so in the case of gender studies those are unbiased to you???
What?Alright,i'm done with you,fucking clown.
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There are plenty of examples of biased scientist manipulating experiments to obtain what they want.
Does this mean that gravity is false? No.
But there is gonna be plenty of scientist willing to bend reality.
Yes,of course.
What?Alright,i'm done with you,fucking clown.

carrot considers gender studies as valid science

so my point more was, what's considered science by some may just be biased idealogy and nothing more

nobody is saying, biology is false just shit like gender studies or liberal arts degrees
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carrot considers gender studies as valid science

so my point more was, what's considered science by some may just be biased idealogy and nothing more

nobody is saying, biology is false just shit like gender studies or liberal arts degrees
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carrot considers gender studies as valid science

so my point more was, what's considered science by some may just be biased idealogy and nothing more

nobody is saying, biology is false just shit like gender studies or liberal arts degrees
There is SCIENCE and PSEUDOSCIENCE. Carrot propagades both pseudoscience and scientific fraud. Science can't deny or confirm any spiritual shit,because they have no tools for it. The Church has always being very pro-science.

Scientific fields with important foundational contributions from Catholic scientists include: physics (Galileo) despite his trial and conviction in 1633 for publishing a treatise on his observation that the earth revolves around the sun, which banned his writings and made him spend the remainder of his life under house arrest, acoustics (Mersenne), mineralogy (Agricola), modern chemistry (Lavoisier), modern anatomy (Vesalius), stratigraphy (Steno), bacteriology (Kircher and Pasteur), genetics (Mendel), analytical geometry (Descartes), heliocentric cosmology (Copernicus), atomic theory (Boscovich), and the Big Bang Theory on the origins of the universe (Lemaître). Jesuits devised modern lunar nomenclature and stellar classification and some 35 craters of the moon are named after Jesuits, among whose great scientific polymaths were Francesco Grimaldi and Giambattista Riccioli. The Jesuits also introduced Western science to India and China and translated local texts to be sent to Europe for study. Missionaries contributed significantly to the fields of anthropology, zoology, and botany during Europe's Age of Discovery.[citation needed]
christans making science means all science entirely conforms to reglioius beliefs at least according to you???

does science proves the behemoth and leviathan are real mythlogical beasts???
You are strawmanning his point.. He never said just coz there were Christian scientist so science conforms to everything in Christianity.
There is SCIENCE and PSEUDOSCIENCE. Carrot propagades both pseudoscience and scientific fraud. Science can't deny or confirm any spiritual shit,because they have no tools for it. The Church has always being very pro-science.

the same source cites conflict between the chruch and science

not to say no christans ever contributed to the chruch.

but it's likely the same as any reglilion and science

greeks have supported science too

some 59 percent of americans cite a conflict between the two
the same source cites conflict between the chruch and science

not to say no christans ever contributed to the chruch.

but it's likely the same as any reglilion and science

greeks have supported science too

some 59 percent of americans cite a conflict between the two
Look,i didn't say shit about Christians being the true religion just because xyz had scientifics achievements. Learn to read what i actually write and not what you imagine i think. My point was that being RELIGIOUS ( i didn't mention christian btw) doesn't equal to being unable to produce science. I know where you are coming from:"Religious people are superstitious,therefore can't think logically and be unbiased". Its an immature belief. Yes,religion has conflicted in the past with science,but still we had notorious scientific work done by religious people.
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He think religious people can't be scientists. Its a dumb,immature and ignorant belief.

never said anyone christan cant support science

what you talking about??

most of the people fighting science are bible thumbing zealots who deny the big bang,evolution and round earth in favor of flat earth,creationism and god created universe

you only need to look at who's debating agasint evolution to tell which side is truly anti science

Religious people are superstitious,therefore can't think logically and be unbiased". Its an immature belief. Yes,religion has conflicted in the past with science.

people who are basing their stances on belief, are always going to have positions which oppose facts

hardcore liberals/leftists like carrot are prime examples of that

men having an insane amount of privilge is just one of those idealogical takes, it's the reality that most of the homeless are male which cant be true if men hold all the power in the society

if im looking at reality with the viewpoint that x thing is true regardless of evidence then guess what im gonna ignore evidence cause that aint the framework used for the hypothical viewpoint propsed here

i didn't say shit about Christians being the true religion just because xyz had scientic achievements.

didt claim you did tho
never said anyone christan cant support science

what you talking about??

most of the people fighting science are bible thumbing zealots who deny the big bang,evolution and round earth in favor of flat earth,creationism and god created universe

you only need to look at who's debating agasint evolution to tell which side is truly anti science

people who are basing their stances on belief, are always going to have positions which oppose facts

hardcore liberals/leftists like carrot are prime examples of that

men having an insane amount of privilge is just one of those idealogical takes, it's the reality that most of the homeless are male which cant be true if men hold all the power in the society

if im looking at reality with the viewpoint that x thing is true regardless of evidence then guess what im gonna ignore evidence cause that aint the framework used for the hypothical viewpoint propsed here

didt claim you did tho
You aren't much different than C4N. Don't bother quotting me anymore.
the same source cites conflict between the chruch and science

not to say no christans ever contributed to the chruch.

but it's likely the same as any reglilion and science

greeks have supported science too

some 59 percent of americans cite a conflict between the two
Is yoir argument : there is conflict.. Hence there can't be a religious scientist?

