Selective abortion =/= selective breeding my dude
Again, not my claim. What is eugenic is not the act of abortion (in this case), is the act of wanting to select through abortion.

Also, eugenism is not one method, its a set of beliefs and practices to select specific type of genetic material over others. Forced abortion is one of them.
No, eugenics is the act of selective breeding, i.e. only allowing people with favorable heritable traits to reproduce.
"Negative eugenism"

Section "Meaning and types", last pragraph, third sentence.

"Negative eugenics aimed to eliminate, through sterilization or segregation, those deemed physically, mentally, or morally "undesirable". This includes abortions, sterilization, and other methods of family planning."

so not what dawkins was saying, gotcha
Dawkins called "immoral" the act of carrying on the pregnancy of child with Down syndrom. This was therefore an eugenistic claim.

They did.

They didn't accused Israel of doing a genocide and did not asked them to stop doing anything unlike with Russia.
Actually yes they did.
What they did is aknowledging the plausibility of an act of genocide.
They also warned Israel not to commit more harm on Palestinian civilians and asked for a report on this matter from Israel on this subject regarding their actions. If they don't comply, the actions of Israel will therefore be considerer Genocide. This was what we called "diplomacy".

If Israel continue, their gov will be considered guilty of crimes against humanity.

The Africans should go to war with France to stop colonialism.
Well, France is not really in control anymore. What is in control now are the Billionaires pomping up all the ressources of Africa. It's against them that native needs to rebel against.


Actually yes they did.
What they did is aknowledging the plausibility of an act of genocide.
They also warned Israel not to commit more harm on Palestinian civilians and asked for a report on this matter from Israel on this subject regarding their actions. If they don't comply, the actions of Israel will therefore be considerer Genocide. This was what we called "diplomacy".

If Israel continue, their gov will be considered guilty of crimes against humanity.

They just said to Israel to make sure that they take actions for a genocide to not happen like allowing humanitary help to get inside Gaza like Israel is doing.

Nothing that the court said gives Israel a single drop of guilty therefore there is no asking for them to stop the attacks.
My... Gaad..

No way some dimwits here think there are only ONE kind of jews on the planet
Hence every hadith and islamic text is referring to all Jews no matter whether there are colonisers, oppressors, settlers and child rapists... Good, bad, worst involved.. Especially in the context of anti colonial charter
"Negative eugenism"

Section "Meaning and types", last pragraph, third sentence.

"Negative eugenics aimed to eliminate, through sterilization or segregation, those deemed physically, mentally, or morally "undesirable". This includes abortions, sterilization, and other methods of family planning."

Dawkins called "immoral" the act of carrying on the pregnancy of child with Down syndrom. This was therefore an eugenistic claim.

Actually yes they did.
What they did is aknowledging the plausibility of an act of genocide.
They also warned Israel not to commit more harm on Palestinian civilians and asked for a report on this matter from Israel on this subject regarding their actions. If they don't comply, the actions of Israel will therefore be considerer Genocide. This was what we called "diplomacy".

If Israel continue, their gov will be considered guilty of crimes against humanity.

Well, France is not really in control anymore. What is in control now are the Billionaires pomping up all the ressources of Africa. It's against them that native needs to rebel against.
The same billionaires that have the government and military by the balls. De Gaulle signed a unfair treaty with the Africans. You govermnet exploits 14 nations in Africa and they use that money to keep people like you comfortable.
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The same billionaires that have the government and military by the balls. De Gaulle signed a unfair treaty with the Africans. You govermnet exploits 14 nations in Africa and they use that money to keep people like you comfortable.
The intellectual dishonesty in this one is astounding. The government puts that extra money in their own pockets🤣🤣
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Read what I say for F sake...

Its not science who follow an ideology its an ideology that follows science.

same difference

wither you put the order in first and second

at the end of the day, your saying science is ultimately just idealogical no difference to a reglion

No you are not. If you were you would accept all scientific disciplines and not just the one that suits your believes.

it was more of a hypotheical if you read

insofar as idealogy based science like gender studies yea im 100% anti science in regards to those things

if it's like biology im perfectly fine accepting such things

science only matters if it's true, if it's just parroting a idealogy then yea ig science is wrong

if christans got into science fields and took over to parrot their beliefs then yea would reject in such instances
same difference

wither you put the order in first and second

at the end of the day, your saying science is ultimately just idealogical no difference to a reglion

it was more of a hypotheical if you read

insofar as idealogy based science like gender studies yea im 100% anti science in regards to those things

if it's like biology im perfectly fine accepting such things

science only matters if it's true, if it's just parroting a idealogy then yea ig science is wrong

if christans got into science fields and took over to parrot their beliefs then yea would reject in such instances
Is there a particular reason why you use paragraphs in place of a period ?
same difference

wither you put the order in first and second

at the end of the day, your saying science is ultimately just idealogical no difference to a reglion

it was more of a hypotheical if you read

insofar as idealogy based science like gender studies yea im 100% anti science in regards to those things

if it's like biology im perfectly fine accepting such things

science only matters if it's true, if it's just parroting a idealogy then yea ig science is wrong

if christans got into science fields and took over to parrot their beliefs then yea would reject in such instances
Funny you say that about Christians when the first scientists were catholics priests:gokulaugh: You need to research stuff before making a fool of yourself.
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Is there a particular reason why you use paragraphs in place of a period ?
I suspect he doesn't know how to write.
No, eugenics is the act of selective breeding, i.e. only allowing people with favorable heritable traits to reproduce.

so basically just modern women in the late 2000s

so no poor dudes,no 6 foot dudes,no dudes who dont make six figures,no dudes without a 6 pac

if anyone embodies selective breeding, it's those empowered femmist women

carrot likes

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Funny you say that about Christians when the first scientists were catholics priests:gokulaugh: You need to research stuff before making a fool of yourself.

christans making science means all science entirely conforms to reglioius beliefs at least according to you???

does science proves the behemoth and leviathan are real mythlogical beasts???
so basically just modern women in the late 2000s

so no poor dudes,no 6 foot dudes,no dudes who dont make six figures,no dudes without a 6 pac

if anyone embodies selective breeding, it's those empowered femmist women

carrot likes
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christans making science means all science entirely conforms to reglioius beliefs

science proves the behemoth and leviathan are real mythlogical beasts???
Science is unbiased,otherwise it isn't science,retard. Are you smoking crack? There are plenty of scientists that have done notorious work that had a religious background. You are ignorant.
Science is unbiased,otherwise it isn't science,retard. Are you smoking crack? There are plenty of scientists that have done notorious work that had a religious background. You are ignorant.
There are plenty of examples of biased scientist manipulating experiments to obtain what they want.
Does this mean that gravity is false? No.
But there is gonna be plenty of scientist willing to bend reality.