This has been the case for a long time now since the timeskip started, but it has become more and more evident in the more recent arcs.
It is all Nika and his Nika connectors that get the focus and meaningful moments.
Egghead perfectly encompasses this with how he has used or not used them. It has been pretty much nonstop running/offscreening/removal from action. Oda is going out of his way to get the Strawhat's who are all together in a confined area away from the main action.
To exemplify this, last chapter Oda gives us a cool shot of Kizaru confronting Clownboy and Sanji.
He then immediately sets back Sanji into what he has been doing before which is transporting people running around.
Oda sets up the greatest buster call ever assembled with all these Vice Admirals. You would think here are opponents for some for the Strawhat's instead they are relegated back to their ships to fire at the island. This chapter he shows a Vice Admiral Tosa about to perform a cool technique, something that could have been used to give Franky a great showcase against a Vice Admiral. Instead he has the situation completely diffused by having said Vice Admiral flattened like a bug by Brogy and Franky is completely disregarded.
Zoro has been in perpetual stasis since his fight with Lucci began and it is the same tired clashes for one page and then it is skipped again.
And these are the Strawhats that have gotten the most focus so far...
The others are pretty much non-existent. Brook/Nami/Jinbe/Robin/Chopper/Usopp pretty much have done NOTHING during this entire incident...
This is supposed to be the Strawhat's moment to get payback for what happened in Sabaody, what they all trained for so that this does not happen again.
Instead it is just Nika/Bonney/Giants/Pacifistas and Vegapunk that have taken up the all of the focus and get all the action. While Clownboy's crew look completely out of their depth. Really hope things change and the Strawhat's become more involved, but if Wano is any indication with how all the Scabbards/Momo/Oden Cosplayer took all the focus then this is about to get real grim.
Credit goes to Furinji Saiga from Fanverse.
It is all Nika and his Nika connectors that get the focus and meaningful moments.
Egghead perfectly encompasses this with how he has used or not used them. It has been pretty much nonstop running/offscreening/removal from action. Oda is going out of his way to get the Strawhat's who are all together in a confined area away from the main action.
To exemplify this, last chapter Oda gives us a cool shot of Kizaru confronting Clownboy and Sanji.

He then immediately sets back Sanji into what he has been doing before which is transporting people running around.
Oda sets up the greatest buster call ever assembled with all these Vice Admirals. You would think here are opponents for some for the Strawhat's instead they are relegated back to their ships to fire at the island. This chapter he shows a Vice Admiral Tosa about to perform a cool technique, something that could have been used to give Franky a great showcase against a Vice Admiral. Instead he has the situation completely diffused by having said Vice Admiral flattened like a bug by Brogy and Franky is completely disregarded.

Zoro has been in perpetual stasis since his fight with Lucci began and it is the same tired clashes for one page and then it is skipped again.
And these are the Strawhats that have gotten the most focus so far...
The others are pretty much non-existent. Brook/Nami/Jinbe/Robin/Chopper/Usopp pretty much have done NOTHING during this entire incident...
This is supposed to be the Strawhat's moment to get payback for what happened in Sabaody, what they all trained for so that this does not happen again.
Instead it is just Nika/Bonney/Giants/Pacifistas and Vegapunk that have taken up the all of the focus and get all the action. While Clownboy's crew look completely out of their depth. Really hope things change and the Strawhat's become more involved, but if Wano is any indication with how all the Scabbards/Momo/Oden Cosplayer took all the focus then this is about to get real grim.
Credit goes to Furinji Saiga from Fanverse.