What is your point dude?

Ig what NAMELESS says here
Look,i didn't say shit about Christians being the true religion just because xyz had scientic achievements. Learn to read what i actually write and not what you imagine i think. My point was that being RELIGIOUS ( i didn't mention christian btw) doesn't equal to being unable to produce science. I know where you are coming from:"Religious people are superstitious,therefore can't think logically and be unbiased". Its an immature belief. Yes,religion has conflicted in the past with science,but still we had notorious scientific work done by religious people.
is what you believe then bro grab some history books about scientific contributions by religious folks and you'll find that the vast majority were religious and diests
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most of the people fighting science are bible thumbing zealots who deny the big bang,evolution and round earth in favor of flat earth,creationism and god created universe
Big bang and Explanations of Evolution through Darwaniian lense is filled with holes and quesitons, and you can't force a theory down someone's throat just because you believe in it.

And bruh Vast majority of Christians would believe earth being round

And creationsim and idea of there being a God as the initiator of the universe.. Have Logical evidences backing it up.. And unlike the theories you mentioned are quite more realistic and reasonable
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Is yoir argument : there is conflict.. Hence there can't be a religious scientist?

What is your point dude?

Ig what NAMELESS says here

is what you believe then bro grab some history books about scientific contributions by religious folks and you'll find that the vast majority were religious and diests
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Big bang and Explanations of Evolution through Darwaniian lense is filled with holes and quesitons, and you can't force a theory down someone's throat just because you believe in it.

And bruh Vast majority of Christians would believe earth being round

And creationsim and idea of there being a God as the initiator of the universe.. Have Logical evidences backing it up.. And unlike the theories you mentioned are quite more realistic and reasonable
Don't debate dumb people,man. I have him and a couple of others on ignore. I'm done with this back and forth. Thinking about nuking this acc too.


The Church has always being very pro-science.
Galileu disagress
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There are plenty of examples of biased scientist manipulating experiments to obtain what they want.
Does this mean that gravity is false? No.
But there is gonna be plenty of scientist willing to bend reality.
off topic

I don't remember when you did this but I'm very proud to be quoted on your signature
"Negative eugenism"

Section "Meaning and types", last pragraph, third sentence.

"Negative eugenics aimed to eliminate, through sterilization or segregation, those deemed physically, mentally, or morally "undesirable". This includes abortions, sterilization, and other methods of family planning."
"Three International Eugenics Conferences presented a global venue for eugenicists, with meetings in 1912 in London, and in 1921 and 1932 in New York City. Eugenic policies in the United States were first implemented by state-level legislators in the early 1900s.[34] Eugenic policies also took root in France, Germany, and Great Britain.[35] Later, in the 1920s and 1930s, the eugenic policy of sterilizing certain mental patients was implemented in other countries including Belgium,[36] Brazil,[37] Canada,[38] Japan and Sweden. Frederick Osborn's 1937 journal article "Development of a Eugenic Philosophy" framed eugenics as a social philosophy—a philosophy with implications for social order.[39] That definition is not universally accepted. Osborn advocated for higher rates of sexual reproduction among people with desired traits ("positive eugenics") or reduced rates of sexual reproduction or sterilization of people with less-desired or undesired traits ("negative eugenics"). "

This is all about parents with undesirable traits, not aborting children with disabilities. this just doesnt apply to what we were talking about. but nice try i guess (not really)
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Dawkins called "immoral" the act of carrying on the pregnancy of child with Down syndrom. This was therefore an eugenistic claim.
no, since down syndrome is not heritable, and eugenics is all about selecting favorable heritable traits.

you are wrong, and this still doesnt say anything regarding the point that sience works. you are just deflecting from the point attacking dawkins character
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if christans got into science fields and took over to parrot their beliefs then yea would reject in such instances
religious scientists more often than not reinterpret a literalist interpretation of passages contrary to the scientific research. and other reasonable religious people do as well. i've seen someone reinterpret adam and eve story to be indicative of evolution.
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so basically just modern women in the late 2000s

so no poor dudes,no 6 foot dudes,no dudes who dont make six figures,no dudes without a 6 pac
uhm, i think only height might be heritable there, so no. making six figures and working out arent heritable traits that can be selectively bred.
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Is yoir argument : there is conflict.. Hence there can't be a religious scientist?

