Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1106 Spoilers Discussion

Will Kizaru use awakening in the next Chapters?

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Sasaki Kojirō

Remember when Admiral fans were slandering Kaidou for failing to smash Kinemon's head?

Atleast Kinemon was barely struggling to stand, unlike Franky who gets into more battle.
Oda had to have Jimbei and Robin restrain Big Mom from attacking Franky. At least this shows that Oda still cared about having someone as strong as Big Mom attacking someone like Franky. Here, he didn't even bother with that. We also see Oda doing everything to prevent Kaidou from attacking Momonosuke, yet he didn't even care to draw Kizaru kicking Bonney, who is only 12 years old.
Nothing happened to Bonney, and nothing happened to Franky.

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
Copium. Something shock Is happening and that shock is going to be the death of a Elder. Bb ships on the shores and giants came to Egghead, not for the shits and giggles but to deal with all the ships on the shore. Somebody is getting packed and it'll most likely be Kizaru and Saturn. As Kizaru is wavering and not the ultimate evil, he'll probably get punched into his senses, but Saturn is getting defeated by Luffy.
Luffy first beat a commander of a Yonko, then the Yonko. Luffy will do the same with Saturn and eventually Imu. Figurehead like Ladmirals ain't built to be arc main fights for Luffy and they definitely ain't built to be main fights with PK level Luffy after Shanks and BB. Only Imu. This is probably his Last Admiral fight, desk duty manager cliff is probably getting off screened by Dragon or Sabo.

The entire arc has been screaming at us of Luffy freeing Bonney/Kuma/Vegapunk from Saturn more like it and the only way for them to be free is with Saturn's fall. Kizaru will most likely get beat into being good and probably never be seen again. Last part of Kaido V Luffy was in minutes, and the SH's ain't getting off the island in a few seconds. More then enough time for Luffy to have a full fight with Saturn and Kizaru and beat them. Admiral fans are trying real hard to make Lackainu the final opponent but its not gonna happen lmfao.

1104 repeat. Initial spoilers leaving out important details like Luffy getting up for whatever reason.
I already did an entire thread on the shocking event. Once again, we are literally in a situation where people are losing their homes and entire islands because the sea levels in the entire world just rose by a foot. If you just lost your home or your entire home island, you aren’t going to give a shit if Saint whoever just got punched to death or whatever. The event that shocks the world must be something that fundamentally changes the world’s current understanding of why things are the way they are.

I believe that this event will be the awakening of ancient kingdom tech all over the world, which would most certainly shock the entire world enough to make them question what exactly their government has been hiding from them for 800 years and would also set the stage for the entire world rebelling against the WG. Compared to this, the defeat of one Gorosei is insignificant.

The world shocking event must be something that serves as the catalyst for the entire world rebelling against the WG. No one cares if Saint Pissant dies right now. Islands are literally disappearing under the sea lmfao.
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