Don't give flashbacks to scrubs that have 10 pages of screentime. I don't know why you even brought the power level aspect into it when that wasn't even part of my complaint lol.
Maybe the meaning of the word “scrub” has changed since I last checked but it seems like you’re mad that Jiaga got a flashback because he is a “scrub” (IE weak, inexperienced, a fraud)
Might have been a wording error but I meant to say you think he's cooking.
Oh. Lol
So what is it with you guys and straw manning me lmfao? I’ve never seen my (Kingdom) posts straw manned so hard until Hara started drawing Jiaga fighting Shiryu equally lol. Y’all really need to calm down lol.
I never said Hara was cooking with Jiaga or any of the Seika gang I don’t think lol…Heavenly King level? I think I’ve said that wouldn’t surprise me but whether Hara gives them that level or not, we will see and I don’t really care one way or the other.
My point was always that you guys downgrading Jiaga as being weaker than guys he should logically be stronger than (Shukai Gyou’Un, no-rage Bananji, probably Batei) is dumb lol. Just because he fought Shiryu doesn’t mean we have to throw the guys’ hype and portrayal down the toilet.
You upgrade Shiryu, that’s how that works. Shiryu is just on the same level as all these guys or maybe even slightly stronger than them, whether you like it or not lol.
If Hara introduces a guy who can bench 400 pounds, then he introduces a second guy who can bench 425, you don’t start downplaying the first guy lol. The second guy is just stronger, that’s all.
So yeah unironically Shiryu > Akou martially. She was Ousen’s best warrior.