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cover story - apparently, some evil fuck wants to see law ditch his husband for a snow leopard. hmpf

'filthy cockroaches'

oh look, that's our laturn using mihawk's signature vocabulary! did you like growing up in marijoa, mihawk? did you like those rabbit hunts?

and his faithful servant kizaru is SHOOK! it's a shame warchief ain't here to celebrate this gigantic sanji W :catcry:

van augur is an absolute chad though - stylish and cool like no one else in OP. 'the world' - shit sent shivers down my spine.

caribou, though, could be a very good actor sent by crocodile. or maybe the snitch. caribou does answer to someone....
do you guys think its possible kizaru loses his job
Dont worry sanji is gonna help him to write the apology letter
He only getting a warning
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just clocked bonney was being manipulative
she was asking luffy to show her an attack but she wanted it done on saturn
I noticed that asap the funniest shit in the chapter she is pointing at him like in that one meme

Kizaruber Eats

Loki gon give it to ya.
do you guys think its possible kizaru loses his job
We've yet to see an Admiral get fired or worse executed even potentially, I'm surprised it didnt happen to Fujitora but maybe Kizaru will be killed off for his incompetence, hesitance and thus being such a liability? Ot at least demoted or fired? But the Marines and WG DESPERATELY need his strength and he might know too much to simply "let him go" as an option too?

If Saturn survives here, he might demote Kizaru or worse BUT if Saturn dies or gets captured, I can see the other Gorosei and even Imu calling for "extinguishing Kizarus light" even. Some people think Garling will replace Saturn too which is interesting. Or maybe York will become a Gorosei instead of a "regular Incestial Dragon"? Lmfao.


Pot Goblin

do you guys think its possible kizaru loses his job
I think he would directly have to oppose the WG for that to happen unless they're clowns

And even then Fuji still has his position despite his shenanigans

Either they get another Kuzan situation or they lose a very strong and valuable member of their group at a very bad time with everything goin on rn
Man, you have to realize that what you want is not what Zoro-fans want. Zoro will get his asskicked and then teleport behind Lucci and win in a single blow and his fans will be happy and bragging for years to come.

Oda doesn't need to kill Zoro. The character is dead since the time-skip and he is now just a tool for bad fights.
If Zoro had died for Luffys dream he would be a legend. If Oda was a good writer he would kill him in a moving way. But he's to cowardly to kill him and resents having to keep writing him.
am just saying
bonney vegapunk mission failed
kuma luffy punched saturn ( highest class cd) and no repercussion

and the entire mission hes dragged his ass tbh, getting all emotional etc.
I mean talking seriously it depends how Kizaru is handled here and what oda plans for the admirals in the final arc

If they are still gonna be major enemies Kizaru probally doesnt lose here i imagine as it would be difficult for oda to conjure a enemy like that from nothing that would have the same impact

There is also a possibility he loses but fights against a side characters later but obviously thats not a major antagonist

Kizaruber Eats

Loki gon give it to ya.
One of the best puzzle games ngl
It looks great, thanks for showing it man, I wanna buy it soon now! I go to board game cafes/clubs occassionally, although I only like the SIMPLEST and shortest games due to my simple ass/Luffy/ADHD brain so that doesnt help lol.

I think Kizaru will no longer be an admiral after Egghead
Totally agree too. We need an Orange Admiral already, its too frustrating, plus no Zoan Admiral yet. Maybe an Ancient Zoan with awakening or more likely Mythical?

We have 2 Admiral candidates who got made canon by Oda, Oda can actually make use of them then too lol.