Natsuki Subaru
The MC
You are Natsuki Subaru. Subaru was an hikikomori that was transported to Lugunica through unknown means. He was given the ability of Return by Death from the Witch of Envy for mysterious reasons. Subaru has experienced numerous deaths and is slowly changing due to these gruesome experiences. You are a Town role with the goal to eliminate all threats to Town.
[Passive - Return by Death] - Subaru's trump card and the most recognised ability from the series, Return by Death, allows Subaru to return to an unspecified, unpredictable and uncontrollable "save point", that was set some time before his death. Subaru will revive immediately each he's killed or lynched and this passive cannot be bypassed or rolechrushed. His role will be janitored in the first death. This ability will be disabled once [Redacted]
[Active - Shamak] - [Redacted]
[Active - Return by Death Effects] - [Redacted]
[Active - Authority of Sloth] - Currently unavailable. Will be unlocked under certain conditions...
Wincon: Eliminate all threats to Town