General & Others Among The 5 who gets the most HATE?


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People bring up gags, but I don’t feel the presence of his gag in this arc. Even WCI didn’t have much gags.
It was really just cause of FI. The nosebleed gag was excessive. I get that oda needed to establish the fishman human blood law; and this was the easiest way of doing it without having anyone get beat up which would undermine the timeskip; but it still was really weird.
It was really just cause of FI. The nosebleed gag was excessive. I get that oda needed to establish the fishman human blood law; and this was the easiest way of doing it without having anyone get beat up which would undermine the timeskip; but it still was really weird.
Still do not find the anime nose bleed stuff funny..(not just OP but in general)
It doesn't make sense to be a Kid or Sanji fan and complain about hate when those two have fans that spread hate towards other characters.
That's true for any fanbase tbh.

But I will say one thing tho, if you're a big agenda poster, better be ready when it comes to bite you in the ass.

BB depiction I like, he always wins, no matter how we want to put it.
A coward, cunning, powerful bastard. The taker of zero Ls since the start of One Piece, which is funny.
He got a W against the WG, WB, Shanks, Hancock, the Marines.
Absolute unit.
His crew though, is so far pathetic. Even Aokiji once he joined it has been nerfed.
An old man Garp can take Aokiji and multiple commanders including the above mentioned Liryu, and some zealots wanted to pass that as a W for Lyriu when he stabbed Garp.

Lyriu needs a power up or something, because even his fruit is pathetic, Absalom levels.
I wish he got Jozu fruit.
He does get wins, I mean he doesn't look good when getting those wins. Only exception was against Ace tbh.
- almost died to 1hp Whitebeard, asked his crew to step in
- shat his pants against old Rayleigh and ran away.
- pushed to at bare minimum mid diff by Law, who is very DF reliant and hence theoretically hard countered by BB
Last two are particularly bad here cause he's an established Yonko now, likely close to his peak powers (unless he gets a 3rd DF). It's just a bad look for the character who is narratively the biggest pirate antagonist to Luffy, his final wall before he becomes PK

Yeah, invisibility fruit it just not it. Any competent observation haki user would know what's up. Garp knew about his movements, for example.
Invisible Shiryuu is basically just DF-less Shiryuu, in front of competent observation haki users. Unless @nik87 is right that his awakening turns him to "nothing"

Acknowledging that Mihawk gets alot of hate is not an issue and neither do I hate Mihawk/Zoro.

The Mihawk hate is a product of Swordfans who make nonsensical claims, beef with every fandom which in turns generates "haters".
You said "swordfans are playing victims" when they say Mihawk/Zoro gets most hate, well then it isn't playing victim if it's reality.

A lot of your posts are hating on Zoro/Mihawk tho.

This forum literally gets spammed with Mihawk wank threads downplaying other characters but your eyes are closed off to that.
Are there more Mihawk slander threads or wank threads?
As a zoro fan I'll admit that the cook gets hate but just like zoro too though this is due for being a main character
But you guys can't say linlin compare her with mihawk one is literally the top tier with the most antifeats but I haven't seen anybody bringing all the moments she is been a laughing stock and we are talking about an emperor of the sea however with mihawk his vista antifeat is daily reminder just like the abc for pre scholars
As a zoro fan I'll admit that the cook gets hate but just like zoro too though this is due for being a main character
But you guys can't say linlin compare her with mihawk one is literally the top tier with the most antifeats but I haven't seen anybody bringing all the moments she is been a laughing stock and we are talking about an emperor of the sea however with mihawk his vista antifeat is daily reminder just like the abc for pre scholars
You must be joking.
She is widely called Big Meme by the majority of the forum and you want to compare that with occasional Mihawk slander.
Also, mihawk slander at least exist as a fight against his endless wanking community.
Big Meme has 0 fans, and if people talk about jer is only slander.
You must be joking.
She is widely called Big Meme by the majority of the forum and you want to compare that with occasional Mihawk slander.
Also, mihawk slander at least exist as a fight against his endless wanking community.
Big Meme has 0 fans, and if people talk about jer is only slander.
Again i've barely see any of this towards her however with mihawk I always see this kind of true 50 % Zorofans baits but the other it doesn't have to do other people start when he is not even mentioned
Again i've barely see any of this towards her however with mihawk I always see this kind of true 50 % Zorofans baits but the other it doesn't have to do other people start when he is not even mentioned
You have barely seen most of the forum refer to a major character with her slander nickname more than her real name?
At least Mihawk is called Mihawk.


World's Strongest Swordsman
I love how some people are answering who Oda hates the most, others who this forum hates on the most and another group is answering who the whole fandom hates the most because OP is incapable of making a thread properly despite creating dozens
Oda hates kidd the most.

The fandom hates zoro / mihawk the most
What "shounen logic" supports that?
- MC vs rival (the role doesn't exactly exist in OP, but that's basically the role he fills given the contrast in character and will).
- Captain vs crewmember. No captain was ever weaker than his crewmember (aside from obvious Buggy gag)
- duo dynamics in the crew. Zoro gets portrayed with Luffy and Sanji, but Luffy only with Zoro and not with Sanji for a reason. Zoro is meant to be ambiguously between Luffy and Sanji.

Zoro will likely be strong enough to be maybe relative to Luffy, like he already was in many arcs. But he can't be stronger. His absolute best case scenario is to be as strong as Luffy, like during Whiskey peak
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- MC vs rival (the role doesn't exactly exist in OP, but that's basically the role he fills given the contrast in character and will).
- Captain vs crewmember. No captain was ever weaker than his crewmember (aside from obvious Buggy gag)
- duo dynamics in the crew. Zoro gets portrayed with Luffy and Sanji, but Luffy only with Zoro and not with Sanji for a reason. Zoro is meant to be ambitiously between Luffy and Sanji.

Zoro will likely be strong enough to be maybe relative to Luffy, like he already was in many arcs. But he can't be stronger. His absolute best case scenario is to be as strong as Luffy, like during Whiskey peak
MC vs Rival has MC weaker for majority or atleast parts of the series than the Rival with the MC being the strongest at the end and you said would never be stronger.
They are probably closest to Gon and Killua out of the main shounens and Killua was stronger in the entire manga until one specific point. Even stuff like Gohan > Goku, Sauske > Naruto while not as close to their relationship and part into he story shows there is no real Shounen logic that claims what you claimed.

Captain vs crewmate is one piece stuff not shounen logic

That's so fake and it's not really shounen logic anyway