leftists tell me their right

so does conservatives

everyone thinks their right, it's not really proof of this person or that person being right except leftists think their self declarion proves something
i find it funny that leftists say right wing is the status quo

as the american conservatives proceed to reject all american systems due to them being woke in quotes

they reject academia,colledges,the media and so on yet if you asked a liberal if conservative is status quo, they would say yea totally

the liberal's words are typically just the exact opposite of the reality
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the reason why the internet leans futher to the right would be cause the left mainly takes up the approved channels of infomation spreading so like cnn,mainstream media and so on

people if they want left wing content dont nessarily have to go on the web to get it which aint the same for the right
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Looks like roles inverted?

But no.

Jews have never being against diversity at Israel. It is antisemitism to be Pro-Hamas.
Israel passed a law defining itself as a Jewish state.

Israel’s acceptance of diversity will hence always be limited by the parameters of a Jewish state.

America can become a minority white country, and it would still be America because America is a country for Americans, not just whites.

But Israel cannot become minority Jewish because it defines itself as a Jewish country. This is why the West Bank and Gaza are under apartheid. If people in these regions had equal rights to Israeli Jews, then there would no longer be a Jewish majority in Israel.
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Antisemitism is joke now. You cant even criticise jews anymore without being called antisemite. Jews want diversity everywhere except israel. Elon Musk pointed this out and than was called antisemite smh
Elon Musk is an antisemite tbh

Yes it is true that major Jewish institutions do spread false allegations of antisemitism to defend Israel. But antisemites still exist.

Saying “Jews want diversity everywhere” is pretty antisemitic. It’s a gross generalization. If you look at Orthodox Jews, they are extremely socially conservative. Ben Shapiro, Dennis Prager, and Chaya Raichik are all pretty popular Jewish conservatives.
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Israel passed a law defining itself as a Jewish state.

Israel’s acceptance of diversity will hence always be limited by the parameters of a Jewish state.

America can become a minority white country, and it would still be America because America is a country for Americans, not just whites.

But Israel cannot become minority Jewish because it defines itself as a Jewish country. This is why the West Bank and Gaza are under apartheid. If people in these regions had equal rights to Israeli Jews, then there would no longer be a Jewish majority in Israel.
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Elon Musk is an antisemite tbh

Yes it is true that major Jewish institutions do spread false allegations of antisemitism to defend Israel. But antisemites still exist.

Saying “Jews want diversity everywhere” is pretty antisemitic. It’s a gross generalization. If you look at Orthodox Jews, they are extremely socially conservative. Ben Shapiro, Dennis Prager, and Chaya Raichik are all pretty popular Jewish conservatives.
You clearly don't know what antisemitism means just like people don't know what is prejudice, what is racism etc. Saying "Jews want diversity everywhere" is anything but antisemitism.

Israel being a Jaw state does not mean they are against diversity as you just proof it to be. Oh they have to make sure jews are over 50% of population but that still allows non-jews in general to be part of it. So what is your point?
the problem with taking sociology studies seriously is they are biased simply put

the sorta people applying for the gender studies degree are mostly leftists, let's be honest and the instinition itself leans very far left so the likelihood of anything leaning to the right getting published or approved is unlikely

this is very simple logic but people who buy into these sorta studies dont care about logic, their sole underlining value is their belief in liberal idealogy
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every empire's reign falls so in thousand years or 200

people are going to look back and go wow these leftists were fucking dumb

leftism/progressive liberalism will probably get a good 20 to 40 years at most in power before superceding rule to another dumb idealogy whatever that being

and kids will look at these liberals like carrot in the same way, loads of people look at tradcons today kinda out of touch
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Ok next time you complain about psychophobia I'll say "I'm not psychophobic ,just stop being mentally ill"
Let's not compare what I said with psychophobia which is something that can actually hurt people. Drinking and sayin weird stuff is something everyone does. it would have been bad if I said "so you are an alcohoolic then". Do you understand the difference ?

So let's stop comparing things that have nothing in common here okay ?

everyone thinks their right, it's not really proof of this person or that person being right except leftists think their self declarion proves something
And yet, when we bring proof, researches and data, you ignore or spit on them.

You don't care who is right or wrong, you only care about YOU being right.

as the american conservatives proceed to reject all american systems due to them being woke in quotes
Tell me Einstein. If conservative rejects the system. Why do they want to elect Trump who wants to protect and reenforce the system ?

If conservative rejects the system. Why are they constantly enabling descision favoring the richs ? hm ?

the problem with taking sociology studies seriously is they are biased simply put
Said the one who never read sociology and never asked social sciences scientists their opinion on sociology.

the sorta people applying for the gender studies degree are mostly leftists, let's be honest and the instinition itself leans very far left so the likelihood of anything leaning to the right getting published or approved is unlikely
Because science leans left. Simple as that.

You leans toward conservatism and therefore toward antiscience mate :)
Let's not compare what I said with psychophobia which is something that can actually hurt people.
So let's stop comparing things that have nothing in common here okay ?
Alcoholism is an addiction and making fun of addicts is as ableist as it gets

Drinking and sayin weird stuff is something everyone does. it would have been bad if I said "so
No. And I wasn't drunk. The problems here rn is that you use "are you drunk" as a comeback when you have no actual arguments
So let's stop comparing things that have nothing in common here okay ?
Bruh just stop please
Hau ab AfD Wähler 🤡
Saying "Jews want diversity everywhere" is anything but antisemitism.
I mean it’s a factually incorrect generalization of Jewish people that serves to push a racist conspiracy theory(the great replacement).

So yeah it’s antisemitic.

There were several Jewish people who were high ranking advisors to Trump, literally one of the most anti immigrant presidents in American history.
I mean it’s a factually incorrect generalization of Jewish people that serves to push a racist conspiracy theory(the great replacement).

So yeah it’s antisemitic.

There were several Jewish people who were high ranking advisors to Trump, literally one of the most anti immigrant presidents in American history.
You do realize you're talking to a full blown retard right?
Alcoholism is an addiction and making fun of addicts is as ableist as it gets
Indeed. That's why we should not make fun of alcohoolics. And that's not what I did, I made fun of the act of drinking, not the addiction.

So let's be careful when we try to use progressism to return things against someone with an argument we don't understand. That's not something I like.

No. And I wasn't drunk. The problems here rn is that you use "are you drunk" as a comeback when you have no actual arguments
Then you are saying wrong stuff on your own accords about progressism which is problematic and a reason why I still don't fully consider you on my side yet.

You are missunderstanding a lot of progressist argument. Which is ok, we all have to learn, but try to listen what I'm saying here when I say that those things are not racist in anyway.

There are things that are indeed a bit problematic in One Piece, but you are not looking the right way.

Bruh just stop please
You do. You tried to make a point to contradict me. It didn't work, move on.