Chapter 1105
Chapter title: Growth
- Chapter begins with Saturn telling Kizaru to handle the enemies, he’s returning to his ship
- Kizaru attacks Sanji with a kick like Franky, but Sanji dodges it
- “You wanted to see our growth? Let me give you a taste of the hell I suffered because of you.”
- Sanji activates Ifrit Jambe
- Cut to Zoro vs Lucci
- Zoro is using KoH mode, Lucci tried to counter Rengoku Onigiri with Tekkai, but it’s pointless
- “Damn you Straw Hats. How can a mere subordinate like you fight me!”
- We see some of the fight and lucci is using hit and run attacks trying not to have Zoros swords cut him
- Pan to Franky who is pretty badly hurt from the kick but able to get up.
- Caribou gets to him and at the end of the chapter shows he has luffy and that Caribou was told to bring him somewhere.