Now that I think about it Zoro bros crossed every fkin line in existance. From
Zoro one shots high commanders
Zoro one shots Crydo
Zoro one shots Blackbeard
Zoro one shots Admirals
Zoro one shots Gear5
No wonder the backlash, and the cope, were heavy this chapter
Seraphim would make sense, but then they’d also have to know that the Gorosei have ultimate authority over them to understand how touching Saturn would make their lives easier. They have a lot of intel regardless.
It only took like 12 years, but its funny how in passing dialogue, Oda has basically resolved these 2 scenes
Blackbeard is absolutely going to get (or get really close) to having 1 or multiple Ancient Weapons.
But I assume:
- Luffy will "have" Poseidon at his side, as with Joy Boy in the past
- Blackbeard will invade Wano and force Momo to "open" his borders and unleash Pluton, falling under him.
- Imu, imo, very clearly has Uranus and needs Mother Flame to use it.
I know Luffy had to be in G5 for the Bonney scene but now that she has left or is leaving, does it really make sense to keep using it when he gasses after 2 minutes ?
Is Oda planning on making Kizaru look competent any time soon btw ?? That's my guy but come on every chapter it's been the same thing with him, getting real old
Is it me or the G5 Luffy panels were damn good, It felt like he also wasn't all happy go lucky like we were told in the spoilers.
He was smiling but it all felt like it was being forced and the punches he delivered had a good emotional and serious weight behind them ...... Will G5 actually improve ?! OR will it be once again a ONE TIME improvement ... find next on INCONSISTENT FCKIN ODA.
I agree, this chapter had my favorite use of Gear 5 so far. Luffy felt like a character present in the action, rather than a crazy person bouncing all over the place for the hell of it.
Also, I feel this is the most... stable Luffy's been while talking to people in Gear 5? I don't mind it being a goofy power up, as long as it doesn't make EVERYTHING goofy.
Because when everything's goofy... nothing will be.
I know Luffy had to be in G5 for the Bonney scene but now that she has left or is leaving, does it really make sense to keep using it when he gasses after 2 minutes ?
Seem like Franky, Bonney, Atlas are now gone too, someone will have to carry Vegapunk to the ship maybe luffy gonna turn ground into rubber to carry him.
Bruh Zoro got a new sword, was at the rooftop, injured a yonko, gained a powerup and beat his strongest commander literally the last arc.
Not one shotting a strong character = bad treatment now?
Sanji literally didn't anything but job for the SHs from FS to Dressrosa and didn't even get a fight in HIS OWN arc. It literallly took all the way until Wano for him to get a proper fight since Enies Lobby
I know Luffy had to be in G5 for the Bonney scene but now that she has left or is leaving, does it really make sense to keep using it when he gasses after 2 minutes ?
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