You summoned me my dear?
I see you have an interesting conversation about the next SHP - Lucci.
I know you might not like him much as of now, but maybe after we see the flashback of him, Shaka and Vegapunk together in the next few chapters, you might change your mind.
@Yoho @SUN Smoker Usopp Nami Since you both seem to like Lucci, I allowed myself a little to `ramble´: Lucci is not the blood-thirsty assassin that the fandom likes to portray him. He never even said, that he liked blood - To Spandam's question of what he wants, he said that "[...]maybe all that we seek is blood. That is why we were trained/are in CP9." The word `maybe´ is key here. It indicates that Lucci does not even know what he wants.
Many do not notice this tiny bit of information - but it changes everything.
The trait that everyone talks about and that makes him seem cold-blooded, is Lucci's hate for pirates. Oda also oftentimes uses it to portray him as the antagonist. Lucci outright detests them! And this is why he often times likes to use excessive justice against them.
Funny to notice: Shaka and Vegapunk do not like pirates either. And here we are already in the current situation:
If you look closely, you can see that Shaka and Lucci are like twins.
- They have the same body posture with both often times having their hands shoved into their pockets.
Here an old picture:
- Both of their names refer to a god-like entity: Shaka = Buddah Shaka Nyorai (personification of "Good" in Japanese religion); Lucci = (as a short form for) Lucifer (personification of "Evil")
- Both are excellent in assessing situations and keep calm, when something serious happens. They are good in strategizing, with their colleagues even often times asking them for advice, when something serious happens.
- The Stellar's wish is that no nation needs to fight for energy, because he wants to have free energy available for everyone. So, peace is his wish. Funny is that Lucci was once drawn as a child by Oda. And he depicted him with multiple signs for peace: a T-Shirt on which stood the word "PEACE", his white dove Hattori and an olive branch in his hand - it doesn't go more obvious.
Fact is: I could go on about Lucci having ties to Vegapunk with the many hints I found. But I don't want to write whole essays here - Lucci has a bond with Vegapunk (Stellar and Shaka - not the other ones). And Oda is now beginning to focus on that plot-strand.
But I want to tell you another cool fact: Up until now every Devil fruit-user on the Sunny has eaten a fruit that corresponded/sounds with/like two Japanese numbers from 1-10 (You are not able to do that with most other DF-names of other users – I have tried it. And the possibility of all DF-user of the Straw hats being able to do that with their DF-name is just too low to be a coincidence.):
Luffi: Go-mu = 5 and 6
Robin: Ha-na = 8 and 7
Chopper: Hi-to = 1 and 10
Brook: Yo-mu = 4 and 3
That leaves 2 and 9.
Kuma's DF fits here perfectly. But Lucci's DF Ne-Ko fit's also as the 2 and 9 together are pronounced "Ne-ko". It fit's like a glove.
Also, in chapter 979, Jinbe said that: “You folks are as lively as ever!! But when everyone is worked up about fighting, the key will be… … Having someone who can calmly observe the state of the battle!!”. Observing a battle alone does not fullfill a post. But if the observer also can strategize, than this is a task that the SHPs are still missing, seeing as Law, Pauli, Kinemon and others have failed to bring order in the SHP's approach. So, this hints at the task the last SHP needs to fullfill - and Lucci was already doing so in Egghead as we see that:
- Saturn tells the SHP in chapter 1095 that they are a well-coordinated crew
- Luffy told Kizaru in chapter 1094 that he actually has a task to do and that is to keep the admiral away from his friends and occupied.
- The SHPs are now communicating more and everyone seem to know, what they need to do (the strong fighters are down with the WG and the weaker crew members are taking care of the flight).
Oh, yeah - and Stussy is still on the WG's side - with her calling Akainu, she was directly responsible for the WG being able to send reinforcements (I have told that months ago, before we even saw Lucci stabbing Stussy.). Lucci's real goal back when he tried to stab Vegapunk was to stab Stussy instead. Because he knew that the WG needed the Stellar alive, due to them needing his brain `Punk Records´. So, if Vegapunk dies, his brain dies with him and Punk Records is lost. Stussy knew that and Lucci, too. So, he got her out of the way, by her needing to shield the Stellar. This way Lucci could easily make himself seem to be the bad guy again. (The best indication that Stussy is on the WG's side is Sanji's behaviour - he did not even seem to be bothered by Lucci hurting a woman, like usually. He only does this, when a crew member is hurting a woman, who is on the enemy's side.)
And Lucci needed to do that for one specific reason: Lucci's goal now is to be left on the island. And this is because their plan to leave the island is flawed. If they leave the island and sail away, Kizaru would easily be able to reach them with the help of his DF. What then? Someone needs to hold off the admiral in order for the SHPs and Vegapunk to escape. This is why Lucci needs everyone to think that he is the bad guy - in order to stay back and hold off Kizaru. This sacrafice of one of his friends Luffy would never accept - he would never leave a friend behind. A foe otherwise... . (And Lucci knows that, because he told Zoro in the last chapter the exact same thing.)
Good that Lucci is currently in a stalling match with Zoro. Oda just needs to break it up and have the SHPs escape. And than he will reveal all that I have told you, now. (- and what he had hidden with that little time-skip of his, by the way ;) )
I wonder what will happen in chapter 1111. It would be a good chapter to make the 11th mamber of the SHPs do something awesome.
I see you have an interesting conversation about the next SHP - Lucci.
I know you might not like him much as of now, but maybe after we see the flashback of him, Shaka and Vegapunk together in the next few chapters, you might change your mind.

