Powers & Abilities Zoro - Powers, skills and techniques

I want us all to leave here the complete and classified list of the different styles, the skills used by Zoro throughout the entire manga, so that more people better understand each vignette or style, in addition to clarifying later if it is necessary or not. the KOH style and Dragon Style.
The ideal would be to use absolutely all the panels of the manga in which Zoro uses attacks or defends himself, mainly with techniques with names, but those that are simple exchanges would also be fine.

PD: We can update it little by little

It won't let me add more images at this point, so I'll continue it in the next message xD

1 - Shishi Sonson

2 - Sanjuroku Pondo Hou
3 - Hiryuu Kaen
4 - Yakkodori (Post timeskip)
5 - Dai Shinkan (Post timeskip)
6 - Sanbyaku Rokujuu Pondo Hou (Post timeskip)
7 - Shi Shishi Sonson (Post timeskip)
8 - Baki (Post timeskip)
1 - Taka Nami
2 - Sai Kuru
3 - Rashomon
4 - Sanjuu Roku Pondo Hou
5 - Nigiri
6 - Torou and Otorou

1 - Oni Giri
2 - Tora Gari


Kitsunebi Ryuu:
1 - Homurasaki (Post timeskip)

Enou Santoryu (King of Hell):

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Zoro Ashura of the King of Hell + technique. Ashura is a mode in which Zoro uses various attacks and can even defend himself in it.
Yes, but I will add Ashura in the Kyutoryu part, although Ashura is a "state", it falls under the "Kyutoryu" category.
With the 3 types of attacks to date that we have seen from Ashura, 2 pretimeskip and 1 post
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I think I already put all the Ittoryu techniques and all the times he used attacks in that style
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I forgot to add the Kitsunebi Ryuu style (Firefox Style)
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Kitetsu Wanker
Zoro's combat styles are always based on how many swords he uses.
So we go from 0, 1, 2, 3 to 9 sword styles as his available combat styles.
We can ignore Muttoryu as it is a specific case for Davy Back Fight and unlikely to ever be needed but what matters is that it is still a style of fighting even without swords, namely Dragon Tornado is technique doable even without swords.

Everything else are "flavors" that are applied to one of those sword styles.
Let's take Oni Giri as an example, one of Zoro's signature attacks.
It has many variations/styles:

1. Regular Oni Giri.
2. Flaming Oni Giri.
3. Enbima Yonezu Oni Giri.
4. Rengoku Oni Giri.
5. KOH Oni Giri.

The techniques mainly stay the same regardless of the style but with King of Hell, we start to see some significant changes.
For example, Oni Giri never had a ranged destructive capacity but with a boost from KoH, it gained a significant DC and range.

I dont know if Dragon Style is something that will be common from here on out or if it is just another flavor unique to Dragon Damnation.
Looking at the example of Oni Giri, I can assume there will be future styles of it that arent seen before as Zoro goes towards the mastery of the path of God considering the other 5 paths are mastered already. In post-TS alone, we have Purgatory OG and Hell OG, next should be Paradise(Heaven) based Oni Giri.

I don't know what you think about each style of Zoro, if you believe the same as me in these details that I will mention

I clarify in advance that logically Zoro can adapt and use each style in each situation that favors it.

I think it is the least defensive style or in which Zoro has the least level in hand-to-hand combat exchanging blows or blocking, but it is the fastest and most lethal style. Another negative point is that it is the one with the least area.
Summary: Fast, lethal style, high damage, high ability to damage enemies with strong defenses.
Little defensive and hand-to-hand fighting ability, little area.

This style is slower and especially less lethal than Ittouryuu. But it has much more blocking capacity and hand-to-hand fighting capacity, and although it is slower than the Ittouryuu, it is not slower in the sense of linking several techniques in a row or when they are at very short range, as we see in the fight against Kaku in EL or against Ryuma. Additionally, this style has area abilities and recently a support ability that allows it to "fly."
Summary: high blocking ability, close combat, multi-target area skills, connection of techniques. Low lethality and destructive capacity

This style in general is Zoro's most powerful of the 3 main styles.
It is the one with the greatest defensive capacity, it does not lose capacity in hand-to-hand combat (it maintains the same level as with the Nitoryu), and it has enormous area skills and enormous destructive capacity.
I think it loses lethality and instant speed compared to the Ittoryu's abilities and loses the ability to link techniques compared to the Nitoryu, but otherwise it is superior.
Summary: more complete and balanced style, without having weak points. High destructive and area capacity
Zoro have Multiple Sword-Styles
His Base & Original Style is "Two-Sword Style"
After Kuina's Death, He also trained & Unlocked "Three-Sword Style"
And during his Journey with Luffy, He Unlocked "One-Sword Style"
As the Name suggests, each Style depends on how many Swords He is carrying

