General & Others Among The 5 who gets the most HATE?


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It was said that only those whose hair changed white have Awakened. It is only Hody and Hyozou.
There are no straws here, they are obvious similarities that only their opponents share.
Doffy shreds the island with Birdcage, Pica modifies it at will. Both are terraforming the entire island.
Who else among Doffy family did that? Nobody?
Did Pica hide his real body behind golem doubles? Did Doffy hide his real body behind string double?
Who else among Doffy family did that? Nobody?
I shouldnt be explaining basic parallels like this... For some reason you are against it... So what if Shiryu has multiple DFs?
He isnt taking it away from Blackbeard...
Lies, the squid giant goes from a black beard to a white beard. The stripes black and white goes white hair too. The one with pink hair goes white.
So here goes your fanfiction.

Those parallels are flimsy at best, is like saying that Kyros and Zef are related because they both sacrificed a leg for a loved one.
Midd, then Big Mom.
Yes, I know Mihawk is hated a lot, arguably more than those two sometimes, but the thing is he hasn't even done anything yet.
So while hating on him is stupid, you can at least see why some people feel bold enough to do it, as he hasn't gotten any new feats in a while, he's all portrayal for now.
He'll pop off soon, I bet, though.
That being said, I think Big Mom has the most undeserved hate.
She still has the record of most low and mid tiers negged:
Those 2 Germa brothers, Niji and Yonji I think
Page One
She's insane. Don't know how anyone could hate on her.


Kitetsu Wanker
Are you ignoring the images I posted where they have black hair and then white?
You posted something else, all of them after being AGED and in old age everyone has white hair...
Unfortunately, that didnt debunk what I claimed the whole time. Only Hody and Hyozou have awakened and turned white.
Because they are the only 2 who took countless energy steroids while others only took 1 pill.
I have put more effort into this than anyone else, you should know this by now... I pay attention to combat details more than anyone else.
You posted something else, all of them after being AGED and in old age everyone has white hair...
Unfortunately, that didnt debunk what I claimed the whole time. Only Hody and Hyozou have awakened and turned white.
Because they are the only 2 who took countless energy steroids while others only took 1 pill.
I have put more effort into this than anyone else, you should know this by now... I pay attention to combat details more than anyone else.
Can I understand what do you mean by "Awakened"?
Nowhere in the manga is stated what your "awakening" means, as far as I remember.
The only awakening I know canonically regards devil fruits.


Kitetsu Wanker
Can I understand what do you mean by "Awakened"?
Nowhere in the manga is stated what your "awakening" means, as far as I remember.
The only awakening I know canonically regards devil fruits.
It is literally written in the upper left corner...
They transformed due to overdose.
Literally a hint at mythical Zoans transforming...
It is literally written in the upper left corner...
They transformed due to overdose.
Literally a hint at mythical Zoans transforming...
So explain to me why this is not just them aging, since it's actually shown that this "awakening" is nothing else than them using their life energy faster.
It is actually canon that they didn't know the counter effect of the drug would be them being old.


Kitetsu Wanker
So explain to me why this is not just them aging, since it's actually shown that this "awakening" is nothing else than them using their life energy faster.
It is actually canon that they didn't know the counter effect of the drug would be them being old.
Because the aging came a lot later, which you have provided.
Their hair turned white and they Awakened, becoming more powerful.
Luffy's hair turned white when he Awakened and became more powerful.
Hody and Hyozou literally foreshadowed it all.
And oh look, Luffy also ages...
MC vs Rival has MC weaker for majority or atleast parts of the series than the Rival with the MC being the strongest at the end and you said would never be stronger.
They are probably closest to Gon and Killua out of the main shounens and Killua was stronger in the entire manga until one specific point. Even stuff like Gohan > Goku, Sauske > Naruto while not as close to their relationship and part into he story shows there is no real Shounen logic that claims what you claimed.

Captain vs crewmate is one piece stuff not shounen logic

That's so fake and it's not really shounen logic anyway
By shounen logic, I mean stuff that we can expect from shounen. It wasn't just about MC/rival dynamics, but certainly includes that.

Coming to rival at times being stronger than MC, yeah that happens before rivalry is formed. Vegeta was stronger than Goku, but once rivalry formed, he never was stronger. He was always at awe at his growth. At times he close the gap to be in same tier or even maybe equal, but never surpass.
Goku/Gohan is father and son dynamics, Gohan surpassed Goku many times but that's besides the point.

Yes. Captain/crewmember dynamics in OP specifically exists because it's a shounen. It follows the pattern of captain being the strongest, even tho there should be no real reason why this could be the case. I mean, there can be crewmates who follow a captain out of admiration even if they're stronger, but that doesn't happen in OP because that's the rule in OP - captain is always the strongest.
You've got to give me a counter example aside from Buggy.

