ONE PIECE CHAPTER 1106 : By your Side

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The series is full of the sun symbolism/sun god hints but it still makes me wish all the more that we had something like the Kuma flashback before gear 5 that properly set up Nika, instead of just an offhand mention by Who's Who. But all's well that ends well.
Oh I wholeheartedly agree. I don't think Nika is great or anything, but I've grown to accept its place in the story more than when it was just introduced.
Still, Oda should have and could have laid some obvious seeds for it at least back on Fishman Island
Oh I wholeheartedly agree. I don't think Nika is great or anything, but I've grown to accept its place in the story more than when it was just introduced.
Still, Oda should have and could have laid some obvious seeds for it at least back on Fishman Island
Skypiea -> Sun God (Luffy was already associated with him)
Fishman Island -> JoyBoy
Fishman Island volume cover -> Nika mermaid on Luffy
Dressrosa -> Devil Fruit awakening
Wano -> JoyBoy / Nika (World Government)
Egghead -> Nika folklore through Buccaneers
Elbaf -> Sun God
Kizaru and admiral fans were like:

Not really. Luffy running out of energy was so obviously as much a plot move by Oda to take him out of the story as the star attack on Kizaru to make him dizzy was. Everyone with basic reading comprehension knew Oda did all that for some spotlight for Saturn and the Kuma backstory.
Skypiea -> Sun God (Nika was already associated with him)
Fishman Island -> JoyBoy
Fishman Island volume cover -> Nika mermaid on Nika
Dressrosa -> Devil Fruit awakening
Wano -> JoyBoy / Nika (World Government)
Egghead -> Nika folklore through Buccaneers
Elbaf -> Sun God
I'm not conflating Luffy's devil fruit awakening with Nika. I knew Luffy would awaken his Devil Fruit sooner or later.
But it being retconned into a Mythical Zoan + Nika only really being made a thing and introduced by Who's Who a dozenish chapters earlier is poor build up.
Chapter 1106: On Your Side

Page 1/Cover Page:
-Robin complimenting a Crocodile on the beach.
-Cross Guild/Straw Hat meet up soon??? There are pineapples in the trees... MARCO COMES TO EGGHEAD???
-Nice, easy going Cover Page.

Page 2:
-We see the approaching ship (the Giant Pirates), and hear one Giant say "Just like the Newspaper said" implying the Giants left for Egghead after reading about Luffy being on the island and it being under siege by the Marines.
-Luffy... burps, I think
-Shout out to the Marine worried about Luffy eating him, that's a great small gag. I'd love for Oda to continue this and have it become a rumor amongst Marines that Luffy eats Marine soldiers during battle. Guess Luffy's the new Big Mom, oi.
-Luffy only needs a bit of time to digest meat to get back into Gear 5, interesting

Page 3:
-Oh my gosh these dumbass Marines, don't count to three, just cuff him. What are they even doing?
-More action panels

Page 4:
-Atlas to Bonney: "Kuma and the Stella... have always been gay lovers!" /s
-More actions panels, nice art here

Page 5:
-Bonney has... a lot of dad's now, huh
-The Pacifista could hear while the Marines couldn't, maybe they have advanced hearing? Was that ever a thing?
-I like how innocent Bonney looks in these panels, even if she's in her adult form, she looks childlike and full of wonder, which is fitting for the miracles happening around her.

Page 6-7:
-Lol this has a Terminator feel to it, huh? The Pacifista start going crazy. Crazy how many times Saturn could have killed Bonney, or Vegapunk and Atlas to stop this.
-Great actions sequence, if they put effort into it this look should fantastic animated.

Page 8-9:
-I've already shat on Vegapunk not telling Bonney about her Command Authority over the Pacifistas before this, so, I'll say it again, without lingering on it: Vegapunk not telling Bonney she controls the Pacifista makes no sense, especially when he was scared of her getting attacked by them. Ugh.
-Vegapunk: "It's okay if the government uses these Kuma clones to murder other people, just not Bonney. So, let's make this 12-year-old in charge of a robot army." WTF VEGAPUNK
-This is a wonderful narrative moment in terms of Kuma never betraying Bonney. Bonney controlling the Pacifista is a great idea plot wise that should open up a lot of fun scenarios going forward.