@Yoho @SUN Smoker Usopp Nami Since you both seem to like Lucci, I allowed myself a little to `ramble´: Lucci is not the blood-thirsty assassin that the fandom likes to portray him. He never even said, that he liked blood - To Spandam's question of what he wants, he said that "[...]maybe all that we seek is blood. That is why we were trained/are in CP9." The word `maybe´ is key here. It indicates that Lucci does not even know what he wants.
Many do not notice this tiny bit of information - but it changes everything.
The trait that everyone talks about and that makes him seem cold-blooded, is Lucci's hate for pirates. Oda also oftentimes uses it to portray him as the antagonist. Lucci outright detests them! And this is why he often times likes to use excessive justice against them.
Funny to notice: Shaka and Vegapunk do not like pirates either. And here we are already in the current situation:
If you look closely, you can see that Shaka and Lucci are like twins.
- They have the same body posture with both often times having their hands shoved into their pockets.
Here an old picture:

- Both of their names refer to a god-like entity: Shaka = Buddah Shaka Nyorai (personification of "Good" in Japanese religion); Lucci = (as a short form for) Lucifer (personification of "Evil")
- Both are excellent in assessing situations and keep calm, when something serious happens. They are good in strategizing, with their colleagues even often times asking them for advice, when something serious happens.
- The Stellar's wish is that no nation needs to fight for energy, because he wants to have free energy available for everyone. So, peace is his wish. Funny is that Lucci was once drawn as a child by Oda. And he depicted him with multiple signs for peace: a T-Shirt on which stood the word "PEACE", his white dove Hattori and an olive branch in his hand - it doesn't go more obvious.
Fact is: I could go on about Lucci having ties to Vegapunk with the many hints I found. But I don't want to write whole essays here - Lucci has a bond with Vegapunk (Stellar and Shaka - not the other ones). And Oda is now beginning to focus on that plot-strand.
But I want to tell you another cool fact: Up until now every Devil fruit-user on the Sunny has eaten a fruit that corresponded/sounds with/like two Japanese numbers from 1-10 (You are not able to do that with most other DF-names of other users – I have tried it. And the possibility of all DF-user of the Straw hats being able to do that with their DF-name is just too low to be a coincidence.):
Luffi: Go-mu = 5 and 6
Robin: Ha-na = 8 and 7
Chopper: Hi-to = 1 and 10
Brook: Yo-mu = 4 and 3
That leaves 2 and 9.
Kuma's DF fits here perfectly. But Lucci's DF Ne-Ko fit's also as the 2 and 9 together are pronounced "Ne-ko". It fit's like a glove.
Also, in chapter 979, Jinbe said that: “You folks are as lively as ever!! But when everyone is worked up about fighting, the key will be… … Having someone who can calmly observe the state of the battle!!”. Observing a battle alone does not fullfill a post. But if the observer also can strategize, than this is a task that the SHPs are still missing, seeing as Law, Pauli, Kinemon and others have failed to bring order in the SHP's approach. So, this hints at the task the last SHP needs to fullfill - and Lucci was already doing so in Egghead as we see that:
- Saturn tells the SHP in chapter 1095 that they are a well-coordinated crew
- Luffy told Kizaru in chapter 1094 that he actually has a task to do and that is to keep the admiral away from his friends and occupied.
- The SHPs are now communicating more and everyone seem to know, what they need to do (the strong fighters are down with the WG and the weaker crew members are taking care of the flight).
Oh, yeah - and Stussy is still on the WG's side - with her calling Akainu, she was directly responsible for the WG being able to send reinforcements (I have told that months ago, before we even saw Lucci stabbing Stussy.). Lucci's real goal back when he tried to stab Vegapunk was to stab Stussy instead. Because he knew that the WG needed the Stellar alive, due to them needing his brain `Punk Records´. So, if Vegapunk dies, his brain dies with him and Punk Records is lost. Stussy knew that and Lucci, too. So, he got her out of the way, by her needing to shield the Stellar. This way Lucci could easily make himself seem to be the bad guy again. (The best indication that Stussy is on the WG's side is Sanji's behaviour - he did not even seem to be bothered by Lucci hurting a woman, like usually. He only does this, when a crew member is hurting a woman, who is on the enemy's side.)
And Lucci needed to do that for one specific reason: Lucci's goal now is to be left on the island. And this is because their plan to leave the island is flawed. If they leave the island and sail away, Kizaru would easily be able to reach them with the help of his DF. What then? Someone needs to hold off the admiral in order for the SHPs and Vegapunk to escape. This is why Lucci needs everyone to think that he is the bad guy - in order to stay back and hold off Kizaru. This sacrafice of one of his friends Luffy would never accept - he would never leave a friend behind. A foe otherwise... . (And Lucci knows that, because he told Zoro in the last chapter the exact same thing.)
Good that Lucci is currently in a stalling match with Zoro. Oda just needs to break it up and have the SHPs escape. And than he will reveal all that I have told you, now. (- and what he had hidden with that little time-skip of his, by the way ;) )
I wonder what will happen in chapter 1111. It would be a good chapter to make the 11th mamber of the SHPs do something awesome.

😌 I'm always on board with strawhat Lucci