“He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster . . . when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes into you”
― Friedrich Nietzsche
Nameless is not a monster, he is just a little bit politically lost, that's all.
It could be hamas, but it could also be anything and anybody else. I24 is known to deliver propaganda and false informations. This is not a reliable source mate, sorry. Give me proper international investigation result about that and we might talk.
Dude, you just gave me a source explaining how Trump's response to the pandemic was absolutely ignorant, inexistant and dangerous for the people of USA.
Do you check your sources before posting them ?
Oh and Bolsonora of also a denyer of the situation, just like trump. Most bigot and far rightist at the time completely denied the impact of the pandemic.
You funny... lol
why not Gene/DNA capital too
Because this has very little impact on the path of a person. We are very equal on that front. We must also be careful not to fall into the traps of evolutionist psychology.
When cars were invented people had jobs using charretes to travel people around places. They lost their job. Will you ask for us to abolish cars so those people have their jobs back?
Fallacious comparison, those job weren't lost, they were transformed. They are called Taxis or Uber now. In the case of AI its not just the tool that will change, its the tool that will be used to replace jobs.
And again, you are asking artist not to be artist anymore. Which is an horrendus and ignorant thing to say.
Right now! You don't work on what you want to work. You work on what people pay you for work.
Actually yes and no. Artist mostly work on paid jobs but its them who choose what they want to do.
Again, you are talking about a subject you are completely ignorant about. I suggest you stop right there because you are ridiculizing yourself here on top of being literally conspicuous toward artists.
Or because you are talking random things without understanding what you are talking and just end up being incoherent with your sayings.
Like most subject I talked about, this a subject that I know quite a bit about mate. In fact, contrary to most subject, I know even MORE here since I will be directly impacted by AI in the future and since trained AI is already impacting the work and opportunities of people I know.
So yeah. I know EXACTLY what I'm talking about here and you do not. So step aside please.
Yup the whole process of technology is to overtaken human job so human are FREE to do other things
Yes, LABOR WORK, not the work of freaking artists !
And even in the case of labor work, you can't expect someone who is being replaced by AI and technology and now jobless to be happy about it.
So again, we need regulation to deliver a healthy and ethical transition.
but forget that the artist also needed training (GUESS WHAT?) FROM OTHER ARTISTS that are not being paid for their profit.
And this proves that you don't understand what art or creativity is in the first place.
Artist do not steal work and paste the style, they are INSPIRED by others artists and create their OWN style through human touches. This is something that a trained AI is INCAPABLE of doing.
You are proving here that you don't understand how AI work. AI are not similar to actual human intelligence, where are not in science fiction here, they are just copying and replacing work from previous artists. Which means that there is NO CREATIVITY in using trained AI as just that.
What I'm trying to tell you is that its okay to use AI AS LONG as you are using it ethically, meaning that you will only train it with the work of people that are
allowing you to use their work for copy,
or your own work... but if you use the work of people that did not consent and make profit out of it, you will be literally stealing their jobs.
I don't want to be poor that's why I'm defending them.
No, that's not the reason. I will explain the reason why you are doing that is the following postS:
Someone that just borned
with blessed genes? A genius?
A genius will have talents, but talents alone do not create a successful person. In reality, geniuses are a lot more common that you might think. The problem is, most geniuses don't have enough capitals to succeed in life or get out of poverty.
Or someone that is very good in an specific area that allows the person to grind in society/economics better than others? Athletes for example.
Same thing. Talent is not enough. If there is not enough capital to create the work, you won't see results. Let's say that a person is an amazing athlete, but happens to end up in a situation where they are unable to pay rent... well, however good this person may be, her potential will be ruined by the lack of a good economic capital.
Yes the world is not fair but that doesn't mean you don't have meritocracy.
Yes it does. That's precisely what it means.
The four capitals and luck are what regulate ALL potential trajectories in life. People are not born equal are at least until the close future, they will no die equal either.
Theorically and if you believe in the illusion of free will, you can try to better and diversify all your capital in order to get the same one as those who are born and educated directly with those "amazing" capitals... but it will not change the fact that :
1. You didn't just worked hard, you also managed to understand and better your capitals, both thing that most person with amazing capitals (and mostly future "successful" person) didn't have to do.
