There’s no country with 0 crime, but there’s incredibly safe countries with gun control, and they don’t have many issues apart from special cases.
And there are safe countries with low gun control and barely any shootings. And there are countries with strict gun control but lots of violent crime.
The connection guns=violence is not really a thing. I used to be very anti gun before I did my research. There's a lot of bias among Europeans and not nearly enough education on the topic
I mean you’re a fool if you think it won’t greatly reduce it. It’s not without reason that the US has particularly high crime rates in comparison to other first world places.
The US ain't a first world country period
I mean you’re a fool if you think it won’t greatly reduce it. It’s not without reason that the US has particularly high crime rates in comparison to other first world places.
hum?The US has a shit ton of ethnicities and a huge border with one of the most dangerous nations in the world. There a few thousand homicides every year and HUNDREDS of thousands of defensive guns use every year in the US. No guns=more deaths in the US.
Cops literally fight violence with guns. Are they the cause of criminality?No. There is no such thing as safe place,just places with lower crime rates. People are bad and shit happens everywhere. A man can beat another man. A woman can't. Neither can beat an armed indiviudal if unarmed. Guns are necessary. The right of self defense is a human right.
It’s the cops’ job to do so. Cops, hunters, and people who need them can still get guns once they do everything which is necessary by regulation. It’s really not that hard, it works.

Yup and the goal is to reduce crime rates, I’m glad you came to that conclusion as well.
There’s no country with 0 crime, but there’s incredibly safe countries with gun control, and they don’t have many issues apart from special cases.
yeah,of course,Japan is one example.But that doesn't mean that less strict gun laws are cause of crime. We have pretty tight guns laws in Brazil and yet... Criminals use assault rifles,grenades and so on... Civillians can't buy those you know...
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Nope, that’s just not true. If you remove the access to the easiest murder weapon, you make it a lot harder to kill.
There are literally hundreds of thousands cased of defensive uses of a firearm every year in the US. Meaning hundreds of thousands of people defend themselves with guns. If they weren't armed,many of those would be rotting under the earth right now. Facts beat assumptions. You take the guns from americans and the place will be much worse.
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yeah,of course,Japan is one example.But that doesn't mean that less strict gun laws are cause of crime. We have pretty tight guns laws in Brazil and yet... Criminals use assault rifles,granedes and so on... Civillians can't buy those you know...
Yeah but you’re comparing a third world country (sorry) with laws which aren’t actually regulated, and a first world country which absolutely could regulate it if they wanted to.

But it’s just never going to happen anyways, they like it far too much 😂
Yeah but you’re comparing a third world country (sorry) with laws which aren’t actually regulated, and a first world country which absolutely could regulate it if they wanted to.

But it’s just never going to happen anyways, they like it far too much 😂
Laws here ARE regulated and enforced. Have you seen Brazilians borders on a map and who we share land mass with? Its impossible to control drug and gun trafficking here.
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Criminals do, but civilians don’t. Legit all their mass shootings are done by civilians who easily got guns cause they can.
Mass shootings are overblown. Only a couple of those have happened. There are NOT thousand of cases of mass shootings in the US. The big killer is gang violence.
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Criminals do, but civilians don’t. Legit all their mass shootings are done by civilians who easily got guns cause they can.
About 49% of mass shootigns are done with legal weapons. Lots of terrorists use knifes,hammers,vehicles and explosives made with chemicals that can be bought anywhere. So the solution is to ban those items?
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Japan had their Prime Minister assassinated by a make shift/homemade gun, probably cuz he couldn't get access to an actual gun, people will make do with what they can.
Criminals rarely use legal weapons lol Ever heard of the black market?No background checks there lmfao
When the government lost control over entire regions to organised crime because the criminals have better weapons that the actual police that's when you know you fcked up
Criminals do, but civilians don’t. Legit all their mass shootings are done by civilians who easily got guns cause they can.
The mass shooting problem in schools etc is a completely different topic. They aren't caused by access to guns but by severe structural problems in society. idk why some people don't want to see this. Banning guns is like taking drugs to numb the symptoms, not curing the illness
About 49% of mass shootigns are done with legal weapons. Lots of terrorists use knifes,hammers,vehicles and explosives made with chemicals that can be bought anywhere. So the solution is to ban those items?
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It's like telling a kid who thinks their right in every regard but totally misunderstandings it all and when you explain it, they get pissy.
And there are safe countries with low gun control and barely any shootings. And there are countries with strict gun control but lots of violent crime.
The connection guns=violence is not really a thing. I used to be very anti gun before I did my research. There's a lot of bias among Europeans and not nearly enough education on the topic

The US ain't a first world country period
Someone hacked Solis account. This many Ws aren't normal.