Kizaruber Eats

Gladly waiting for the death of the red haired rat
I also missed Drumz' loli arc, but regardless of him I can't wrap my head around how and why are people attracted to lolis?!

It's a literal child's proportions, you creeps.
"Ummm, akshully she is 35/200/100000 years old and a total tsundere 🤓!"
Oh yeah? How about you tsun there into that jail you freak
Lmfao that last line. Its because they're paedophilic losers who can't interact with real women, actually adults/grown women without it leading to criminal charges or at "best", just them being rejected by the women and disgusting them.

The absolutely goalpost moving, mental gymnastics, loophole abuse they do to try to justify it and say its "not illegal or immoral."

Apart from the "1000 year old" excuse, my favorite is "they're drawings, nobody is getting hurt", but why are they so obsessed with drawings that look just like children and behave like them? To the point of severe infatuation and extreme lust snd fetishisation?
If they're so harmless, show them in public, to the police, in courts, to your parents and any adult relatives etc.

There's also a bunch of fujoshis/female weebs/female animators and cartoon creators who have been involved with inappropriate behaviour towards minors or drawing extremely inappropriate pictures of actual children from their own and other shows too. So it's not just "men" doing it too ofc.

There's various youtubers who expose this shit in so many fandoms and communities and its extremely depressing how outright common and thus recurring it is.

Don't even get me started on that "loli dance song animation" meme which was viral a short while ago on some sites, it kept coming up randomly on YouTube shorts as it kept garnering both fans of it and controversy and thus boosting its own exposure.
It involved a little girl singing a "teasing song" to "make fun" of her "cheeky, lecherous admirers", think of Japanese perv humour but targeted towards a little girl here...

Don't get me started on the Bonney shit too. One of toeis animators "casually evaded" people pointing out how they focused on bonney being topless more, showing her from the front and getting a bit of a "lift" probably as they've done to many female characters busts post TS. (Post tit surgery)

Oda 3 years ago talked about Watsuki with great pride, saying he is a great man too. A lot of people including myself thought Watsuki was this more "innocent/pure" author that wasn't horny in his work and more respectful than other authors but ironically he's the worst by far, not even comparable, in a league of his own.

Watsuki had so much real CP, hundreds of videos if not thousands, that the police thought he was making and distributing it!

Oh wait I did rant about Bonney anyway dammit lol.

There's other really fucked up stories I could share but I've said enough as it is. We need IRL Akainus/Punishes to deal with these fucking scum. But it's such an epidemic of a problem too, a massive global problem especially thanks to the Internet now too.

I remember at least one idiot here saying after I deleted my account before, that i was just being pissy and whiney over Drumz ffs lmfao.

Kizaruber Eats

Gladly waiting for the death of the red haired rat
1105: The Strongest tools of Justice
- Saturn says Kizaru is the strongest Marine subordinate (so excluding Akainu) and Lucci is the strongest WG subordinate
- We get a picture presenting the marines and world government forces with Kizaru and Lucci on top, they are clearly viewed as equals
- Saturn says if either of the two would fall in battle it would be a disgrace
- Chapter ends with a double page spread, with on one side Zoro vs Lucci and the other side Sanji vs Kizaru
Lmfao that last line. Its because they're paedophilic losers who can't interact with real women, actually adults/grown women without it leading to criminal charges or at "best", just them being rejected by the women and disgusting them.

The absolutely goalpost moving, mental gymnastics, loophole abuse they do to try to justify it and say its "not illegal or immoral."

Apart from the "1000 year old" excuse, my favorite is "they're drawings, nobody is getting hurt", but why are they so obsessed with drawings that look just like children and behave like them? To the point of severe infatuation and extreme lust snd fetishisation?
If they're so harmless, show them in public, to the police, in courts, to your parents and any adult relatives etc.

There's also a bunch of fujoshis/female weebs/female animators and cartoon creators who have been involved with inappropriate behaviour towards minors or drawing extremely inappropriate pictures of actual children from their own and other shows too. So it's not just "men" doing it too ofc.

There's various youtubers who expose this shit in so many fandoms and communities and its extremely depressing how outright common and thus recurring it is.

Don't even get me started on that "loli dance song animation" meme which was viral a short while ago on some sites, it kept coming up randomly on YouTube shorts as it kept garnering both fans of it and controversy and thus boosting its own exposure.
It involved a little girl singing a "teasing song" to "make fun" of her "cheeky, lecherous admirers", think of Japanese perv humour but targeted towards a little girl here...

Don't get me started on the Bonney shit too. One of toeis animators "casually evaded" people pointing out how they focused on bonney being topless more, showing her from the front and getting a bit of a "lift" probably as they've done to many female characters busts post TS. (Post tit surgery)

Oda 3 years ago talked about Watsuki with great pride, saying he is a great man too. A lot of people including myself thought Watsuki was this more "innocent/pure" author that wasn't horny in his work and more respectful than other authors but ironically he's the worst by far, not even comparable, in a league of his own.

Watsuki had so much real CP, hundreds of videos if not thousands, that the police thought he was making and distributing it!

Oh wait I did rant about Bonney anyway dammit lol.

There's other really fucked up stories I could share but I've said enough as it is. We need IRL Akainus/Punishes to deal with these fucking scum. But it's such an epidemic of a problem too, a massive global problem especially thanks to the Internet now too.

I remember at least one idiot here saying after I deleted my account before, that i was just being pissy and whiney over Drumz ffs lmfao.
Re: the female animators
The amount of vile stuff women in power do (mostly teachers) and the lack of loud response to it - because it's considered "hot" and "why wouldn't you wanna have sex with the person who is by all accounts your parental figure in school" - is sad to say the least.

Just recently there was that American teacher who did stuff with a student and had other students stand as look outs. Disgusting

My favorite ray of light from all that drama is this little king (sorry for the ifunny link lmao):