Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1108 Spoilers Discussion

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Look. We both know why you're arguing for the ancient robot.

You were even arguing Bonney takes out Saturn.

You've spent over a year arguing Luffy doesn't fight Saturn and now those hopes and dreams are fading before your eyes.
As always you refuse to reply to any argument that I provide :kobeha:
You'll keep losing all you've done all arc long it's alright.

Laturn using awakening and a new form while Oda keeps Kizaru to the minimum for now hmmm I wonder why lmfao
Keep molding is gold lol.

Luffy was in G5
Optimal course of action was to take down Kizaru as soon as possible.
Managed to hit him only at the last second and Kizaru barely even attacked.
Got super exhausted.

"YoUr ReaLIty" lol.
and i told a different story? lol.

Luffy was trying to take down kizaru i never said anything else but Kizaru was running to catch up to vp to kill him and Luffy was following him because of that exact reason. if VP stayed in Kizaru had to pass Luffy and break in which he couldnt do it.

"KizAuRU BARElY aTtAcKeD" and Luffy attack how many times again? hm?

bro literally has elementary level reading comprehension lul
Haha i decided to do that and started defending Sanji as a trial in every thread the amount of hate i receive is amazing . :funky:

This forum is heavly skewed with Zoro fans thats all i can say but i accepted that nothing will change . Sanji clownfest will continue despite him doing good .

To be fair i still try to engage lore piece there are people who likes to talk .
Nah would personally be too tiresome to discuss it here, also not very much reach. Imagine posting a theory you put effort into and lenaker spams the same image 10 times :goatasure:
Already happened many times, and it was the worst phase in this forum (kuma's fb).
Remember struggling to even pass 10 pages ? oh yeah i remember you were spamming like crazy and made this forum active :suresure:
I like this forum, but it's quite specific, it's more about the power of the characters. For those who spend most of their lives here, it may be important, but not for me. And I didn't understand the second part of your answer.

Kizaruber Eats

Gladly waiting for the death of the red haired rat
You all know what i'm very curious about?

New form of Saturn.

Based on Lucci case - he has:

- human initial form,
- animal form,
- hybrid form,
- the form of an awakened hybrid.

So - in the case of Saturn, we have so far seen a human form and an awakened hybrid form.

But a question should be asked here - is it possible that the flames and aura surrounding Rob are also visible in his old hybrid form?

We don't know - and if i remember correctly, we don't have another case that could help us find out.

I ask myself these questions - because now there are two possible scenarios:

- the new form is the spider form,

- if the statement about Lucci is true - then so far we have seen the form of a normal Saturn hybrid and not an awakened one,

Which would mean that he was only now using his most powerful form.

Rob didnt have the flames and aura before the timeskip. He got it from awakening. Same with Kaku. Saturn has it too, to signify hes awakened too. Luffy also has it but in white ofc.

Awakened Zoans in Impel Down didnt have the flames and auras, despite all of them being awakened though, so Oda has retconned how Awakened Zoans look and such, as this is radically different to the Jailer Beast guards:


We've not seen Saturns full beast/zoan form, we never saw Marias even though Toei said they were gonna show it too. We've barely seen any abilities from Saturn too and given what the Ushi Oni is, it means we've yet to see the true horrifying powers of it too.

Since hes a mythical zoan surely, hes bound to be as extremely broken as Kaidos fruit is and also Luffys ofc.

Oh fuck!:

Ushi-oni is a creature from Japanese folklore, often depicted as a monstrous, sea-dwelling creature with the head of a bull and the body of a spider or crab. In folklore, its powers vary depending on different interpretations and stories, but some common attributes and powers associated with Ushi-oni include:
Ushi-oni is a creature from Japanese folklore, often depicted as a monstrous, sea-dwelling creature with the head of a bull and the body of a spider or crab. In folklore, its powers vary depending on different interpretations and stories, but some common attributes and powers associated with Ushi-oni include:
  1. Shape-shifting: Ushi-oni is often depicted as having the ability to change its shape, allowing it to appear as different creatures or objects to deceive humans.
  2. Strength: Ushi-oni is typically portrayed as a powerful creature capable of overpowering humans with its physical strength.
  3. Water manipulation: Since it's often associated with the sea, Ushi-oni may have powers related to water, such as controlling tides, creating storms, or manipulating water currents.
  4. Illusion: Some stories suggest that Ushi-oni can create illusions to confuse or lure unsuspecting victims.
  5. Fear induction: Like many creatures in folklore, Ushi-oni may possess the ability to instill fear in humans, making them easier to prey upon or manipulate.
  6. Guardianship: In some tales, Ushi-oni is depicted as a guardian of certain locations, such as underwater caves or coastal areas, and may protect these areas fiercely.
These powers can vary depending on the specific folklore or story in which Ushi-oni appears, as folklore tends to evolve over time and varies between different regions of Japan.

A certain website also said it can make whirlpools and it says water manipulation here too from these AI results, WELP!....Oda did mention that burned mark guy/man marked by flames may have a whirlpool based ability or fruit even somehow! Funny that isnt it? On a black ship they sailed too lol.

OH LOOK, this theory was right too!:

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