saturn's durability is quite awful, dude still blew a large hole through his body.
Why is Zoro the Main Topic even though He didn't appear yet?
Off Panel Fights is something that Oda always does
Pica vs Zoro was Off-Panel for almost 30 Chapters
Because Zoro and Mihawk fuck all the fandoms like. Goofy, Landji, Admirals, Lol, Shanks, Meade. Zoro touches them all, often portrayed by ode as stronger than goofy. Touches on the Lanji fandom by demonstrating the gap in power. It affects the fandoms of fellow supernova students Lol and Mid who looked like a piece of shit against his background in vano. Affects admirals by destroying Kizara or Fujitora in the future. It affects Shanks, who is weaker than Mihawk, who will be surpassed by Zoro. Zoro is literally the van pease engine, every bitch fandom compares their bitches to Zoro or Mihawk
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