Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1106 Spoilers Discussion

Will Kizaru use awakening in the next Chapters?

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Nika has always been the MC and the one with the most spotlight, but there a stark difference in how the story treated him before and now. Now if people are fine with it, it's okay. But don't say people read 1100 chapters of a series they hate because they don't like the current developments
Throwback to Arlong Park:
“I can’t use swords! I can’t navigate! I can’t cook! And I can’t tell lies! I know I can’t live without help from a lot of people!… … I can beat you!”

Like current one piece doesn’t have this type of theme anymore despite it being a main drawing point of the manga throughout the series.

And Luffy fans think people don’t have a right to complain about it
This started with the Katakuri fight with jokes that Katakuri should beat Nika, pick up the strawhat and become the main character. Then it devolved over the course of Wano into complete MC envy
The Lu-ffy haters are just people who read the series for other characters and they are starting to realize that Oda doesn't focus on them as much as Lu-ffy, which is no surprise as One Piece is a SHONEN.

The admiral fans are people who read the series specifically for the admirals, no wonder they are hating Lu-ffy given how he is dealing with their fave.

So, they are projecting their frustration by saying they hate the main character now.
Throwback to Arlong Park:
“I can’t use swords! I can’t navigate! I can’t cook! And I can’t tell lies! I know I can’t live without help from a lot of people!… … I can beat you!”

Like current one piece doesn’t have this type of theme anymore despite it being a main drawing point of the manga throughout the series.

And Nika fans think people don’t have a right to complain about it
All those things are still very much true. How did things change? :luffywat:

I can tell you exactly who's complaining now and why.
All those things are still very much true. How did things change? :luffywat:
Because now Luffy literally does do everything.

When was the last time Namis navigation was highlighted? Usopps lies? Zoros swordsmanship? Frankys engineering?

The story has literally moved to a point where everything is about Luffy. Ancient technology that has an unknown power source? Sorry Franky Luffy will get all it working!!
One Piece is not a face value story and that's exactly what you're trying to do by categorizing Luffy as the MC when that's not what the narrative is portraying.. No matter amount of screentime and panel will change that..

I don't know if this is Luffy fans delusion wank but i won't stand for this.. Luffy is absolute total garbage without his crew, they are a part of him and Luffy is a part of them till death do them apart..
The Lu-ffy haters are just people who read the series for other characters and they are starting to realize that Oda doesn't focus on them as much as Lu-ffy, which is no surprise as One Piece is a SHONEN.

The admiral fans are people who read the series specifically for the admirals, no wonder they are hating Lu-ffy given how he is dealing with their fave.

So, they are projecting their frustration by saying they hate the main character now.
"it's only the evil admiral fans that hate nika shit"
Who are you even trying to fool here?
Because now Nika literally does do everything.

When was the last time Namis navigation was highlighted? Usopps lies? Zoros swordsmanship? Frankys engineering?

The story has literally moved to a point where everything is about Nika. Ancient technology that has an unknown power source? Sorry Franky Nika will get all it working!!
why the are the giants here? nika
what is the robot connected to? nika
what is the unlimited energy source? nika
who is worshipped on elbaf? nika
who will save bonney? nika
who will save the world? nika
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