because kizaru is now have best durable feat which it make kaido and big mom trash .
Kaido bleed to base luffy punches (acoc) . Heck luffy mock hybrid kaido for dodging non- coc attack from luffy (gear 2 )
We already have punch in face kaido and it already made him bleed .
King with flame mode is supposed to be invincible but luffy fans argue advanced coc can damage him let alone gear 5 toon force.
Oda already drew bloody face, bruises after character get punched in any direction just to show damage.
‘’Just like luffy pull red roc on base kaido. ( In real life , you won’t bleed like kaido when getting punch slide way).
No one is talking about because they have to admit kizaru have better durability body than kaido who has dragon scale.
‘Kaido block with his weapon as club , not bare hands. While kizaru block attack with bare hands and own body parts.
Kizaru is facing luffy who already have advanced coc and advanced coA and gear 5.