2. The probabilities to equal those type of capital are very limited
Now, in our society, meritocracy consider that those who have success have merit. Therefore even if we admit that it is possible to work our way up in the capital's hierarchy, the concept that success/merit is only achieveble through work and talent is a simple myth.
If you add that to the fact that basing political reforms and institutions on the notion that only work leads to success... it creates a society that denies the reality of what creates a person's path in the first place. It denies the impact of the capitals on people's life and it denies the notion that some (and most futur successful) people are simply born with a lot more priviledges and capitals than others.
In short, meritocracy creates a society where poor and people with less starting capitals are lead to believe that they can achieve wonder only through hard work and that people who are successful with huge starting capitals are led to believe that they did that all because of their merit and their work.
This create the amazingly sad paradoxe of people with poor ressources and less capital defending the way of life of people with a lot of ressources and bigger capitals. This is the never ending perveted cycle that we have been trapped into since the apparition of capitalism, liberalism and meritocracy.
What you must understand now, is that the left is aware of the reality of that perveted cycle and is aware of the reality of capitals, because we had people like Bourdieu who made pushed the understanding of human behavior far beyond what we knew before. This is the power of sociology and overall the power of science.
And that's why, its now time for you to notice the difference between the left and the right. Between leftist and liberals/libertarian. Liberals and libertarian or rightist in general like you believe in meritocracy. This is why you will always see liberals defend progressist billionnaires and why you will see the far right always defend people like Trump or Elon Musk. But if you followed correctly up until now, you should now be able to understand that NONE of those person get were they are because they worked hard. None of those person get were they are because they had merit. In reality, they only had amazingly great capitals. Great social and cultural capital for Elon Musk or Bill Gates and great economic capital for Trump. They also got very lucky on top of that. And that the case of the majority of rich people..
But... that's not what they are telling you simply because in some case they really believe that they have merit to be where they are (social illusion) but for most of them, they are BENEFITING from people like you believing in their life's myth and the notion that they got their just because of their merit.
All of this means that
meritocracy is a system that only benefits richer classes of the population. It benefit those with already good capitals but it will NEVER benefit those who have less ressources or less capitals.
Therefore, meritocracy doesn't work. Its a myth.
Meaning that we must change our system. And for that we need to end meritocracy, we need to end capitalism and we need to end all form of liberalism.
I have a very good example right in my family. My grandad by my dad's part used to living on the streets as young boy. Therefore he didn't had any of those capitals you are talking about (probably we can say he had the gene capital I talked about) yet he managed to study and grind on himself and became very successful.
Sorry, but there is something that either you are not telling me or either you grandad hidded from you to keep the myth of his success alive. You don't live in the street and suddenly have the ressources to study. It simply cannot happen. Ask any homeless people if they have the ressources mental, physical and financial to study and better than that, to study well enough to get the right job and get successful.
Either he had lucky help which constitute a form of social capital or he found, somehow, enough ressources to buy and live what he needed and where he needed to be able to study... and even then, its not enough to become very successful. Note that the notion that studies can lead to success (even if that's not really the case) is ALSO derived from cultural capital. We know that studying can create better lives because we were educated that way, but not all people, particulary the popular classes are educated in that mindset.
So meritocracy DOES exist. Of course if he born in a better family with more economic capital, culture capital and social capital chances are he is doing even far better although not 100% guarantee since we have people who born in what we call "cradle of gold" in Brazil yet they managed to lose all the things their ancestors did.
No, it only means that there are part of your granddad story that you don't know or he himself doesn't have conscious of.
And that's natural and sweet. You try to hold on to your belief that you can grind from nothingness through hard work and sheer will, because you want to hold on to the belief of meritocracy that has been ruling your entire life.
But its time to understand reality now, and its time for you to really understand first law of this universe:
Meritocracy is a myth. There is always a reason behind our achievement and behind success there will most likely be one of the four form of capital and a good amount of luck, but not simple hard work or talent.
Its time to let go now...