What is your point dude?

Ig what NAMELESS says here
i think he is just trying to apply what logiko says about political ideology in science to religious ideology to make an analogy.
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Big bang and Explanations of Evolution through Darwaniian lense is filled with holes and quesitons, and you can't force a theory down someone's throat just because you believe in it.
scientific theory
[ sahy-uhn-tif-ik theer-ee, thee-uh-ree ]SHOW IPA

  1. a coherent group of propositions formulated to explain a group of facts or phenomena in the natural world and repeatedly confirmed through experiment or observation:
SCIENTIFIC THEORY Definition & Usage Examples |

sorry to burst that bubble, but evolution is true and denying that is on the same level as being a flat earther
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They just said to Israel to make sure that they take actions for a genocide to not happen like allowing humanitary help to get inside Gaza like Israel is doing.

Nothing that the court said gives Israel a single drop of guilty therefore there is no asking for them to stop the attacks.
I suggest you return look at the conclusion of the sessions. You missed some stuff.

The court ruled that Israel must do all it can to prevent genocide, including refraining from harming or killing Palestinians. It also ruled that Israel must urgently get basic aid to Gaza and that the country should punish any incitement to genocide, among other measures.

The panel told Israel to submit a report on steps taken within a month.

“That’s a time that the court could come back and say, ‘You have not met the orders. You have not complied. Now we find you are in the midst of committing genocide,’” said Mary Ellen O’Connell, a professor of law and international peace studies at Notre Dame University’s Kroc Institute


The same billionaires that have the government and military by the balls.
Well.. You got a fair point here, but sadly, if you want to ask native to do an action, it will be useless to target France and the country that protect those billionnaires. This is our job to stop them. But what those people can do is rise us and sabotage the work of those priviledged people in their countries.

same difference

wither you put the order in first and second

at the end of the day, your saying science is ultimately just idealogical no difference to a reglion
No, not "same point". The point is completely different mate. You just don't understand it.

it was more of a hypotheical if you read

insofar as idealogy based science like gender studies yea im 100% anti science in regards to those things

if it's like biology im perfectly fine accepting such things

science only matters if it's true, if it's just parroting a idealogy then yea ig science is wrong

if christans got into science fields and took over to parrot their beliefs then yea would reject in such instances
Then you are basically antiscience. You can't say "I accept just the science I like therefore I for science". No, you are just against the scientific process mate


if anyone embodies selective breeding, it's those empowered femmist women

carrot likes
What is even the logic behind this argumentation ? :milaugh:

Science is unbiased
Conclusions are unbiased* (at least they need to be). But conclusions are only one part of the scientific process. The rest of the process can be completely subjugated to biased.

But yeah, Bob speaks from an ignorant starting point about science, we can agree on that.

carrot considers gender studies as valid science
Gender studies are not "a science", they are a field of study, a subject studied by science.

Not the same thing.

Carrot propagades both pseudoscience and scientific fraud
Where ?

Careful when you are lying with that sort of subjects about me, you better be prepared. Because I don't like those kind of deffamation, especially about science about me and will fire back at you personnaly with every scientific firepower I have and you won't like it.

You better be really sure of what you are going to say next.

have positions which oppose facts

hardcore liberals/leftists like carrot are prime examples of that
Actually, my positions are always supported by facts and scientific work so...

This is all about parents with undesirable traits, not aborting children with disabilities. this just doesnt apply to what we were talking about. but nice try i guess
YOu did not debunk what I said mate... :milaugh:

You just added more historical context to the notion of eugenism. If you do not agree with me, ask wikipedia to delete the sources and the paragraph I just shared to you as even a child would understand that you are just avoiding what is written... Or accept - for once - to be wrong.

no, since down syndrome is not heritable, and eugenics is all about selecting favorable heritable traits.

you are wrong, and this still doesnt say anything regarding the point that sience works. you are just deflecting from the point attacking dawkins character
I'm right. As (like I shared) there is what we call "negative eugenism" that tends to act on abortion. And this is a case where someone tries to legitimate that practice. Its therefore Eugenic and nothing you will say will stop this from being true, I'm sorry, you are wrong and Dawkins was ALSO wrong.

And yes, the goal here was precisely to attack Dawkins because this guys is a bit too shared when it comes to talk about subjects that don't concerns him.

no evolution deniers nooooooooooo
Are you really surprised ?
Actually, my positions are always supported by facts and scientific work so...

if we go by your logic

science = leftism

and does not have relate to factual accurateness
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Then you are basically antiscience. You can't say "I accept just the science I like therefore I for science". No, you are just against the scientific process mate

if nazi say races are science based and germans are inherently superior cause of science

that's right cause science???

if idealogical based science is right then germans are the best race

no reason why to deny one baseless idealogical science and accept another
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