Difference between them is how much can each Style benefit from Zoro's Physical Capabilities
We learned that the more Swords He uses, the more Power He can Unleash
And He can Sacrifice that to instead Unleash more of his Speed
Using his Pound Phoenix Attack, We can learn that They Increase/Decrease by a Third

In other words:

Three-Swords Style = Up to 100% of Zoro's Full Strength + Up to 33% of Zoro's Full Speed
Two-Swords Style = Up to 66% of Zoro's Full Strength + Up to 66% of Zoro's Full Speed
One-Sword Style = Up to 33% of Zoro's Full Strength + Up to 100% of Zoro's Full Speed

This is why He uses all Styles together, and Switches between them depending on need
For example, He was Perfectly Matched against Zombie Ryuma using Two-Sword Style
So what did He do? He switched to One-Sword Style & Won their Duel by landing his Attack first (Cuz He became Faster)
Another example is Kaku Fight, where He matched Giraffe Strength with Two-Swords, but Overwhelmed it with Three

Each Style have multiple Techniques, and all of these Attacks Scale with Zoro's Strength & Speed, depending on how much He wants to use.
Meaning not every Oni Giri is the Same, He can choose to Perform it with Half his Strength or He can do it with Max Strength, and same goes for his Speed or any other Technique

Two-Sword Style is Zoro's Least Used because it can neither Unleash his Full Power nor his Full Speed, hence why He never Finished a Duel with it, however it's most Balanced, so We still see it in multiple Fights

Overall, Zoro's Swordsmanship = Ittoryu + Nitoryu + Santoryu
Individually, They only represent a Third of his Fighting-Style & what He is Capable of


Zoro doesn't only have Techniques We saw so far, He can come up with Dozens if not Hundreds, because as i said, his Techniques all depend on how much Strength/Speed He is applying + How He wants his Swords to make Contact with his Target

This Scaling is presented by Zoro's Techniques being represented as Animals or other Creatures. We can't determine the exact Statistics of each Technique, but Name of Animal gives an Idea about Attack Scaling. Zoro's Signature Attacks are the ones that can Scale up to his Max Potential, that's why They end up being used a lot & are given more Special Names

Zoro's Fighting-Style is like Rock-Paper-Scissors, He is all of them together & switches between them depending on Situation, this is why you rarely see Zoro end the Fight directly with One of his Super Moves (Unless it's very weak Opponent), He must first determine the best Move & make sure his Opponent won't Counter him

Unlike Luffy or Sanji who rely on hitting their Opponents as hard as They can while trying to endure whatever They receive back.
Zoro's Fights are more Calculated, his Goal is to win with One Attack & not receive even a Single Scratch

Kaku Fight is Great Example, cuz Zoro didn't lack Strength or Speed, and yet it looked like an Extreme Diff Fight, cuz Kaku was a Genius Fighter & knew how to adapt to Zoro's Tactics, it was like a Yu-Gi-Oh! Game, having Stronger Deck doesn't mean you Win in no time

It should also be Noted that Zoro can have Multiple Variations of same Technique depending on Situation
For example, Oni Giri is mostly used on a Single Target, but this doesn't mean He can't make it work against Multiple Targets
During Ennies Lobby Arc, Zoro used Charming Demon Sleepless Night Oni Giri to hit multiple Enemies
He can also Spam his Attacks if needed, such as when He kept Spamming his Three Thousand Worlds Attack against Pica's Golem


Throughout this Journey, Zoro learned New Lessons that help him Perform better in any Duel
Among these Lessons was learning "Breath of All Things", where Zoro can choose what to Cut, making his Technique's Cutting Ability fully compatible with what He is trying to Cut for Maximum Result

During Skypiea Battle, He also learned how to apply his Strength to create Flying Slashes, which is basically Ability to make your Attacks cover more than just space covered by Sword, and this can be Applied to any Attack.
And ofc, the more Power He applies, the greater his Reach & the greater the Area his Attack covers

He can use Hiryu Kaen Normally (Zombie Ryuma Fight) or Ranged (Kaidou Fight)
He can use Oni Giri Normally (Most times) or Ranged (King Fight)
He can use Bird Dance normally or Ranged
He can use Three-Thousand World normally or Ranged
... etc

Post-TS, He also learned CoA & CoC, which can be applied to any Attack as needed
King of Hell & Dragon-Style are Names given to Zoro's Attacks that benefit from Max Output of these Haki


Finally, Zoro's Willpower is so immense, it allows him to Triple his Physical Stats
He becomes Three Times more Powerful/Faster to the point He appears as Three-Headed Demon

