it’s too early to write off Kizaru awakening. If it was officially and properly introduced in the first round (thought the clones might be a tease) or when he was going after Vegapunk & co it’ll be lame as fuck cause that’d mean he’d have nothing to show in the current battle.
STFU logia awakening doesn’t exist
I mean if Kizaru is really going down here on Egghead then either we see logia awakening or it doesn’t exist.

Kizaru is the most DF reliant admiral so if he isn’t awakened, then none of them are.

And the only other top tier logia is Blackbeard but his fruit is so atypical that his fruit may as well not even be a logia.

So yeah, the next 10-15 chapters are boom or bust for whether logia awakening exists or not.
Story should always focus on main character.
I don't have problem with Nika wank and Luffy getting more focus.
He was always the main savior of arc from the very beginning.
It's large numbers of side character and 10 strawhats that is the problem.

It's much better if story focuses more on Luffy than Bonney or Kuma

Both Bonney and Kuma have more panels than Luffy in egghead
It used to be Luffy and Strawhats and now it's Luffy and side characters.

Nothing about Luffy has changed much.
He always used to get more focus than anyone and that has been case since Arlong Park.

Main Problems are side characters.
Especially Bonney and Kuma who got more focus than even Luffy in this arc.

People are whinning so much about Luffy but none of them seems to have problem with Bonney and Kuma getting too much attention.

I don't care how other feels about them.
I hate both of them (Bonney and Kuma). Even Luffy seems to care more about Vegapunk.
I hated that theory so much.
Somehow the most important individual in island getting defeated by Luffy is problem for some people.

So let side character defeat him lol.
That's literally the main reason why strawhats are not getting focus. Because Oda seems to give more attention to these side characters.

Imagine Bonney and Kuma defeating Saturn and other strawhats not doing anything but just standing in one place.

I never seen such united cope and hate from Sanji Nami and Zoro fans against luffy than this week, i guess atleast im not coping alone :endthis:
First the correct word would be involve
Second they coping for 12 pages


Its mostly the mentally ill shippers too, are you one too? :josad:
I maybe delusional but not as delusional as Zoro and Sanji fans.

Both Zoro and Sanji are shit.

They are complaining because they are jealous of Luffy.