Chapter Discussion Oda does not care about the Strawhat crew


When were you under the impression this game is..
This has been the case for a long time now since the timeskip started, but it has become more and more evident in the more recent arcs.
It is all Nika and his Nika connectors that get the focus and meaningful moments.

Egghead perfectly encompasses this with how he has used or not used them. It has been pretty much nonstop running/offscreening/removal from action. Oda is going out of his way to get the Strawhat's who are all together in a confined area away from the main action.

To exemplify this, last chapter Oda gives us a cool shot of Kizaru confronting Clownboy and Sanji.

He then immediately sets back Sanji into what he has been doing before which is transporting people running around.

Oda sets up the greatest buster call ever assembled with all these Vice Admirals. You would think here are opponents for some for the Strawhat's instead they are relegated back to their ships to fire at the island. This chapter he shows a Vice Admiral Tosa about to perform a cool technique, something that could have been used to give Franky a great showcase against a Vice Admiral. Instead he has the situation completely diffused by having said Vice Admiral flattened like a bug by Brogy and Franky is completely disregarded.

Zoro has been in perpetual stasis since his fight with Lucci began and it is the same tired clashes for one page and then it is skipped again.

And these are the Strawhats that have gotten the most focus so far...

The others are pretty much non-existent. Brook/Nami/Jinbe/Robin/Chopper/Usopp pretty much have done NOTHING during this entire incident...
This is supposed to be the Strawhat's moment to get payback for what happened in Sabaody, what they all trained for so that this does not happen again.

Instead it is just Nika/Bonney/Giants/Pacifistas and Vegapunk that have taken up the all of the focus and get all the action. While Clownboy's crew look completely out of their depth. Really hope things change and the Strawhat's become more involved, but if Wano is any indication with how all the Scabbards/Momo/Oden Cosplayer took all the focus then this is about to get real grim.

Credit goes to Furinji Saiga from Fanverse.
Only Luffy, Sanji, and to a lesser extent Franky were useful and present during the climax of the arc. That tells you something. The panic mode that Oda put the Straw Hat in this arc is not justifiable, and it just doesn't work for me. That's the main problem One Piece suffers post time skip, Oda just has a fetish of creating characters, and reintroducing characters instead of focusing on the SH.
Seeing a Yonko crew whining all the time doesn't work anymore, it's just annoying.


World's Strongest Swordsman
I know he will, but you gotta admit even Zoro has been hit by this. I mean compare him to pre skip.
End of wano aside I don't think so.
The more stoic demeanour is down to the crew getting split which he blames himself for. In all the other arcs he has character moments to show off even up until pre egghead with luffy about marejois and vivi.

Ussop is a failure chopper is non existent
Robin is fading

Nami Brook and franky have been fine either having peaks like Brook mvp of wci or consistency like franky

Sanji a failure of a fighter that to be expected but has had character arcs. Oda broke this guy in wci.

The biggest failure is ussop. Absolute disgrace. People are NOW saying what I said when I saw post skip van argur months ago.

Ussop beating him will be a disgrace.
What would those expectations be? That the crew gets some panel time?
This Fandom only cares about Fighting Panels
All Straw Hats get lot of Panel Time, it's just that People only remember/notice the ones that involve Combat

Have Chopper ever Stopped being a Doctor? In every Arc, He is shown Treating Sick/Injured People
In Wano Saga, He did it like 20 times, but what will this Fandom say? Oda abandoned Chopper & He did nothing in Wano
Just because They didn't get to see him have a 1v1 or go All Out with all his Forms.
Same for Usopp or Robin or Nami ... etc

One Piece is a Drama that includes Action, not a Pure Battle Manga
So the Focus is to only use Action to either push or delay an ongoing Plot, not make it the Main Attraction


When were you under the impression this game is..
End of wano aside I don't think so.
The more stoic demeanour is down to the crew getting split which he blames himself for. In all the other arcs he has character moments to show off even up until pre egghead with luffy about marejois and vivi.

Ussop is a failure chopper is non existent
Robin is fading

Nami Brook and franky have been fine either having peaks like Brook mvp of wci or consistency like franky

Sanji a failure of a fighter that to be expected but has had character arcs. Oda broke this guy in wci.

The biggest failure is ussop. Absolute disgrace. People are NOW saying what I said when I saw post skip van argur months ago.

Ussop beating him will be a disgrace.
Well lets take this arc for example, what has Brook,Nami,Chopper and Robin done? Zoro being stuck in a fight that never ends and sidelined so Oda focuses on these new characters. All of it just doesnt sit well with me thats all.


When were you under the impression this game is..
This Fandom only cares about Fighting Panels
All Straw Hats get lot of Panel Time, it's just that People only remember/notice the ones that involve Combat

Have Chopper ever Stopped being a Doctor? In every Arc, He is shown Treating Sick/Injured People
In Wano Saga, He did it like 20 times, but what will this Fandom say? Oda abandoned Chopper & He did nothing in Wano
Just because They didn't get to see him have a 1v1 or go All Out with all his Forms.
Same for Usopp or Robin or Nami ... etc

One Piece is a Drama that includes Action, not a Pure Battle Manga
So the Focus is to only use Action to either push or delay an ongoing Plot, not make it the Main Attraction
Alright, what interesting things did the Straw Hats not named Luffy/Sanji/Zoro/Franky do this arc?


World's Strongest Swordsman
Well lets take this arc for example, what has Brook,Nami,Chopper and Robin done? Zoro being stuck in a fight that never ends and sidelined so Oda focuses on these new characters. All of it just doesnt sit well with me thats all.
They don't need it every arc but some are constant failures like ussop and chopper

Nami has had a lot all time skip

I told you Robin fading

Let's wait to see what zoro does
Robin,Franky, Sanji, Zoro did. Chopper didnt, Zoro and Nami got their fight stolen.
Chopper fought Queen, administered the (admittedly poorly written) Mink Medicine, and took care of the injured warriors

Zoro had a full fight with King after going head to head with Kaido and Big Mom

Nami did get shafted though

And its not just about fights, its about character moments.
That's not really what you're saying though

You mentioned multiple times throughout your post that they're being kept away from the action and aren't given enough chances to showcase their strength

Other members of the crew have been doing what they're supposed to. They're all supposed to be escaping and they're doing exactly that

Luffy is staying to fight because he knows if he runs Kizaru and Saturn will catch up with the rest of the crew. He did the same thing in WCI when he trapped Katakuri in the Mirror World

This isn't an arc where the Strawhats are going out of their way to fight an opposing group. They don't want to fight if they can help it
Luffy 20 chapters ago :

What "we" buddy? Your bum ass crew ain't doing shit, buster call getting defeated? All side characters doing.

I can't believe it, this author brought 9 VAs and the arc might end in a way that straw hats won't defeat a single one cause he rather uses them as hype tools for other characters.
I mean, at this point I don't care that much as I gave up on the crew years ago but it's really ridiculous when you think about.

The Strawhats got big fights an arc ago lol
Which was like 100 chapters and almost 3 years ago. Even then like half the crew got the shaft