However, Three Heads & Nine-Hands & more Swords is just an Illusion, but it's necessary to show that Zoro's Body is now Three Times better, and since his Sword-Styles Scale with his Physical Stats & depend on how many He is carrying, then We get to see Three New Sword-Styles
In other words:

Zoro Carrying Three Swords ---> Turns into Asura (Three Bodies) Nine-Sword Style
Zoro Carrying Two-Swords ---> Turns into Asura Six-Sword Style
Zoro Carrying One-Sword ---> Turns into Asura Thee-Sword Style

What are Stats of these Sword-Styles? Same as before but Tripled

Asura Nine-Swords = Up to 300% of Zoro's Max Strength + Up to 100% of Zoro's Max Speed
Asura Six-Swords = Up to 200% of Zoro's Max Strength + Up to 200% of Zoro's Max Speed
Asura Three-Swords = Up to 100% of Zoro's Max Strength + Up to 300% of Zoro's Max Speed


Overall, Zoro = Ittoryu + Nitoryu + Santoryu
Each Technique from each Style Scales with his Physical Stats & They are Capped depending on how many Swords He is Carrying
Each Technique can be Modified with Breath of All Things or/and Haki (CoA and/or CoC)
Each Technique can be turned into a Ranged Attack
Each Technique can be Applied to hit more than One Target
Each Technique can be Spammed
And He can Triple his Physical Stats (Asura), which Triples Scaling/Cap of his Sword-Styles
7 - Hirameki and Maguma
8 - Nanahyaku Nijuu Pondo Hou (Post timeskip)
9 - Kuria Ransu (Post timeskip)
10 - Gokuraku Anyo: Rashomon (Post timeskip)

3 - San Zen Sekai
4 - Tourou Nagashi
5 - Tatsumaki
6 - Ushi Bari
7 - Gazami Dori
8 - Sanjuuroku Pondo Hou
9 - Karasuma Gari
10 - Gyuuki Yuuzume
11 - Enbima Yonezu Oni Giri
12 - Nigori Zake
13 - Hyou Kin Dama
14 - Daibutsu Giri
15 - Yasha Karazu
16 - Rokudou no Tsuji (Post Timeskip)
17 - Rengoku Oni Giri (Post Timeskip)
18 - Kokujou Oo Tatsu Maki (Post Timeskip)
19 - Ultra Tora Gari (Post Timeskip)
20 - Sen Hachijuu Pondo Hou (Post Timeskip)
21 - Ichidai Sanzen Daisen Sekai (Post Timeskip)
22 - Kokoba: Madaragari (Post Timeskip)
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I just realized when searching for the "Rokudou no Tsuji" technique, and that Zoro can combine the "Homurasaki" with any skill to cut the flames in any way he prefers.
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How would you categorize the Ichi Gorilla Ni Gorilla technique?
I have not added them, I thought about doing it together with the "Nigori Zake", but since he has only used it once and has only shown one movement in that "state" I ignored them. Zoro has used Ichi gorira and Ni gorira 2 times if we count the filler against Hawkins in Wano, the only official one was against Kaku in EL

In my opinion, I would classify it as a temporary "state" that enhances your brute force and you can combine it with Ittoryu, Nitoryu, etc. techniques. Or unlock new ones, like the Nigori Zake

It's a shame that Oda gives 70% of the vignettes and scenes to the human condom and we barely get to see more times or more variations of the other mugiwaras' powers. I was surprised to see that most of the techniques Zoro has only used 1 or 2 times.
zoro has a lot of attacks which resemble beasts
these attacks are
- crab

- leopard


- tiger


- gorilla

- bird dance

- pound pheonix
- hawk

- horse

- lion song
- streaming wolf sword

also a lot of dragon named attacks
- dragon twister (tatsumaki)

- dragon blaze ( hiryu kaen )

- - - dragon quake

maybe even ashura fits in all of these
zoro has a lot of attacks which resemble beasts
these attacks are
- crab

- leopard


- tiger


- gorilla

- bird dance

- pound pheonix
- hawk

- horse

- lion song
- streaming wolf sword

also a lot of dragon named attacks
- dragon twister (tatsumaki)

- dragon blaze ( hiryu kaen )

- - - dragon quake

maybe even ashura fits in all of these
Bro, very good images, thank you.

1 - Ashura: Ichibugin
2 - Ashura: Makyuusen
3 - Ashura Bakkei: Mouja No Tawamure (Post Timeskip)

Enou Santoryu (King of Hell):

1 - Rengoku Oni Giri (KoH Version)
2 - Ippyakusan Jou Hiryuu Jigoku
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