Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1106 Spoilers Discussion

Will Kizaru use awakening in the next Chapters?

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Its fucking ironic how far this devolved in the exact opposite direction

- "Luffy will save Bonney" -> Kuma saved Bonney
- "Luffy will save Kuma" -> Literally just Sanji and Franky
- "Kizaru wont get up" -> Kizaru gets up
- "Kizaru wont be a threat" -> Continues to be a threat and villain
- "Luffy wont fight Kizaru again" -> Luffy literally fights Kizaru again.
- "Bonney will realize Luffy is Nika when she's saved from Saturn" -> Bonney will realize Luffy is Nika while (presumably) he fights Kizaru.

Lmao. It doesnt matter anymore what happens, 6 wrongs doesnt make a right
??? Who was saying all those things? You?
Place your bets: the Attack Saturn uses on Vegapunk will look MUCH WORSE than it actually is… Vegapunk will be completely fine the chapter afterwards with barely any damage


When were you under the impression this game is..
Sentomaru was given a whole damn fight against Kizaru so it isn't beneath Oda to let weak characters put hands on him, but he didn't. Sanji is borderline YC1 level, he should be capable to stall a Top Tier rn especially one that tends to play around a lot.

But it is Luffy, Luffy and Luffy. I think Oda is telling us something.
Hes been telling us this something ever since the time skip started. Its the Luffy show baby. Like it or not.
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