Future Events Luffy vs Saturn or Luffy vs Kizaru Round 2 which do you think is most likely to happen at this point?

Which fight are we getting?

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It’s just an extreme hypothetical to show my point.

Like to be clear what I mean, imagine if I were to say “Zoro or Sanj beats Akainu in the final war.”

Like forget powerscaling, that just doesn’t feel like it makes sense narratively.

That’s how I view Sanji or Zoro beating Kizaru on Egghead, doesn’t really feel quite right story wise.


✌𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓢𝓲𝓶𝓹𝓵𝓲𝓬𝓲𝓽𝔂 𝓸𝓯 𝓛𝓲𝓯𝓮✌
Luffy already proved multiple times he can knock Kizaru on his ass anytime he wants to

However Saturn is still a looming threat that no one is has been able to damage Luffy being the MC is 99% likely to be the one to actually do permanent damage plus I'd love to see Saturn actually fight for real so we can properly scale him


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
There is no one to take on Saturn so here what I think is possible

Scenario 1)

Ancient Robot vs Saturn - Robot already attacked MJ in the past so definitely it's warrior type. If it comes in action then it has to be against Saturn as Buster call is already being taken care of by Pacifista and Giants

Then we will have Luffy vs Kiz Round 2

Scenario 2)

Luffy and Ancient Robot vs Saturn

Zoro vs Kiz...Zoro has been sidelined way more than it was expected. Lucci can't hold zoro for so long and if the fight was still going on then Oda would have showed us but it got totally sidelined. Oda is holding zoro back for a big moment.

With kiz using light sword few times this arc, I feel it's possible zoro will show up out of nowhere to intercept kiz

Garp the Fist

It’ll be both in some fashion. Kizaru isn’t the one who Bonney and Kuma need to be liberated from.

I’d quite like a crew vs Saturn fight though. Reverse Saobody with Saturn taking the role of the Pacifista and Kizaru being defeated.

Crew vs Kizaru would have worked as well, but half the crew don’t have Haki and there’s only one pair of light gloves. I don’t think Oda has it in him any more to think of a way for all the crew to take part in some way, although the light gloves do need to and I hope it’s Franky using them,
Luffy vs Saturn will 100% happen.

Luffy will be the one to defeat Saturn, anyone who says the opposite or disagrees is coping and doesn't understand narrative at all.

One Piece follows 2 basic rules:
- it is a shonen -> it's a manga for a male audience with a main protagonist
- it follows the damsel in distress narrative device -> Bonney is the damsel in distress that is oppressed by Saturn and Nika is her savior

Regardless of that, Nika is the Warrior of Liberation that will free Bonney (and Kuma).
- Bonney contracted Sapphire Scale from Saturn
- Bonney was still oppressed by Saturn in Egghead (she was held and almost killed)
- Bonney is waiting for Nika through the legend of Nika spread by her dad

Outside of Bonney, the other characters are secondary "damsels in distress".
- Kuma is a slave who was turned into a robot by Saturn, he is also waiting for Nika
- Vegapunk is also waiting for Nika, he is on Kuma's side, he danced to Nika, and he was brutally hit this chapter

More importantly, Kizaru, the admiral who came to Egghead is the perfect damsel in distress:
- Kizaru is only a cog in the machine so he doesn't decide what he does
- Kizaru is conflicted, his justice is unclear
- Kizaru cares for his friends but he has to do his job
- Kizaru obeys to Saturn, no matter if the decision hurts his friends

Bonney, Kuma, Vegapunk, Kizaru and Sentomaru are all waiting for Nika to free them from Saturn, period.

Now, who will fight Saturn?

I think it will be mainly Luffy's fight but I'm expecting to see Bonney land a punch on him with Nika-ish future and maybe some action from the ancient robot.

I don't think that the ancient robot is there to focus on Saturn. Instead, in my eyes, it will most likely replace Vegaforce and carry the Sunny to the coast.

What about Kizaru?

Kizaru is conflicted and his justice is unclear. Kizaru will not betray Saturn before his defeat by Nika, so what about him?

It is possible that Kizaru intervenes to fight Luffy but that's not what will mainly happen.

When the ancient robot carries the Sunny and it tries to escape with the Straw Hats, Kuma, Bonney, Sentomaru and Vegapunk, Saturn will most likely order Kizaru to go after the escaping crew.

Luffy may be unable to go after Kizaru since he'll be focusing on Saturn and he may be preparing his finisher attack. Also, Kizaru travels at the speed of light.

I think that in that instance, Zoro will step in and protect the Straw Hats from Kizaru. Zoro will knock Kizaru out and have his revenge on Sabaody, which will perfectly mirror that moment.

Then, Luffy will defeat Saturn with Bajrang Stamp, crushing him like an insect/spider, and using a stronger variation of gum gum axe, the attack that Kuma saw Luffy train. Which is fitting because in Hindu mythology, Bajrang Bali (Hanuman) steps onto Saturn (Shani) with his mighty feet to control him.
Luffy has already clashed several times with Kizaru so it's totally alright if he gets a clash with Saturn, he hasn't even acknowledged yet that Saturn is on the island. That will happen next chapter.

Apart from that I believe Luffy vs Kizaru round 2 is the extremely likely matchup. The easiest arguments I can give you are:

- Volume cover :sadgrin:
- Luffy and Saturn simply aren't compatible for combat. That's how easy it can be.
Main reason why I think Luffy vs Saturn won't be a full 1v1 fight is probably Bonney, Kuma and the ancient robot. The ancient robot went to the holy land 200 years ago but ran out of fuel before it could do anything. Clearly it went after CD and coincidentally we have a leader of the CD on this island. Funny enough Kuma has done unprecedented damage to the holy land just earlier this arc.

Bonney transforming herself or Kuma into Nika using distorted future is also most definitely going to happen. Saturn was actually dissapointed in Bonney that she didn't make the connection, probably because as a scientist he wants to see the full potential of Bonney's fruit since he gave it to her. Coincidentally VP uses the same words this chapter saying that now Bonney has made the connection which essentially means she can turn into Nika.

I'm not saying Saturn will lose to them but these confrontations need to happen. Kizaru is simply a bodyguard, that's his sole role for the arc. He already let Kuma and the crew attack Saturn, but he definitely cannot allow Nika to attack Saturn.
Scenario 2)

Luffy and Ancient Robot vs Saturn

Zoro vs Kiz...Zoro has been sidelined way more than it was expected. Lucci can't hold zoro for so long and if the fight was still going on then Oda would have showed us but it got totally sidelined. Oda is holding zoro back for a big moment.

With kiz using light sword few times this arc, I feel it's possible zoro will show up out of nowhere to intercept kiz
Let's go with this scenario
At MF, for whatever plot, RHP declared to fight all of the 3 admirals + fleet admiral + 7 warlords+ BBP and whoever want to fight them. A Yonko crew should not worry about one mere shiny admiral. I think, not betting here, I'm new btw, that Franky + Sanjy will stall Kizaru satisfy the test that him requested earlier. Two supernovas: Luffy and Bonney the kid, will fight Saturn. May Bonney will distor Saturn's future to not able to Regen, and the named punch from Luffy the condom will end this arc with victor.