Answer this tho. When it comes to duo dynamics, why Zoro gets portrayed with both Luffy and Sanji. But Luffy only gets portrayed with Zoro?
It's the obvious 1/2 and 2/3 dynamics.

I dislike meta-narrative but you're just saying stuff that I agree with.

It's just the usual crowd that cannot understand how simple stories have simple archetypes.
Yes, it isn't something I'm much of a fan either, but that's how Oda writes.

There is a reason why ZKK didn't happen, inspite of multiple narratives supporting it. People need to understand the author and the way the story in written. In the hands of maybe Togashi or Kishimoto, ZKK had a decent chance of happening, not with Oda.

It's the same reason raid fails didn't happen either. Morj made excellent points supporting the theory, but forgot that this is Oda (especially post TS Oda)


When it comes down to it, portrayal vice, zoro is quite close to Luffy.
If a significant gap exists, Oda will eventually remove it like did in rooftop. I mean, Luffy post-Kata was so much stronger than Zoro, but then Zoro got Enma and trained with it which resulted in a relatively significant growth (which a lot of zfans don't accept and deny that training with Enma was like Goku training in high gravity), resulting in rooftop feats.

People just need to accept that he's a partner type RHM similar to Ray, Oden, Beckman... the guy who is built similar to the captain, unlike the standard RHM like King, Marco, Kata, Mr1 etc. But ultimately he's a RHM, and as such will never be stronger than his captain as some of his fans wish him to be.
Mihawk (and by proxy Zoro) gets the most slander/hate threads BY FAR in this forum. But you only see things in one direction I guess
Do you really believe zoro gets most slander? Wow far gone in deepend. Just look at comments on chapters and look at fist 10 comments. Almost All of them says Sanji is garbage. It's Illuminating how stupid zorotards are. Keep being victims. Slaves in American south probably has it better than you zoro fans.
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Oda hates kidd the most.

The fandom hates zoro / mihawk the most
Only zorotards who has gone Ober depend think Fandom hates zoro most. Just look at the comments on this forum. They talk as if sanji dying will make crew much stronger.
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Do you really believe zoro gets most slander? Wow far gone in deepend. Just look at comments on chapters and look at fist 10 comments. Almost All of them says Sanji is garbage. It's Illuminating how stupid zorotards are. Keep being victims. Slaves in American south probably has it better than you zoro fans.
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Only zorotards who has gone uber depend think Fandom hates zoro most. Just look at the comments on this forum. They talk as if sanji dying will make crew much stronger.
Do you really believe zoro gets most slander? Wow far gone in deepend. Just look at comments on chapters and look at fist 10 comments. Almost All of them says Sanji is garbage. It's Illuminating how stupid zorotards are. Keep being victims. Slaves in American south probably has it better than you zoro fans.
Why are you insulting me schizo? Even Zoro haters here agree him and Mihawk probably hates most hate (they just say it's deserved).

Compare the number of Mihawk slander threads to Sanji slander threats here in the past few months and it becomes even more obvious.

It's funny you mention chapter discussion. Most of the thread was Zoro slander, and Sanji fans wanking up kicking Saturn.

But just a look at your post history reveals the unhinged scumbag you are:

Entire history filled with deranged zoro hate and schizo posts. Rent free

At least a lot of zoro haters here can agree he gets some of the biggest hate in the forum. You aren't even honest for that.


World's Strongest Swordsman
people on here saying mihawk cannot be taken seriously
hes carried by arguably the second biggest fanbase in the series
what does big mom or even kidd have
yet are the target of equal if not more slander than the others on the list.
Half the fandom don't even accept mihawks title.
Imagine if people said meme wasn't a yonko or kidd wasn't a supernova.
people on here saying mihawk cannot be taken seriously
hes carried by arguably the second biggest fanbase in the series
what does big mom or even kidd have
yet are the target of equal if not more slander than the others on the list.
The question isn't who has the least fanbase.
The question is who gets the most hate.

If the question was former, Big Mom likely was the answer. For the question in OP, answer is Mihawk followed by Sanji
Half the fandom don't even accept mihawks title.
Imagine if people said meme wasn't a yonko or kidd wasn't a supernova.
false equivalence
would be more apt to say he isnt a warlord .

good chunk of the fanbase dont think kaido is/was the strongest
good chunk of the fanbase dont think wb was the strongest in marineford
good chunk of the fanbase will argue mihawk is the strongest or one of the strongest characters alive.

titles of strength have never and will never be universally accepted . deal with it .

shameless . stop acting like a victim. mihawk is a polarizing character , big mom is a hated one. unpopular and trash .