How long will these 10 minutes take?

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lmfao what are you even talking about? Nothing kizaru did seems to have done any damage worth a damn to luffy, even the scratches he had before have disappeared so it was probably just dirt
gear 5 is like that . Kaido too was doing nothing 1 pannel luffy was hurt . After he was jsut fine no scratch on him in the next one .
well Luffy is really powerful but his nakamas are not up to the task.
i mean what the hell Oda is doing he didn't give any one new haki or DF power up for ages and even Zoro and Sanji are not there where they should be compared to Luffy.
Zoro should have slaughtered Lucci and helped the others. i cannot tell what Oda is doing. unless he make a new time skip we can forget that they will get haki
What if Bonney ages up all the strawhats to their primes and they actually just straight up body the Gorosei here
This is why I hope they can't arrive immediately due to the distance or something will stop it from happening (like the ancient robot wiping the circles?). No matter how I see it pretty much any scenario would completely dehype them except in the scenario where they defeat the crew. (which is not happening)
Sure but problem is why 5 all of them is needed?

Luffy don't know how to damage Saturn but other than this he literally came out with much better portrayal.

There is no power gap but just Luffy doesn't know the trick to damage Saturn.
Saturn might be able to transfer the damage onto someone or something else. Kinda like Hawkins.
So you agree that this character says something its not always be true. whats the different thing with what i'm sayin ven?
These reply really contradict urself Ven if Zoro stopped Hakai, then is Hakai Slower when going thru supernovas, Or Zoro move in a lightspeed to stop hakai? cuz if its one second, Zoro's speed is atleast on par with lightspeed to stop Hakai in front of Supernovas if thats true
You’re misconstruing what I am saying.

I am talking about Zoro BLOCKING Hakai for ONE second. Not Zoro moving in to get in stance. Luffy gave a clear warning and Kaido/BM were prepared so Zoro did not have to move faster than Hakai to get in place. One second more is all it took for SNs to safely get out of the way of such AoE.

Lightspeed has nothing to do with this situation either, where do you get off thinking Hakai is lightspeed?

You can choose to believe it yourself or not but Kidd said what he said without any contradiction. Talking over timespan doesn’t mean anything when we are given a CLEAR timeframe of 1 sec, Oda is known for being inconsistent with this just like how Oden is a giant but Enma fits in both his and Zoro’s hand.
Sure but problem is why 5 all of them is needed?

Luffy don't know how to damage Saturn but other than this he literally came out with much better portrayal.

There is no power gap but just Luffy doesn't know the trick to damage Saturn.

So, if oda wanted to parallel sabody then only Saturn is enough just like how kiz was enough at sabody. But all 5 Gorosei?

Only explanation I can think of is that all 5 Gorosei wants to create a barrier by pulling some magic circles to prevent VP from broadcasting.
Never stated it is needed this is just being more efficient the other gorosei are pissed about the broadcast . SO they all go together to end it quick . Luffy dont win much in this . Luffy not being able to damager saturn is a L so far and make the situaiton not looking good knowing about luffy time limit in gear 5 . Its looking like an impossible situation just like sabondy ,. Kizaru was not alone in sabondy pacifistas and sentomaru were already kicking our as s kizaru just made the situation completely desesperate .


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
Saturn might be able to transfer the damage onto someone or something else. Kinda like Hawkins.
That's an interesting take.

It's possible that the damage Saturn takes gets transferred to slaves

But then how?.his df isn't built for it

There is still a possibility of gorosei defeat luffy and capture him
Luffy will sail to Elbaf.

We might see Gorosei attempting to stop the broadcast and corner luffy later.

But Ancient robot will come into play..he will be like commanding officer of Nika to defend Nika


Has everything to do, Lucci and Kizaru is pretty much looking the same against G5 Luffy, and Zoro is stalling Lucci, so is like this, Zoro=Lucci=Kizaru.
No it doesn't. Zoro is in base and Lucci in his awakening. They are not equal. And the only thing we can compare to Kizaru is how Kizaru better handled Luffy so Kizaru > Lucci is more than obvious. Plus we have Lucci implying that Kizaru is stronger than him when he got into island and Lucci started to attack again.

Zoro will be the only problem is SH's crew and yet Luffy can defeat his whole crew.
Zoro can defeat the whole crew WITH Luffy included. Luffy can't defeat Zoro even 1v1.

This chapter has everything to do with everything with has relations with Admirals and his futures matchups.
No it doesn't.

Zoro isn't overkill for anybody above Top high tier.
Gorosei are not even top tier.
Luffy wrecking an admiral and a gorosei at the same time, forcing them to summon FOUR more gorosei is profoundly bad for the story.

Like I expected even if Kizaru got fodderized then at least Saturn would pop off and restore WG hype.

This is just dumb.
Imu for real carries the WG.

bros would have probably been defeated by Rocks or Roger if not for him.
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