Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1105 Spoilers Discussion

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Sincerely I lost all the hopes for Sanji doing something more in this last part of the arc.

I'm just done. Everything good that will come I'll appreciate but I'm not hoping for something anymore. It's just useless and draining, better use my energy for something else. Feels really bad when you wait for something and it did not happen. It's clear that not all we want will actually happen and that it's fine but still it feels weird and sad.
He will have a nice saving scene with Bonney & co next chapter


Don't you think this is going to turn out as an exageration from a writing/narrative standpoint?

The "final villain in the shadows" role is already covered by imu, introducing yet another villain for this role sounds like oda overdoing his hand, i've got a feeling this is the same madara/kaguya situation where we get another final villain in the shadows after already having one revealed not long ago.

@Salah WG

What are your thoughts on this?
@Salah WG
Yeah but they don’t really progress the plot at this stage it feels.
It's btw BBP, Grand Fleet (unite with straw hats), or Germa with MADS reborn

But BBP have been near egghead for a while. Could be they went to follow that ship after witnessing it sail + the news and put 2 and 2 together

It's one of those 3
Problem is without the tube, no one can travel between the labophase and fabriophase so Zoros stuck up there
It still completely cancels the "but Zoro is still fighting Lucci" excuse and this is very sufficient to buy "Zoro vs Kizaru" stocks.

I already explained to @EmperorKinyagi and @Kurozumi Wiwi how Egghead was perfectly mirroring Sabaody and how Zoro may knock Kizaru out just based on this mirroring.

This chapter is only making this scenario even more possible than it already was.
When the Who gets up First condition backfired severely you get this silence
Luffy vs Katakuri
Both were down, Luffy stood up first and could move after that = Luffy won
So Kizaru also won because Luffy would be down without his food
Round 1 goes to Kizaru (who was also emotionally nerfed and didn’t use his awakening)
Luffy's time limit is his curse


Touch The Grass
It still completely cancels the "but Zoro is still fighting Lucci" excuse and this is very sufficient to buy "Zoro vs Kizaru" stocks.

I already explained to @EmperorKinyagi and @Kurozumi Wiwi how Egghead was perfectly mirroring Sabaody and how Zoro may knock Kizaru out just based on this mirroring.

This chapter is only making this scenario even more possible than it already was.
Ironically, with each chapter, Zoro vs Kizaru starts to make more sense
Don't like the way Oda is handling Zoro and Lucci both are strong characters present there..since he doesn't know what to do with them...he just offscreened them..thats all I feel.
It's very easy actually. We know Zoro is considerably stronger than Lucci. Dedicate this chapter for Zoro defeating him and end it with the intruders but also show who they are. There we have it 10/10 chapter nobody will complain but no let's have Vegapunk, Saturn and Kizaru have a staredown for 10 minutes.
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