Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1106 Spoilers Discussion

Will Kizaru use awakening in the next Chapters?

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Because of Sanji? Are you seriously saying that Sanji didn’t have any effect on Gin??
Exactly. Gin begs for help and later apologized saying he didn't knew Krieg would do that. Sanji didn't interferes nothing here.

Plus if you take Sanji out Zeff is still saving then and everything would happen just equal.

But Zoro saved Luffy and everyone ass that arc by fighting Mihawk. Otherwise he would have destroyed everything.


Lead them to paradise.
Kinda based ngl, Vegapunk is a bitch
I liked that he gave Bonney the highest authority over the Kuma pacifistas so that her dad would never harm her. It was a nice touch.
bros wanted the super black haki coat Nika sayajin 6
No, He can Laugh and be Goofy but he should also know when to be serious. Dude Vegapunk is literally dying and this clown is laughing. Do you think its fine?​
Read you clown.
What I mean isn't just that Franky has things to do. I mean real development on Franky's passion for science and engineering, his nature as a cyborg, a real relationship with his idol. The problem is that due to everything else the arc has had to accommodate, there hasn't been any space or quiet moment to accommodate that.

That's why I believe all those things will take place after the arc, with Stella or one of the punks escaping on the Sunny to Elbaf.
Thats what I'm certain is happening as long as one punk escapes. But so far Franky's been blowing Vegapunks mind with all the things he's built till now, and getting to save his hero would be a nice thing for him to have by the end.

We getting a SUPERPUNK engineering collab coming up here soon, DW.


It is incredibly slow-paced and I hated every single moment of it but it is not as aggravating as Egghead imo. And the saddest part is that there would be so many interesting aspects to focus on. So many opportunities wasted :josad:
You failed to explain why Egghead would be worst.

I do enjoyed a few moments of Wano. But overall shit.
The ad said a story about a pirate king not a fucking God.
Lu-ff-y and Nika are mutually exclusive. And Roger was too early. This was made clear ages ago. You didn't get the memo?
Luffys endgame isn't the pirate king, just a means to an end. Luffy's dream is not to become the pirate king, that's just a means to an end and his dream is not yet revealed but rediculous/impossible from the looks of the reaction. So he will make the impossible become possible. He will make his dream come true even if he needs to become a god for it is the message. Also Luffy is not Roger. He is joy boy. That was clear to.
Nami? She has been a damsel to a seraphim and shown on panel about as much as brook lately.

Egghead panel time (1058-1101)
  1. Bonney: 345
  2. Luffy: 332
  3. Kuma: 310
  4. Vegapunk: 240
  5. Franky: 142
  6. Usopp: 139
  7. Nami: 135
  8. Lucci: 132
  9. Chopper: 126
  10. Sanji: 121
  11. Kizaru: 113
  12. Vegapunk; Shaka: 107
  13. Jinbei: 105
  14. Robin: 104
  15. Zoro: 102
  16. Vegapunk; Lilith: 93
  17. Jaygarcia Saturn: 89
  18. Garp: 86
  19. Sentomaru: 86
  20. Kaku: 85
  21. Koby: 83
  22. Vegapunk; Atlas: 76
  23. Stussy: 70
  24. S-Snake: 66
  25. Sabo: 65
  26. Blackbeard: 62
  27. Dragon: 58
  28. Ginny: 57
  29. S-Shark: 54
  30. S-Hawk: 52
  31. Ivankok: 52
  32. Kuzan: 50
  33. Buggy: 49
  34. Cobra: 48
  35. Vegapunk; York: 48
  36. Vegapunk; Pythagoras: 42
  37. S-Bear: 42
  38. Vegapunk; Edison: 41
  39. Brook: 40
  40. Shanks: 34
  41. Imu: 31

Nami? She has been a damsel to a seraphim
Both the time she simply doesn't wanted to fight child and Jinbe.
Serious Robin failed to even touch S-shark.
Usopp and Franky lost to S-snake.
Don't know what Jinbe was doing.
Nami is one of the only strawhat to injured Seraphim.
Egghead is literally the best arc Post Timeskip

1. Egghead
2. Wano
3. Zou
4. Dressrosa
5. WCI
6. Punk Hazzard
7.Fishman Island
I am not taking into account what happened outside of the island. Law, Kid, Sabo, and Garp have been somewhat interesting to follow (especially Kid). Saul being alive, the fight against the seraphims being skipped, Kaku and Lucci being that strong and awakened (!), Sanji being useless, ...
I'm having trouble finding something I thoroughly liked.

Probably the Mark III PX, they are awesome :specialmeh:

1. Dressrosa
2. Zou
3. Punk Hazard
4. WCI
5. Fishmen Island
6. Wano
7. Egghead
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