Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1106 Spoilers Discussion

Will Kizaru use awakening in the next Chapters?

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"As a child, Monkey D. Luffy was inspired to become a pirate by listening to the tales of the buccaneer "Red-Haired" Shanks. But Luffy's life changed when he accidentally ate the Gum-Gum Devil Fruit and gained the power to stretch like rubber...at the cost of never being able to swim again! Years later, still vowing to become the king of the pirates, Luffy sets out on his adventure...one guy alone in a rowboat, in search of the legendary "One Piece," said to be the greatest treasure in the world..."

This is shueisha's sunmary for one piece. Do you see any other SHPs here? No, this is Luffy's journey others have alinged with him to fulfill his and their's dream. Why are you so hurt at the obvious?
Luffy being the main character and me wanting other characters to contribute more than just running around can both be true at the same time.
Still think it’s possible oda might give bb the bm treatment. As in have him be defeated by an outside source while luffy deals with shanks

With potential both big mom and Blackbeard coming back later stronger and more competent than ever. Then actually being treated with more respect
Like big mom might return in elbaf imo
Blackbeard maybe returning with a 3rd devil fruit the next arc after his defeat
Dear sanjifans there is no reason to start a war against Gouffy fandom, Oda is just dogshit writer we can't compete :seriously:

We have to accept it, same for Zolotards who thought zoro was closer to Luffy's level than sanji's one :suresure:
Why are you sucking Blackbeard's dick out of all character @Fujishiro

Lets be honest when he said this

Everyone expected him to do something really big, like getting ancient weapon or Kaido's DF

- actually targetted Hancock's DF
- failed to get it
- sent flying by seraphim
- chickened against old Rayleigh

Don't lie his perfomance lately is shit. Shanks on other hand wifi diffed Greenbull and retired Kidd Pirates.
Luffy has/had proved himself stronger than Kizaru to show they don't have to fear Admiral/Younko anymore that's all
How is it as important than beating a Gorosei member ?
Cause Sabaody happened and there is still a open debt to be paid from back then.

Maybe get that pure powerscaling out your head and start realizing this is a fight that is in the making since like 2009.
blackbeard made light work of boa hancock
blackbeard is stronger than an old legend (luffy's teacher)
blackbeard has a fleet admiral candidate working for him

I think a lot of people are letting the fact law was impressive against him cloud their vision tbh . For unexplained reasons had his bounty moved from 2.2 to 3.99 in between the events after wci to the end of wano . The rational shanks lives on a completely differently level is incredibly short sighted imo.

Luffy didnt even have gear 5 yet when kaido thought he could fight him at an almost level playing field . (ofc kaido was stronger at the time) but food for thought.
Imagine how busted the actual top top tiers like Shanks, Primebeard and Roger are and were
we have already seen an actual top tier ......

this is what am talking about
please respect those two and dont put shanks on that pedestal
in their primes
wb and roger shared titles akin to the strongest alive
factually of this generation that was kaido
echoed by kid, and killer who had a prev run in with the red hair pirates.

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