Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1107 Spoilers Discussion

How shocked is Kizaru at "the Power of Love"

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-Zoro says he can't block lasers
-BM didn't want to take a laser and tried to shield herself
-Sentomaru with ACOA couldn't stop a laser and got fried
-Luffy needed toon force to stop a laser

Sanji stops a laser simply by blocking it lmao. Sanji stocks?
Base Kaku, Bonney, Sentomaru, Franky, 1% Kuma and Atlas all in this arc. Admirals are weaker than YC1, the plotshield is dead. :josad:
-Zoro says he can't block lasers
-BM didn't want to take a laser and tried to shield herself
-Sentomaru with ACOA couldn't stop a laser and got fried
-Luffy needed toon force to stop a laser

Sanji stops a laser simply by blocking it lmao. Sanji stocks?
Yep, thanks to Dr. Vegapunk invention.



The problem is that you want to believe that haki can LITERALLY nullify any df power. You’re wrong. Again, Haki can only nullify powers that are affecting your body. You can’t nullify Kuma’s or Van Augur’s powers that just consist of touching you without changing anything on your body.

By your logic, haki can also nullify Bartolomeo’s powers? Lol
How are you not getting this lol? Yes, with enough Haki, you can overcome anything and everything. You act like im saying anyone with Haki can counter DF users. I am talking about the top fighters in this universe.

Outside of the myriad of examples I gave you, what do you even think this means?

Or the 3 Admirals deflecting Whitebeards Quake powers with Haki? Or Luffy grabbing Smoker and Caesar's bodies?

How the fuck is Law's power any different from Auger's in terms of literally teleporting someone? If Law cant do it with Room, why should Auger be able to teleport Yonko through contact?

Better yet, why didnt Kuma just push Saturn off the island if that were the case? Why did he punch him with Haki?
I just explained to you that there was a whole day between BB Pirates ship's first appearance and Saturn's arrival. How were they supposed to know a Gorosei would show up? Also, what does hypnotising have to do with this?

and I have already answered.

1. Lafitte could've hypnotized people on that ship or higher-level info people to get the information

2: The BB pirates were there before Saturn showed up; they could see that, inform Blackbeard, and make that plan right at the moment. Use Augur's teleport ability and go egghead. So the plan might actually be a spontaneous one where they created it the moment they got information about a Gorosei member showing up.


When were you under the impression this game is..
WAIT A MINUTE.... If Luffy is talking to Bonney then that must mean he's seen dying Vegapunk right? I swear to god if he's still laughing kingufy
Sanji + Franky beating Kizaru still means Marco > Kizaru and Oda has spent almost a decade baiting admiral fans like retards.
They're trying to escape

The only full fights will be incredibly short (Luffy vs Lucci) or partially/entirely offscreened (Zoro vs Lucci)

Kizaru isn't falling here. At best they hold him off
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