Page 10:
-Vegapunk finally pays for his follies. Many, including me, thought this was coming. This is where the Stella dies. Nice panel of Saturn stabbing him through. Stalling spider racist finally had enough and put his foot down, literally.
-Love the fury in Saturn's eyes. He wanted to torture Vegapunk by destroying everything around him, but he lost himself in rage. Saturn's emotions seem very human here.
-And then Saturn still doesn't finish him off, ohhhhhhh pleeeease
-Poor Franky, watching his mentor get shanked

Page 11:
-Yikes. Hope this page gets some touch ups and redraws for the Volume release, if ya'll want to argue about what's going into Sanji or where his arms are, go ahead, but all I saw is a mess when I look at Sanji (and god bless poor Franky) in these panels. I THINK Sanji got hit, but, even if he did, it's only because he's trying to protect Bonney.
-Kizaru has tried to murder Bonney twice now, he's fully resigned himself to this it seems. Not sure what it would take for Kizaru to change sides, now. Ironically, as the arc has gone on, Kuma has regained humanity little by little, while Kizaru has lost it, to the point where his movements and speech feel almost robotic compared to the slow, teasing tone he normally has. "I'll make sure to get you both in one slash, so you can be together... It won't hurt a bit Bonney," is honestly the emotionally tragic line we've ever gotten from Kizaru. He's GOING THROUGH IT, and I think he might be nearing a breaking point. If Kuma dies, and Bonney breaks down, I hope Kizaru finally chooses justice over Saturn's racist bitch ass.

Page 12-13:
-Our bouncy boy is back up for a potential round 2 with Kizaru, much to the anger of fans of delicious potato chips packaged in cylindrical containers. I still think Luffy will transition into Saturn soon, but, I'd like Kizaru and Luffy to have at least a few panels, if not a chapter, of a serious clash, now that Vegapunk is down.
-According to Luffy, he's back at full power. I mean, he did eat a lot, and only had a small fight with Kizaru, so, it makes sense.
-Bouncy ground is a good save idea. Not like Sanji could save them, hahahaha, that would make Sanji relevant and useful, why do that when we can fellate the main character's giant rubber dick. I love Luffy, but FUCK, the rest of the crew is starting to get seriously sidelined and I don't like it.
-Saturn being surprised at the drum noise is funny to me, he's like "Oh, no, not that hot beat!"
-Kizaru looks dinged, but fine.

Page 14-15:
-Vegapunk's losing a lot of blood
-Robot's back on, looks like the Drums of Liberation, Luffy's Heartbeat, is either an activator for it, for its Power Source. Considering its horns, size, and aesthetics, and the fact Giants arrive in this chapter, I think the Ancient Robot has some connection to the Giants, so I actually expect it to move this time. I'm guessing this is Luffy's last Gear 5 here, but, you never know.
-Lol imagine being Bonney and being told this fucking goofball is your God. Can't wait to see Luffy getting "worshipped" I'm sure he'll fucking love that. I'm fine with Oda having Bonney worship Luffy as long as it's not simpy, we already added a weirdly underage simp for Luffy in S-Snake in this arc, we don't need a second. DON'T DO IT ODA.
-To anyone who hates Luffy being Nika, I want you to read Vegapunk's words very carefully:

"Straw Hat Luffy, the young boy who caught Kuma's eye, is Sun God Nika! Kuma was right! A Buster Call is a tame problem for him! People all over the world have been awaiting his arrival for hundreds of years."

-Yeah. Nika Piece is real and only going to get worse, buckle up for the Church of Luffy.
-Wonderful panel of Bonney looking up, even if I have mixed feelings about the plot here

Page 16-17:
-The fact the Giant Pirates are still famous 100 years later says a lot.
-Keep your Mr. 3 Power Scaling to your fucking selves I don't want it
-Aaaaaand Dorry and Brogy also worship Luffy. Bruhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I'm sure everyone will LOVE THAT. Heh.
-This really has turned around for the Marines. I think things will sway back into their favor soon, though.

Great chapter, excited for the trolling and insane arguments discussion this week and the next chapter.
Oh I wholeheartedly agree. I don't think Nika is great or anything, but I've grown to accept its place in the story more than when it was just introduced.
Still, Oda should have and could have laid some obvious seeds for it at least back on Fishman Island
He did going back all the way to Skypeia, for the "sun god" anyway. I really like Nika personally. But 1044 was undeniably out of complete nowhere. It's probably that he just didn't come up with Gear 5th till late in the game, probably halfway through Wano. Whenever that comment about him not knowing how Luffy would beat Kaido was, it was at least not before then.

If he had seeded the sun god stuff all through wano and put some hints about Luffy's devil fruit a bit earlier, it'd have been smooth enough.